Dr. Corinne Cath-Speth Profile picture
moved to bluesky & mastodon —— Anthropologist of the internet industry | coffee, climbing, mãe 👩🏼‍💻☕️ ⛰️| Post doc w @sedyst on cloud computing
Mar 1, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
There are difficult conversations happening today in the international communities managing the internet's infrastructure & their role in enabling access to the internet during the conflict in #Ukraine 1/7 It is difficult to worry about, what can seem like, technical minutia far removed from real kinetic confrontation.

Yet, the decisions that these technical communities make can affect access to information, for everyone. Some things to note: 2/7
Jul 6, 2021 8 tweets 5 min read
I got a chance to take an early peek at this article on the EU #AI Act.

Some thoughts on AI, standards and civil society that go beyond @mikarv amazing thread below:

I want to pick up on the role that CEN/CENELEC standardization will play in the implementation of the #AIA regulations & make sure standards are squarely on the radar of civil society.
Jun 8, 2021 11 tweets 5 min read
Why is your internet broken today? A thread from an @oii dr. of Internet infrastructure:

TL;DR--bc the #internet has material limits & business and consumers want their content ASAP, which means it needs to be physically close. 1/9

#internetdown #internet #cdn The internet was built as a peer-to-peer network enabling each user to request and access content on a peer’s computer, which acts as a server hosting that particular content.

Feb 11, 2020 11 tweets 4 min read
Dove into the @EU_Commission leaked document on "Europe fit for the digital age".

It went something like 💎💻👏🏼🤷🏼‍♀️🇪🇺 🧩...🤦🏼‍♀️ Some Q&D thoughts below.

euractiv.com/wp-content/upl…? 1/11 🎶P L O N K S N A P 🎶

That is the sounds of yet another policy paper falling into the "Fourth Revolution Trap" by repeating the flawed idea that technological progress is somehow inevitable or that #tech development is linear rather than a deliberate social process. 2/11
Nov 24, 2019 17 tweets 13 min read
Great Sunday read: @amnesty report by @TanyaOCarroll @JoeWestby on the human rights impact of @Google & @facebook business models.

In this thread,I present some thoughts for folks interested in the intersection of human rights advocacy and academia. (👋 @oiioxford students)1/16 I will try to weave together the report's 4 key topics:

1. #surveillancecapitalism
2. #privacy
3. #AI
4. #market #concentration

with the work of various academics working on the social justice implications of platforms. 2/16
Oct 2, 2019 18 tweets 8 min read
"DoH" is an expression many associate with this guy 👇👇👇 rather than a web-based encryption technology at the center of political controversy.

1/18 DoH is a controversial technology that obfuscates which websites you look-up (and visit) by encrypting your DNS requests.

Its development recently drawing the ire of telcos, ISPs as well as UK and US regulators.

#doh #ietf #privacy 2/18
Aug 6, 2019 17 tweets 6 min read
Some thoughts on the recent @Cloudflare #8Chan decision,
esp their recent blog outlining the decision to cut their services to the site from an #anthro #PhD who studies such #Internet companies:


1/17 So much of Cloudflare's reasoning is endemic to a number of cultural tendencies I see in my research across "Internet infrastructure providers".

Understanding these is necessary to tackle discussions about the responsibility of tech companies in such tragic events. 2/17