Surgeon Sim: Experience Reality
There Is Nothing More To Teach. (Platinum) #PS4share #PSVR #trophyhunter

Nightmares from the Deep 3: Davy Jones
Platinum (Platinum)
#PS4share #TrophyHunter #PS4

PaRappa the Rapper Remastered
Hip Hop Hero (Platinum)
#PS4 #TrophyHunter #PS4share

Little Adventure on the Prairie
Big Adventurer (Platinum)
#TrophyHunter #PSVitaShare #PSVita

Metropolis: Lux Obscura
Metropolis: Lux Obscura (Platinum)
#PSVita #TrophyHunter #PSVitashare

The Invisible Hours
The Eye that sees all (Platinum)
#PSVR #TrophyHunter #PS4share #PS4

Riddled Corpses EX
Hardcore Gamer (Platinum)
#PSVita #TrophyHunter #RiddledCorpsesEx

Burnout Paradise Remastered
Burnout Paradise Elite (Platinum)
#PS4 #TrophyHunter #PS4share

Fallout Shelter
Platinum Trophy (Platinum)
#PS4share #TrophyHunter #PS4 #RoadTo200Plats

Super Destronaut DX
Platinum Destronaut (Platinum)
#TrophyHunter #PSVita #RoadTo200Plats

NeverEnd Platinum (Platinum)
#RoadTo200Plats #trophyhunter #ps4 #PS4share