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Follow to stay up on Web3 and esp @Polkadot | @ChaosDAO + @KingdomVCNFT | @Hydra_DX bull | Check the Highlights ⤵
Jul 14, 2023 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
1/ I took a day to take it in, so as not to jump to any conclusions

However, the recent update from @0xPolygonLabs further confirms what the @Polkadot community has seen from Polygon lately

Imitation really is the sincerest form of flattery, let me explain…🧵 2/

The hints began when Polygon began teasing the future of their L2. Many caught wind of it before any announcements, but in general, the idea was to build “superchains” all under the same security umbrella

A clear attempt at the parachain vision of DOT
Jul 10, 2023 • 30 tweets • 10 min read
1/ Meaningful enterprise adoption of blockchain has been elusive

VCs, sure
ETFs and Trusts, yup
Hedge Funds, ofc

But actual adoption of the tech has been a pipe dream - until now. Buckle up, Web2 innovators are finally coming

But it's not how you'd expect...🧵 2/ Wait A Second

Sooo many "partnerships" and announcements on enterprise adoption of blockchain have been essentially vaporware. True enterprise adoption has been elusive for a number of reasons

Mainly regulatory concerns, understanding value add, and learning the tech stack
Jul 3, 2023 • 28 tweets • 9 min read
1/ What if I told you shared security, interop, and modularity was just the beginning?

Now @Polkadot's evolving into an extremely agile, global supercomputer lending resources to killer apps that tap into the power of the entire eco

Vastly improving UX

Let me tell you how...🧵 2/ Current Model

Currently, Polkadot is based on the parachain system w/ periodic auctions to allocate guaranteed, high-quality blockspace in 2 year chunks to appchains

Giving chains predictable fees and access to 40+ other chains in the most cohesive interop eco in crypto
Jun 12, 2023 • 34 tweets • 15 min read
1/ Did you contribute to a @Polkadot crowdloan at the top of the last bull market expecting a 100x or more?

Were you disappointed and now haunted by horrible memories of Polkadot.js?

You're not alone

But it's not the end of the story, here's the truth on crowdloans...🧵👇 Image 2/ What's Polkadot?

It's an advanced blockchain with 1 simple goal

Provide the best blockspace for teams to build seamless applications, appchains, hybrid chains, or any kind of use case of blockchain that businesses wish to incorporate

Built w/ the @substrate_io framework
Mar 16, 2023 • 24 tweets • 10 min read
For months, there’s been an air of mystery and uncertainty around the status of aUSD

I was lucky enough to sit down w/ @bettechentt from @AcalaNetwork to talk about the incident, the fallout, and most importantly

Details about what they learned and where they’re going next...🧵 2/ The Incident

There have been many details about the aUSD error mints spread throughout CT but I’ll compile a few resources for convenience

Video recap🔗: youtube.com/live/lmag8JmfD…

Full incident report🔗: medium.com/acalanetwork/a…

Acala Foundation Response 👇
Jan 8, 2023 • 19 tweets • 14 min read
On CT we often discuss mass adoption of #crypto

But tbh, we are mostly talking about buy muh bags which fuels tribalism b/t networks like $DOT, $ATOM, $ETH, $SOL and more

Let's talk about how @Polkadot connects us all and how actual adoption of the tech is already here...🧵 1/ Connecting a siloed world

As our world becomes more digital, the borders between us become thin

#Crypto is incredible because it opens the doors for a more open and inclusive world by aligning incentives regardless of who you are, what you do, or where you come from
Dec 14, 2022 • 16 tweets • 12 min read
With the impressive rollout of #ChatGPT, the entire world has taken notice

It’s an eerie experience speaking with the #AI trained on GPT-3, @OpenAI’s private neural network

While amazing, I fear yet another groundbreaking tech will be in centralized hands

Enter @bittensor_…🧵 1/ AI Basics

I’m no expert in artificial intelligence, but I’ve spent hours reading up and was lucky enough to speak with @unconst1 and @DoctorM_DO whose passion is palpable

In this thread we’ll talk the basics of AI, the threats of centralization, and where #Bittensor fits in
Dec 10, 2022 • 22 tweets • 18 min read
I’ve heard a lot of FUD surrounding @Polkadot

Some is genuine curiosity like this post below, but many takes are just lazy with little to no DD

Let’s clear up a few things, see where $DOT is now, and look to where #Polkadot aims to be within the _real_ #web3

…🧵 1/

This thread is intended to be a starter pack for those who are curious about where #Polkadot is at the end of 2022 with links to learn more if desired

We’re staying at the user level because that’s where $DOT is headed next

Let’s start with a short look at #Web3 history
Nov 27, 2022 • 22 tweets • 16 min read
The not so secret…secret…about #decentralization in #crypto

And why the vast majority of those in #Web3 prefer centralized entities running the show rather than a true decentralized ethos like

$DOT and $BTC

Yes, this is a thread about @Polkadot…🧵 1/ The King 👑 #Bitcoin

Satoshi invented the solution to the _real_ money problem

#Decentralized verification of a shared public ledger; free from the control of centralized actors in our world like banks & sovereign govs

A never ending reflection of the world around it