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LLB Law - History and Foreign Policy Enthusiast/mainly tweets about the Republic of #Somaliland & occasional global affairs.
Jan 28, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
The connection between @AhmedMoFiqi and Al-Shabab.

According to UN Security Council report dated 2013, Ahmed Fiqi then the head of @HSNQ_NISA and currently the minister of @MoIFARSomalia enjoyed close working relationship with Al-Shabab.

Source: UN Report S/2013/413

1/4 Image The report claims that “Fiqi used Al-Shabab agents to target political opponents within the government. One senior security official that worked with Fiqi informed the Monitoring Group that several Al-Shabaab suspects he arrested claimed to be working as agents for Fiqi”

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Jan 13, 2024 10 tweets 6 min read
Imagine your clan dominating every department within Al-Shabab and instead of facing the reality, you point fingers at others.

I challenge @Ramadan70530344 to present facts as I did here.

Source: @SSSLtd_SPT

1/10🧵 linkedin.com/pulse/hawiye-m…
1.Emir & Senior Personalities
Mar 27, 2023 9 tweets 6 min read
#FakeNews and misleading

1/7 🧵 - Let’s look into this thoroughly

1. Who owns Marwan1?
2. Where was the ship when it was seized?
3. What is the purpose of the random SL maritime registration certificate?
4. The so called “UN letter” to Somaliland? 2/7 - Who owns Marwan1?

Marwan1 also formerly Al Wesam 4 as per photos taken in Qandala, #Puntland, It is licenced by Puntland and Federal Gov of Somalia under the name Al Wesam Fishing and cold storage according to registration document and a Bill of landing dated June 2018. ImageImageImageImage
Oct 1, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
The treasonous acts by Mohamed Bihi Younis who served as Minister of Foreign affairs from 2013 to 2015 and Mohamoud Hashi Abdi who served as the Minister of Civil Aviation and Air Transport from 2010 to 2015 to transfer Somaliland Airspace to a failed state.

A Thread 🧵

1/8 ImageImage In this video, Mohamud Hashi Abdi naively or deceitfully claims that Somaliland officials wanted the the airspace to be in “Somali” hands.

Has Mohamud Hashi Abdi ever apologised or took any reversible measures to correct his treasonous action?

Sep 8, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Let’s address this myth.

A Thread 🧵

This is a classic example of kacaan orphans spreading miss information to glorify genocider Siad Barre. We will look into mentioned areas ie education, jobs, business, and housing. 1/5 From educational funding allocation’s perspective, Siad Barre destroyed a developing educational system which had 11% budget in early 1970s to 2% in mid 1980s. This has resulted in 640 schools and approximately 660 teachers in operation before he run away like a coward. 2/5
Aug 3, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
Is @igadstvs a tool to disadvantage Somalilanders?

A Thread

IGAD Sheikh Technical Veterinary School and Reference Centre (ISTVS) gives opportunities rightfully belonging to #Somalilanders to students from Somalia under the guise of IGAD and “Somali”. 1/7

#No2integration Somaliland government handed over the Sheikh Technical Veterinary School to IGAD under the supervision of the EU (3 million EUR project). This means the #Somaliland government knew the purpose of the transfer and what the school will be used for. 2/7
Jun 7, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
The unratified union between Somaliland and Somalia

A Thread

One of the cheap arguments used by Somalians is that neither Somalia or Somaliland were a country therefore 2 regions united to create the Somali Republic. Will we discover why this not the case with proof.

1/8 Image Somaliland was granted independence through Royal Proclamation Terminating Her Majesty’s Protection which stated:

“whereas it is intended that the Somaliland Protectorate shall become an independent country on the  twenty-sixth day of June 1960”

(Gazette no. 42074)

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Feb 23, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Reasons why #Somaliland is not a secessionist.

A Thread

1/10. Many uninformed and staunch anti-Somaliland individuals use the term ‘secession’ without understanding the legality of the word. Does Somaliland’s Declaration of Independence fall within secessionist criteria? Image 2/10. From international law perspective, secession means unilateral declaration of independence without the consent of the parent state. Somalia is not the parent state in this matter as there was a illegal union with Italian Somalia to form what was known as the Somali Republic
Feb 19, 2022 27 tweets 7 min read
The Jasiira massacre in Mogadishu on the 17th of July 1989 was part of the #IsaaqGenocide

A Thread

1/22. This witness statement came from the only survivor Omar Muse. It pays tribute to the 56 innocent lives lost that day to a state sponsored genocide. رحمهم الله

#Somaliland 2/22. Mr Muse said “It was the middle of the night when #Somalia’s army knocked on our door to identify people from S/land, especially people from the isaq tribe. They have threaten to break the door unless we open the door. The door was opened by a gentleman named A/risaq Aidid”
Feb 18, 2022 14 tweets 6 min read
The illegal union between British #Somaliland and Italian #Somalia.


1/12. A pan-Somali dream to step-over colonial borders separating the 5 Somali inhabited territories (Djibouti, NFD, Ogaden region) has brought Somaliland and Somalia together but was the union legal? 2/12. Protectorate Somaliland achieved its independence on June 26, 1960 and received international recognition from 35 countries such as #China, #Egypt, #Ethiopia, #France, #Ghana, #Israel, and #theSovietUnion. There were numerous congratulatory messages notably from #USA.
Feb 12, 2022 15 tweets 8 min read
#Somaliland and #Taiwan: The benefits


1/14. S/land and Taiwan have a lot in common such as both being a fully functioning democracies with volatile neighbours. Both are striving for international recognition and will not budge to threats or diplomatic pressure. Image 2/14. Somaliland brings a lot to the table. S/land’s strategic location in the Horn of Africa will give Taiwan a gateway into East Africa and beyond. Landlocked countries in Africa can benefit from this diplomatic move such as Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Uganda.