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I expose deceitful mainstream propaganda serving to manufacture consent for criminal government policies. Subscribe to my newsletter at
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Sep 16, 2023 27 tweets 7 min read
Look at these anti-science gimmicks CDC uses to try to justify its recommendation for all aged 6 months+ to get a new untested monovalent COVID-19 vaccine.

Here's the ACIP meeting presentation I'll be referring to:… Here they specify that they are looking at "COVID-19-Associated Hospitalizations" (my purple underline): Image
Dec 12, 2021 14 tweets 4 min read
1/ Here's an example of how parents are being lied to about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines for children. 2/ In this @nytimes article, @AmerAcadPeds president claims "the risk of developing myocarditis after a Covid-19 infection is much higher than the risk of developing myocarditis after the vaccine."…
Oct 28, 2021 25 tweets 15 min read
You cannot trust "public health" officials because they are willing to DELIBERATELY deceive you in furtherance of their policy goals. Here is a clear example from the Georgia Department of Public Health.
1/25 "Public health" officials want you to believe that the immunity conferred by #COVID19 #vaccines is twice as protective as #NaturalImmunity. Clicking the link, you see the claim "Vaccination Offers Higher Protection than Previous COVID-19 Infection":…
Oct 27, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
Referring to children aged 5-11, the @nytimes quotes a top #CDC official saying that #COVID19 is "the eight-highest killer of kids in this age group over the past year". This is a deception. 1/7… We can see that it's a deception by turning to the source, a CDC presentation to the FDA also cited in the @nytimes article. In it is this slide ranking "66 COVID-19 associated deaths in children 5-11" in the past year among leading causes of death. 2/7…
May 28, 2021 16 tweets 4 min read
I just posted the following to Nextdoor about #COVID19 #vaccines and #NaturalImmunity. We'll see how long it lasts before they censor it just as they've repeatedly deleted other truthful information I've posted that is contrary to the political agenda being served: I just saw this ad from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services on Nextdoor that concerns me because it communicates the message that if you've had SARS-CoV-2 infection, you won't acquire natural immunity, which is false.
Mar 6, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
Claim: Johnson & Johnson's #COVID19 #vaccine has been shown to be 100% effective at preventing hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19. (Source: Berkshire Vaccination Collaborative)

Ruling: FALSE.

1/7 Available data from ongoing phase 3 clinical trials do not demonstrate these claimed benefits. Berkshire Vaccination Collaborative is spreading #VaccineMisinformation.

Mar 5, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
Claim: @aaronecarroll in @nytimes says the Pfizer and Moderna #COVID19 #vaccines are "approved" and "proven" to prevent hospitalizations and death.

Ruling: FALSE. New York Times is spreading #VaccineMisinformation.

1/5… There are no FDA-approved vaccines for COVID-19.

Jan 9, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
The total number of hospitalizations in 2020 "with" (not necessarily FOR) #COVID19 is within the range of annual hospitalizations FOR #influenza estimated by the CDC. (Thread continues...)

h/t Marjorie, a member of my reader community The CDC estimates between 140,000 and 810,000 hospitalizations occur annually for flu (it's a range because numbers vary widely year to year).…
Jan 6, 2021 16 tweets 13 min read
This @nytimes article is disgracefully deceptive. It is pure #propaganda serving to manufacture consent for #COVID19 #vaccines by deceiving about what science tells us about the #HerdImmunity threshold and the vaccine's effect on transmission.… The @nytimes presents the figure of 60% as the most conservative of estimates, going up to 90% (which, absurdly, would put #SARSCoV2 at the contagiousness level of measles) when in fact scientists have also estimated that the #HerdImmunity threshold could be far lower.
Jan 2, 2021 13 tweets 5 min read
"His concern — that a Covid vaccine is potentially unsafe, and hasn’t been properly tested — is widespread, and dangerously wrong."

By making that statement, @drkerrymeltzer, you are implicitly claiming that... ... the #COVID19 #vaccines that have received emergency use authorization have been adequately studied such that we have scientific proof that they have no potential to cause harm.

But you are the one who is wrong and irresponsibly spreading dangerous misinformation.
Nov 28, 2020 9 tweets 6 min read
Here is how the #COVID19 #lockdown regime in my home state of #Michigan is engaging in institutionalized scientific fraud, justifying authoritarian measures on the basis of nonsensical anti-science policies resulting in uninterpretable data. (1/9) Image Here is the #Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) "COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedures" dated September 2020: (2/9)…