How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App ask questions about the risk of Russian nuclear use is a strategic & a moral imperative. There is good reason to believe that the Kremlin's calculus about is quite different from the US' & that it might be much less reluctant to use nuclear weapons./2 course, this is often nothing more than classic whataboutism, an attempt to deflect from legitimate criticism of one state's bad behavior by pointing to allegedly similar behavior on the part of the US. see three major shortcomings with Lieven’s argument.'s leaders have reiterated that they have no plans to advance into Russian-backed separatist territory, and have ordered their forces to exercise restraint in responding to fire from Russian-controlled territory. /2 & doubt make it hard for audiences to know what is true, leading to paralysis. first proposal was brought forward by the Communist party and the Just Russia party, which together hold under 20% of the seats in the lower Duma. of February 14, reinsurers will no longer cover commercial airlines flying into or over Ukraine, essentially creating a civilian no-fly zone. #Kremlin has repeatedly asserted its right to carry out joint exercises in #Belarus as part of Allied Resolve 2022, and #Lukshenko was also describe by it as an exercise back in January. /2, Taliban rule over Afghanistan was a permissive condition for the terrorism of 9/11. A different set of leaders might have had the will and the capability to prevent al Qaeda from setting up shop in their state. /2 February 9, #Estonia, #Latvia, and #Lithuania did the same regarding joint exercises between #Russia and #Belarus taking place now in Belarus. /2 has made getting a visa to enter #Belarus easier, made getting a flight to Minsk easier, and used the military to make crossing the border to the EU easier, too.