Jane Ferguson Profile picture
Award-winning correspondent for @PBS @NewsHour. Contributor to @NewYorker 2023 @Princeton Professor of Journalism. Author of No Ordinary Assignment, A Memoir.
Feb 3, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
Absolutely devastating news today about US marine and volunteer medic Pete Reed being killed in #Bakhmut. His ambulance was apparently hit by #Russian shelling as he evacuated civilians. Pete was one of the most remarkable humans I have ever met in my years on the road. #petereed 2. I met Pete in Mosul in 2016. The Iraqi govt had banned civilian cars due to ISIS car bombs. NGOs were miles from the front. Injured civilians had nowhere to go. Pete set up in a house and got donated med equipment, treating soldiers and civilians alike. He was 27 years old.
Jun 8, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
VITAL point: journalism is so elitist (socio-economically) and it’s in absolute denial: “Stop awarding fellowships to elite universities only. Stop developing relationships with elite universities only. And stop making a degree a requirement for jobs because that's absurd.” 2. Newsrooms need to be staffed by reporters that come from economically diverse backgrounds. There is simply no better way to bridge the empathy gap in the reporting. And in such politically turbulent, divisive times in America, this has never been more important. #journalism
Jan 25, 2022 6 tweets 6 min read
1. TONIGHT on the @PBS @NewsHour: Imagine working 48 years to build a career as a top doctor only to be forced to give it all up in hopes to move to another country (where you are unqualified to practice) just so your daughters can get educated? #Afghanistan #Afghanwomen #pbsnews Image 2. That's the choice many professionals in #Afghanistan have to make right now. In 2019 we at @NewsHour profiled the incredible Dr Shefajo, a top gynecologist. "My daughters want to be doctors," she told me then. Now, her eldest is not even allowed in school as per #Taliban rules Image
Jan 13, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
1. Gentle rant thread: When I see comments posted below stories on the humanitarian crisis in #Afghanistan and many tweets on here, it makes me sad to witness people equate ordinary Afghans, millions of human beings just trying to survive impossible odds, with the #Taliban. 2. [I have spent my whole career trying to draw attention to the fact that wars are fought by a tiny minority of people, amongst a massive group who feel the worst impact of it. They are the civilians. I worry in no small degree sometimes that I’ve failed in that.] #afghanistan
Oct 29, 2021 15 tweets 6 min read
1. Astonishing, damning speech given by head of Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (oversight committee on war) @SIGARHQ on efforts by @StateDept and @DeptofDefense to classify vital info on #Afghanwar since the fall of Kabul in Aug.... thread summary 👇 2. "..shortly after the fall of #Kabul, the State Dept wrote to me and other oversight agencies requesting to “temporarily suspend access” to all “audit, inspection, and financial audit...reports” on our website..." They claimed info on reports could endanger Afghan allies...
Aug 26, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
1. A US Marine just told an interpreter who was badly injured by an IED working with US forces in #Afghanistan that it’s green card holders and US passports only. He has all the paperwork with him for his SIV application and letters from his employer and former US commander... 2. This man’a story is important because it represents so many others. He has been waiting for an SIV for several years - he struggled initially to find and contact his former US commanding officer and finally did recently and for the letter of recommendation....
Aug 22, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
1. The #BritishMilitary here at #KabulAirport have shown breathtaking levels of toughness, professionalism and - rare in war times I must say - compassion. I've been moved to tears by their actions, diving into dangerous crowds to pull visa-holders into the base.... 2. ...guarding sleeping women and children, helping them find the right transportation to the US air strip for their flights, pulling their own food out of their pockets and handing it to refugees in need, sleeping out on the cement, little supplies, parched in the sun...
Mar 20, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
1. It is becoming apparent that, whatever the outcome of the #coronavirus pandemic, we will for years look back at our societies globally and learn more about ourselves judging by our responses to this crisis. So far, highly individualistic societies do not come off well at all.. 2. In countries where people have grabbed up all the food and supplies in a panic, or continued to party on the beach because they think only of their robust, young immunity, it is clear there is no grasp of how our loving interconnectedness comes at the cost of responsibility...
Dec 31, 2018 4 tweets 4 min read
1. Kudos and thank you @facebook for putting my video from #Yemen back up. They apologized and acted quickly. Four year old Ikram was in a hospital in #Sanaa this month. One of the many, tiny casualties of the disastrous war in Yemen. Thanks to @NickKristof for helping with this! I met Ikram and her mother on my recent trip rebel-held #Yemen this month for @NewsHour. An estimated 85,000 children have already died of malnutrition and preventable diseases in Yemen as a direct result of this war, and the UN says that for some the famine has begun...