Trump-Session. You'all are letting Trump down.
I'll roll this out through the day. I'm going to state my case for why I believe the above.
The pattern of thought will be based on the following
- Who, What, Where, Why, When and How
- Cause and Effect
- Known facts
I will try and refrain from incorporating perceived notions that do not adhere to the criteria above, but I will be forming my case against Sessions.
I will be using articles from shit rags that are nonetheless accurate. First up is NYT.…
But some are espousing that Trump is walking in the footsteps of Sun Tzu himself. No, he's not. Trump blazes his own trail, has his own mind. Of course experiences and knowledge are part of that, but ...
He's not using a book from a 6th century military strategist and philosopher from Taoist China. The theories are great from that book, but Trump is far more advanced in his thinking than Sun Tzu. IT WAS MARKETING in name only.
Trump - “Sessions should have never recused himself, and if he was going to recuse himself, he should have told me before he took the job and I would have picked somebody else,” Mr. Trump said.…
Here's the transcript:…
Here's the video:
You think he's playacting and lying? NO, he's not. Listen to the clip.
Sessions responding to Tucker after Trump''s NYT interview.
"It's kinda hurtful" - then immediately moves to praising Trump. Some think this is Sessions playing along. You don't know Sessions. That's exactly how Southern born and raised do things when slighted. Think "bless yur heart." That's reality.
Popularity of Corporate Warriors in the 80's.
"The Corporate Warriors" published April, 1987, 8 months before Trump's book.…

Oh, I see some of you think I backed myself into a corner with the last couple posts, eh. Yeah, not so much. Understanding how things roll out and how foreknowledge plays a role in the big leagues and Hollywood is crucial.
Star Wars, Yoda, the Jedi and Jar Jar Binks. These movies are riddled with Sun Tzu philosophical sayings.
Just one here: Jar Jar - "Appear Weak when you are strong, but Strong when you are Weak"…

China was on the rise and flooded not only business, but Hollywood starting in the 80's. Investment and Marketing, not fantastical adherence's to a 6th century philosopher. That's the environment Trump made his bones. It's important to understand that.
Moving on >>>
Grassley on Sessions - “If he wanted to do this,” Grassley said of Sessions, “he should have done what people suggested to him before: resign from attorney general and run for the Senate in Alabama again. We’d have a Republican senator.”…
Like many others, Grassley had to stick up for Sessions, going AGAINST Trump, as a move of loyalty to Sessions, but later regrets it. He's not PLAYACTING either. That should be an absurd thought by now, but we'll keep going.

Did Sessions say he would recuse himself from Russian investigations during his confirmations testimony? NO, no he didn't ...
Mr. Magoo confirmation for AG
Sen. Durbin - Will you recuse from Russian investigation.
Magoo - Nah.

Sen. Feinstein - Will you recuse from muh Russia?
Magoo - Ya know, I'm just kinda chillin' right now. Quit bothering me.

Sen. Blumenthal - Russia Russia Russia.
Magoo - Shhh, don't let Trump know I plan to recuse myself. I really really want this job, ya know ...…
By now you should realize that Sessions fully knew he was going to recuse himself from everything Russia and leave Trump in the lurch.
From his muh Russia response:
"If a specific matter arose where I believed my impartiality might reasonably be questioned, I would consult with Department ethics officials regarding the most appropriate way to proceed"
That was the setup.👇
I'm not sure how nefarious Sessions was during all this, but what I can say is that he wanted to be AG so bad he was willing to bold face lie about the ONE thing he knew Trump would be against and pull his nomination.
35 years Sessions has been in tax payer public service. 20 years in the Senate. He is the swamp everyone rails against. What is he doing if he's recused from Russia AND Hillary. What has he done in 20 years?
Has he discharged his fiduciary responsibilities for the people he's supposed to serve? NO, is my contention. And the FACTS speak for themselves.
Where was Jeff on Uranium One, Benghazi, Iran deal, Antifa, BLM, Obamacare illegally stealing profit from stock holders in Fannie-Freddie, etc..?
This is NOT misdirection.

This is Trump trying to gain favor FOR THE SECOND TIME. He was let down last time and now is being let down again. Congress, Media, wannabe pundits are all letting Trump down ...

He can't just 'fire' Sessions. People saying that don't understand the dynamics of having Congress against you during a confirmation. It would be a bloodbath for his administration without the support of The People, and hence Congress.
AAG Rachel Brand. I had her image pinned up for a couple weeks. I've talked about her quite a bit in the past. I believe she was going to replace Sessions. Miraculously she was offered a position with Walmart to become an instant millionaire ...

I'm not going to go through the patterns and timing that I recognized, but I do believe Rachel was given an irresistible offer to remove her from play. See, she wouldn't need Senate confirmation. She was already locked in and 3rd in line at DoJ.
Now Trump's outlet to replace Sessions was taken away.
In closing. For me, what I laid out, briefly, has a hell of a lot more merit than the idea of misdirection. Trump fights with truth. He calls on you to back him. It's not some fucking game to ignore. Give him your support when he asks. <<<end>>>
This wasn't frustration. That would suggest Trump is irrational. He's not.
This wasn't an outburst. That would suggest he can't control himself. He can.
These ideas laid out trying to explain away the obvious only damage and impede Trump's movements.