Arsen Ostrovsky 🎗️ Profile picture
International Human Rights Lawyer, CEO at @The_ILF, Senior Fellow @MisgavINSen, Proud Zionist, Opinions mine. #BringThemHome🎗️
Dec 30, 2023 111 tweets 24 min read
We won't stop until they're all back!

This is a 🧵 with all the Israeli hostages still under Hamas captivity in Gaza.

#BringThemHomeNOW Image Kfir Bibas, 11-months-old. Image
Dec 28, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
From mass murder to rape, torture, mutilation, using human shields and taking of hostages, the #Hamas terror group violated every conceivable international law, including War Crimes, Attempted Genocide & Crimes Against Humanity.

This is 🧵with just some of the #HamasWarCrimes:Image 1. Taking Hostages.

#HamasWarCrimes Image
Jan 26, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
You'll be hearing a lot about #Jenin today, so here are the facts:

1. Jenin is a hotbed of Palestinian terror activity. Many terror attacks have emanated from there in past year, that have killed and injured Israelis. 2. Earlier this morning, Israeli security forces conducted a counterterrorism operation in the center of the Jenin camp, to apprehend a terror squad belonging to the Islamic Jihad terror organization.
Oct 25, 2022 18 tweets 5 min read
🧵 Last week, our organization @The_ILF, wrote to @adidas leadership in Germany, calling on them to end their silence and terminate their contract with #KanyeWest, over his relentless #antisemitic tirades.

Enclosing contents of letter in thread below:

1/ @The_ILF @adidas We write this letter to you on behalf of The International Legal Forum (ILF), a global network of over 4,000 lawyers and activists, committed to combating antisemitism in the international legal arena.

Aug 14, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Shameful cowardice and hypocrisy from the UN (@UNOCHA), penalizing one of its staff, after she dared to speak the truth about what happened in #Gaza and call out Islamic Jihad! @ochaopt @antonioguterres

1/ Instead of supporting Muscroft, the UN effectively threw her under the bus, by capitulating to the terrorists and the anti-Israel activists, by forcing her to make an apology and then re-assigning her to a new role.

Aug 4, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
🧵 THREAD on @UN_HRC Commission Miloon Kothari’s ‘apology’ for saying “the Jewish Lobby” controls social media + questioning #Israel’s membership to the UN:

1/ Draft:

“This non-apology is entirely meaningless and predictable.” “It is also telling it came after almost 20 countries condemned him and a staggering 10 days after he made the initial remarks. Does it really take someone that long to recognize that saying “the Jewish Lobby” controls the media is abhorrent, racist and antisemitic?”

Mar 20, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
🧵 My speech to @UN_HRC #HRC49 debate on 'Children in Armed Conflict', calling on @UNICEF & int'l community to stop abhorrent use of #ChildSoldiers by #Palestinian terror groups in Gaza.

With thanks to colleagues at @NGOmonitor, for allotting @The_ILF their time slot to present. @UN_HRC @UNICEF @NGOmonitor @The_ILF The late Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, one of the great thought leaders of our time, once said “Tomorrow’s world is born in what we teach our children today.”

Dec 10, 2020 11 tweets 6 min read
In honour of #Chanukah, this is a THREAD with some of the most powerful Chanukah images (c/- @yadvashem) from 'Before, During and After the Holocaust'.

Starting with this, perhaps most powerful one: Kiel, Germany (1932)

1/ @yadvashem Lodz, Poland, 1943, in the Ghetto.

Nov 17, 2020 16 tweets 4 min read
Have you heard the incredible story about Joseph and Rebecca Bau, who survived Auschwitz, were immortalized in Schindler's List film, moved to Israel and then made the most indelible contribution to the Jewish state and the Jewish people?

This is their story.

A THREAD ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ImageImageImageImage 1. Joseph and Rebecca, both originally from Poland met in Plaszow death camp near Krakow, where they fell in love and were secretly married – an act for which if found out, would incur certain execution.
Nov 9, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
#OnThisDay (1938), we mark 82 years since #Kristallnacht, when Nazis (and their enablers) across Germany & Austria razed synagogues, smashed windows and murdered almost 100 Jews in a violent pogrom - known as ’Night of Broken Glass'.

My #THREAD with some thoughts & lessons: 1. Kristallnacht, was a murderous example of the capacity of humans to escalate from harassment, indifference, demonization and singling out of Jews - to violence.

First by words and through dehumanization, and then through the Nazi infrastructure of death.
Dec 16, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
A few thoughts on @gidonsaar, but first PM Netanyahu:

1) I have great respect for PM Netanyahu and believe he has made an indelible contribution to Israel’s security, our diplomatic achievements & economic strength. I also believe he has been unfairly treated by the media. 2. But at some point, every leader must recognize that the party (and country for that matter), are bigger than they are.

Whereas for many years it was BiBi who brought the Likud to power, it is now also BiBi who is the one holding them (and the Right) from power.
Feb 28, 2019 11 tweets 5 min read
What a sad day for #Israeli democracy.

Never has there been an act of political interference on such scale, that has the potential to truly rupture the very foundations of our society.

A #THREAD of PM @netanyahu indictment 👇👇👇 @netanyahu 1. “Considering indicting”? Really? Seriously? How weak, pathetic.

If the AG was so confident, he should’ve have just issued the indictment.
Jan 27, 2019 4 tweets 3 min read
#HolocaustMemorialDay THREAD:

It is eerie & immensely empowering to be in Vienna on #HMD2019, standing before this moving monument to Austrian Jews murdered in the #Holocaust.

Austria not only gave birth to Hitler, but is birthplace of modern Zionism, as envisaged by Herzl.

1/ 74 years after the end of the #Holocaust, Hitler's dream to annihilate the Jewish people has been dashed, while Herzl's dream to establish a Jewish state has been fully realized.

THAT, that is the ultimate victory of the Jewish people! #HolocaustMemorialDay #HMD2019

Dec 31, 2018 19 tweets 7 min read
As 2018 draws to a close, I thought what better way to end this year than with 18 pictures of my favourite meals in #Israel.

⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING: This will make you hungry! Very very hungry!

Ok and #NewYearsEve THREAD go 👇👇👇 1. Hummus!

Well, this is basically our national food after all!
Dec 13, 2018 22 tweets 11 min read
So, I wrote an article about the horrific #Ofra terror attack in #Israel, incl. PA culpability & int'l community's complicity.

Regrettably, no mainstream EU / US publication was interested. Maybe Jewish lives don't really matter for them?

So, here's my article in #THREAD form: 1. As Israelis, we are a resilient people, and have regrettably experienced more than our fair share of horrific terror attacks. But what happened in the community of Ofra last Sunday 9th December, truly shook us to the core.
Dec 13, 2018 10 tweets 3 min read
This is not an easy time. Too heavy. Too many tears! 😢

Now mourning the death of an incredible man, #NoahKlieger, who just passed away, age 92! Noah was also a dear friend!

This is a short thread about this incredible human being! 1/ Noah was born in Europe, fought in the Underground during WWII, survived Auschwitz (where he became friends with Elie Wiesel), was part of historic Exodus ship and then came to Israel and built his life here. 2/
Dec 10, 2018 16 tweets 41 min read
🔴 As we mark #HumanRightsDay, a devastating new @EURightsAgency Report on #Antisemitism in #Europe underscores how alarming situation has become.

You can read full report, most extensive in years, here:

But thread below on some of these jarring figures: @EURightsAgency @TimmermansEU @VeraJourova @kschnurbein @EUinIsrael @EGiaufretEU @IsraelinEU ➡️ 90% of Jews feel #Antisemitism has increased over past 5 years.

➡️ 89% of Jews think Antisemitism is most problematic on the internet & on social media.

➡️ 71% avoid Jewish symbols (e.g., kippah, Star of David, etc) in public things that could identify them as Jewish.

Dec 6, 2018 10 tweets 8 min read
In honour of the Jewish holiday of #Chanukah now, I'm going to make a THREAD here with some powerful Chanukah images (c/- @yadvashem) from 'Before, During and After the #Holocaust'.

Starting with this, perhaps most powerful one: Kiel, Germany (1932)

1/ @yadvashem Lodz, Poland, 1943, #Hanukkah in the Ghetto. 2/
Dec 4, 2018 13 tweets 10 min read
Today, #Israel eliminated a number of #Hezbollah attack tunnels in Op. #NorthernShield. The tunnels were devised for one purpose & one purpose only - to infiltrate Israel to commit acts of terror.

Here is a brief refresher about this #Iran-backed terror group ⤵️ 1. Founded in 1985, make no mistake about it, #Hezbollah is a genocidal jihadist terrorist organisation, created, funded and instructed at the behest of the Iranian regime. #NorthernShield
Nov 20, 2018 21 tweets 28 min read
I am devoting this THREAD to #WorldChildrensDay / #UniversalChildrensDay, which is today.

My key message is that ALL children - #Israeli & #Palestinian - deserve better future, but Hamas & PA is preventing this. This is #NoWayToTreatAChild!

cc. @UNICEF @nmladenov @hrw @amnesty @UNICEF @nmladenov @hrw @amnesty @UN_HRC @UNHumanRights @UNRWA @nadplo @Palestine_UN @KenRoth @IntlCrimCourt @EUpalestinians @ICRC_ilot @IsraelinUN The #UniversalChildrensDay marks the adoption of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child by @UN General Assembly in 1959, marked annually to promote, improve and strengthen children’s rights and welfare. 1/
Apr 21, 2018 11 tweets 4 min read
My #THREAD coming up on the rather regrettable #NataliePortman saga, why it's so damaging and how it reflects on outlook of American Jewish community. 1. Firstly, no #NataliePortman, Israel was not created because of the Holocaust.

The Jewish people have had 3,000+ year connection & inextricable bond to the Land of Israel, with the modern Zionist movement long pre-detating the Holocaust.