Joe McIntyre Profile picture
As/Prof @LawUniSA - Public Law | Judicial Theory | Judges | Courts | Legal Institutions | Bad Puns | Dad mostly now at
Aug 7, 2021 64 tweets 17 min read
A 🧵 on managing expectations in #academia #highereducation (from my own painfully learnt experiences)

#AcademicTwitter, I accidently deleted my earlier popular pinned thread. I thought it was a good excuse to repost, but with some further reflections (older/wiser?) So here is the original thread:…
Sep 4, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
Pretty excited to see our piece on Courts and COVID - written with the awesome Anna Olijnyk and @KieranPender - out in the @AltLJ today.

Check out: "Civil courts and COVID-19: Challenges and opportunities in Australia"… In the article we examine the pivots to remote hearings our courts have undertaken, and probe the issues of public law and good judicial administration that arise with this shift. We also flag the opportunities for future reform presented by this profound cultural shift Image
Sep 3, 2020 23 tweets 5 min read
THREAD ON HIGHER ED: This wonderful article by Lynda Ng is a must read for anyone working in (or interested in) higher education in Australia. It exposes the fundamental misconceptions that have plauged the corporatisation of our Universites.… The basic problem is that the corporate drive to increase profitability fundamentally does not work given the not-for-profit nature of the sector.

More money flowed in, but that money cannot really go anywhere - except new buildings and increased executive pay 2/-
Aug 26, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
I look forward to hearing @AmeliaLoughland response to this - what a great thing for the work of young graduate to invite such a detailed response from leaders in empirical judicial studies t This type of scholarship is still new in Australia, and we are still probing out the uses and limits of it. However, like all legal scholarship it should be discursive. The debate is enriched by disagreement and counter analysis
Aug 26, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Absolute cracker of a post by @jessiedotkerr on judicial appointment and training - bringing a great comparative and conceptual perspective… Important to reflect on just how dated this concept that advocacy provides all you need to be a judge now looks Image
Aug 11, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Great #proudson moment today. My Dad is appearing in the @HighCourtofAus in the important native title case NLC v Quall - concerning native title, improper delegation and representative governance. Image This cases has been a long fight for important principles of properly engaging traditional owners in decisions directly affecting their right.

See FCFCA decision here:

Northern Land Council v Quall [2019] FCAFC 77…
Aug 6, 2020 30 tweets 8 min read
Great question from @PabloVidalRibas on @AcademicChatter

As a legal theorist (I often have to write things out to think them through) with lots of experience in this, I thought I might share a few thoughts

[A Thread on Academic Writing] PART II: The BIG Principles:

1) This genuine 'editing' transforms good work into excellent work. Too often we academics write with focus only on the content. Proper editing challenges us to focus on conveying the essential message
Aug 5, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
Extraordinary story in so many regards. A quick [thread] on the 'legal aristocracy': This bit really made me feel uncomfortable: Image
Jul 29, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
So I ran this poll yesterday about which professional identity #AcademicTwitter most self-identify with. These results are really interesting Strongest connections to Academia Generally (32%) and School (29%), weakest to University (14%), & discipline somewhere in the middle (25%).

Took 1/4 of votes before *anyone* supported the University...
Jul 28, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
A quick thread on #COVID and casualisation.

The trend towards a casualised workforce has to date largely been framed as an issue of worker/employer choice, flexibility & economic security.

However, the collective v individualisation of risk aspect has been largely ignored 1/ In permanent employment, with proper sick leave, the employer bears the risk of illness. This is proper, as they have obligations to provide a safe workplace.

With casualisation, that risk is borne by the worker AND society. 2/
Jul 18, 2020 17 tweets 4 min read
So I did this thread a while back on the need for us all to change the narrative around the university crisis.

While the debate has moved on from the NTEU framework, the underlying issues remains the same (if not worse) 1/ The tertiary sector is losing the war in the court of public opinion. The recent federal funding restructures were portrayed as an attack on the arts (terrible enough) but we disguised a massive defunding of the whole sector 2/
Jul 8, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
This is a great (and really important) thread for all acadmics to read right now… It is particularly important to remember just how hard this is on our PhD (and other HDR) students at the moment. These stats are sobering: Image
Jul 3, 2020 22 tweets 5 min read
#Pandemicademia - A Thread on Online Intensives (Despair all thee who enter here...)

I am currently in the middle of delivering an intensive course on Remedies - all online. It is exhausting. Maintaining student engagement is... problematic. I thought I would share a few thought Firstly, I think the students are finding it very hard to find the time to keep up with the materials/lectures/seminars. This is particularly acute for an intensive. In F2F Intensives there is recognition that students need to dedicate time and attend to be able to cope
Jul 1, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Pictures paint 1000 words. Confusing picture can be particularly problematic in the sea of (mis)information around COVID. My current bugbear is the use of log-scale charts of infections, which can erroneously suggest things are getting better.

Compare these two: ImageImage The one on the left is the familiar one we are seeing all the time in the media. Note the scale - using log scale, each mark on the vertical axis is 10x the previous mark. The one on the right uses linear scale - each mark is a consistent value.
Jun 24, 2020 30 tweets 5 min read
A quick thread on Judicial Accountability.

The widespread disgust regarding the sexual harassment allegations against former High Court justice Dyson Heydon has - of course - got people thinking about whether or not our judges are sufficiently accountable. A great example is this piece by the always insightful @Gabrielle_J_A suggesting that a "larger accountability vacuum that still yawns over the Australian federal judiciary"…
Jun 23, 2020 24 tweets 7 min read
Power, Gender Inequality and the Law - A Thread

The horrible details emerging of the conduct of former HCA justice Dyson Heydon are shocking:… It is worth reading the statement released on the matter by Keifel CJ:…
May 15, 2020 24 tweets 5 min read
1/ So the @NTEUfightback is on. There are already many great threads on why the specifics of the NTEU framework is problematic, in terms of impact on casuals, entrenching structural imbalances, freezing the market, being based on misguided premises.

Here I take on big picture 2/ For background. Here is the Framework:…

And some responses:…

and critiques:

May 12, 2020 10 tweets 6 min read
Excellent study for those who are interested in the shape of the Australian Legal Academy, and what legal research (journal) publishing looks like in the last decade.

Great work @CharityLawProf and Natalie Skead No surprises the most prolific researcher in Australian law journals was Anne Twomey. The top 10 is:

1) Anne Twomey
2) @DrLukeBeck
3) Anthony Gray
4) @ProfGWilliams
5) Richard Chisholm
6) Matthew Groves
7) @HonMichaelKirby
8) @CharityLawProf
9) @drjoncrowe
10) Gary Edmond
Apr 30, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
And we are off! VU @CowenCentre hosting Colloquium of Trust. Starting with a discussion of 'objects' of trust - a great way to explore what this concept means #trust2020 We start with Valerie Braithwaite reflecting on what trust is and why it matters.

Great talk that has left me ruminating on the nature of trust.

Is 'trust' a good thing? Is the concept of 'trust' relevant in the absence of its potential for abuse?
Apr 22, 2020 23 tweets 6 min read
#onlinelearning #ERL in the Chaos of of #COVID19

Thread 3: Substituting Exams as Final Assessments

OK, it has been a while - but #pandemicademia...

In this thread I will outline some thoughts on final assessments, and developing responses to the loss of traditional exams Image Firstly, you will note the change of nomenclature.

Over the course of the last month, I have been increasingly convinced of the importance of describing what we are doing as ** 'Emergency Remote Learning' **('ERL'), and not as Online Learning.
Apr 9, 2020 6 tweets 7 min read
I want to do a shout out to all the awesome @AcademicChatter #pandemicademia people out there struggling with their research, but still finding time to support each other My awesome wife @juliettemm was feeling the pressure of full time academic, full time mum, part time PhD + emotional support during #pandemic.

#lawtwitter and #AcademicTwitter - thank you for stepping up