p 474-78: Buys off @lisamurkowski—Allows drilling in Alaska, screwing Alaska Natives and endangered wildlife.
Full amdmt: pdf-archive.com/2017/12/02/sup…

(Just kidding, it’s scratched out so, it may or may not count. Ask your friendly @GOP corporate lobbyist whether it counts. 💁🏾
Single and making just $9526 dollars annually?!
You get taxed too! Fun times.

Anyways. Let’s continue!
Because even if your Senators aren’t going to get a chance to read it! I’mma do my best to give you “highlights.”
(FYI, undocumented workers paid $13 billion in payroll taxes in 2010.)

(Also this section includes some weird loophole for foreign real property taxes—probably some catnip for Dear Leader.)

Silly. Didn’t the @GOP tell you climate change is a hoax! No tax deduction for you!

Now millionaires can give up to $10 million dollar gifts without paying taxes instead of $5 million.
Merry Christmas to billionaires only!

Now you can extend how long you can dispute paying your taxes from 9 months to 2 years! Page 90.

Stakes the Affordable Care Act in the heart—unraveling our entire health care system to eventually kick off 13 million Americans from their insurance by 2027 while setting up Medicaid and Medicare up for complete decimation.

Cuts the corporate tax rate from 35% to 20% so big corporations can make even more profit!
No. They won’t be creating jobs: google.com/amp/s/www.vox.…

They hire fancy lawyers to take advantage of loopholes and hide their money offshore.
@GOP is here to save the day!

Expect it to be eliminated since your employer can’t deduct it anymore. Page 176.
(But don’t worry, your Ferrari’s depreciation in value is taken care of! All good! 🙃)

Pages 330-332. #GOPTaxScam

The Donald J. Trump will benefit section.
Deals with profits as it relates to income made internationally.

Please talk with your agents about these changes so they don’t blindside you. I’m not well-versed enough in this area to explain the consequences in thee areas. #GOPTaxScam
Every Senator who voted in favor of this bill should hang their head in shame and should lose their seat. Remember their names.
The key now is continuing to make your voices heard. Keep calling. Keep visiting their offices. Keep fighting. This isn’t over. ✊🏾
No #GOPTaxScam!