A check on abuse of power.
There will be real investigations into corruption, nepotism, and conspiracy.
There will be no 2nd #GOPTaxScam.
There will be no repeal of the #ACA.
Democracy was on the ballot.

We dared to hope the Senate was flippable, but the truth is it was a near impossible climb. Dems had to defend more seats than the GOP did, and held their own.
Sets up the next 2 elections, where Dems have a better chance. It’s a long game. /2
Dems won the popular vote in this election by 54% to the GOP 46%. That’s a bigger wave than the GOP’s in ‘95, ‘10, and ‘14. Bigger than the Dem’s ‘06. Only ‘08 was bigger.
That is a big wave!
It’s true that Dems tend to be clumped in cities, GOP in the south and rural areas. Still, the effect of gerrymandering is un-democratic.
It’s time for impartial drawing of district lines. /4
Flipped legislatures:
👉Colorado Senate,
👉Maine Senate,
👉Minnesota House,
👉New Hampshire Senate & House, 👉New York Senate. 🙌
They’ve also picked up 7 Governorships! 😁