Whichever aspect you look at, I'm convinced it'll get much, much worse before there's any glimmer of anything getting better. Like in WWI, hopes that "it'll all be over by Christmas" will turn out to be wishfull thinking.
👆The "U"K is heading for the worst time it's ever known; so bad that it won't even survive as the "U"K. The non-England bits will swirl around the toilet bowl then recover; England will go round the u-bend and end up in the sewer. Thanks to #Tories & people who vote 4 them.
Apr 17, 2020 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Sir Keith Joseph, Thatcher's Cummings, said (paraphrasing): "If we don't have a plan to deal with "stupid" we'll be consumed by "stupid". We won't win *against* "stupid", ever."
The right-wing came up with a plan... 1/4 2/4 "Let's stop trying to 'lead' and instead just say we'll give people what they say they want - there are a lot more stupid voters than not-stupid ones - we'll win forever - and we won't have to give them anything, really!"
That plan now has a name: populism. And it works.
Nov 27, 2019 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Traditional polling doesn't predict well in the context of increased #TacticalVoting.
In 2017 May was further ahead in the polls than #Borisconi is now: she lost her majority & spent £1.2bn of *your* money buying 10 MPs.
Personally, I don't want a "People's Vote". It would be a bit like a criminal getting off on a technicality. We all know that Cameron fiddled 2016, mainly by not setting a supermajority requirement. Only #Tories promised to implement the outcome of that fiddled 1/5 2/5 referendum. So having to have 'another go at it' implies that there was some validity to the 2016 one; there wasn't- Cameron made sure of that. In the same way that the Supreme Court's decision yesterday put aside Johnson's fiddled prorogation attempt, parliament
Aug 7, 2019 • 4 tweets • 6 min read
As I've thought since the very start - the #Remain majority can win, but *only* if they're prepared to ditch "playing with a straight bat" and adopt fire-with-fire tactics.
In real life cheats DO prosper, unless they're actively prevented, by all means.
The #Tories are desperate & lying. #Labour (well, Milne & Corbyn) are desperate & lying. Both ends of #CONLABKIP are desperate & lying. Believe either and we'll get #Brexit or #Lexit.
Whatever happens longer-term at least lending the @LibDems votes is more likely to keep 1/2 2/2 us in the #EU. We can sort the longer-term once the #Tories are dead and #Labour is rescued from its current anti-#EU extremist cabal.
But, for now, Job #1 is to keep ouselves in. Otherwise forget the "long-term".
It's much worse than "#Tories don't care about poor people or the #NHS" (Cummings). #Tories actively *hate* poor people and the #NHS.
When Margaret Thatcher let slip the view that "there's no such thing as society" she revealed a key part of #Tory thinking. There 1/4 2/4 are two ways of thinking about ourselves: Either: 1. We're a social animal and we ought to help each other; or 2. We're all disconnected individuals and we should only ever think about what's best for us (& maybe our immediate family). The underlying #Tory mind-set is
Jul 30, 2019 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
A "bonfire of regulations". Exactly what Rees-Mogg wanted!
Only rich people will be able to afford non-garbage food. The plebs can eat the garbage.
It fits with the idea that supporters of this see ordinary people as that, too: garbage.
Don't forget - if @joswinson & the @LibDems don't behave sensibly you can, relatively quickly & easily, un-lend them your vote; but we CAN'T quickly or easily "vote ourselves back into the #EU". For now, #Brexit is the over-arching issue. (I mean stopping it, obviously.) 1/2 2/2 It looks like a remain alliance led by the @LibDems is the *only* likely way to stop #Brexit. People can re-group & think about the rest of the sh1t we're in once it's dead & buried. Otherwise it'll be us who're dead & buried once our rights are destroyed.
Jul 17, 2019 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
By "respecting" courts-confirmed corruption, fraud, lies & illegality that ought to have been dealt with instead, Johnson & Corbyn are overseeing the death of their respective ends of #CONLABKIP which will open the door for #Remain, #PR & the end of 2-party politics. Good.
1. There's now a (growing) majority for remain; and
2. The adjuste-to-only-count-real-votes number says 98.9% will vote non-tribally to stop #Brexit
That predicts a more-hung parliament with remain in the 1/2 2/2 driving-seat.
We need a #GE for that to happen. If there is one, let's make that happen!
Feb 10, 2019 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Regular reminder. £0.29p each a day for:
- Zillions back in trade✔
- All our rights through membership✔
- Freedom of Movement (huge plus)✔
- Reciprocal Everything, like✔
-- EHIC Health Insurance✔
-- Driving Licences ok✔
- All the rest (add your favourites in comments)✔
AND the UK 'just never bothered to implement' the rules on immigration control - so if there *is* an issue with immigration (?) - it's the UK's own fault, not the EU's fault.
Sep 3, 2018 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Everyone was broadly ok with our relationship with the EU. Until it said it was going to crack down on rich people's tax-fiddles.
Funny, that. Not "funny ha ha" though.
The rich responded with a plan - stir up anti-EU sentiment. And the tools they chose were racism, xenophobia and nationalism.
The plan relies on 2 things: Everyone having a vote; lots of voters not having the brains they were born with.