Xtrabiggg Profile picture
#DailyHaiku: Life is suffering. Desire causes suffering. Free yourself from it. InformationOmnivore. Pattern Recognizer. Read All, agree w/little to none.
Jul 20, 2021 15 tweets 6 min read
There can only be a few explanations for the #TexasDemocrats apparent, ongoing #COVID19 'super-spreader event: Either the #Texas Democrats are lying about being vaccinated and the vaccine works; or, they ARE vaccinated & the Vaccine DOESN'T work; ...


msn.com/en-us/news/pol… ...or the testing system is flawed and shows false positives for those w/COVID antibodies in their system from a prior, mild infection- or the PCR Amalayse Test is flawed in that it detects ALL Coronaviruses as results are 'amplified' to get ANY result ...

Jul 17, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
All unmasked on the plane ride to the Swamp. Of the 'Delta Variant' is SO much more contagious, why aren't they ALL testing positive, or at least a majority?

1/ Nobody trusts ANYTHING the govt, corporatist MSM and #BigTech say because of the horrible misinformation & outright lies they told us over the past 2 years- making ridiculous assertions NOT based on science, but on what perpetuates a continual state of fear.

2/ Image
Feb 14, 2021 32 tweets 11 min read
A thread on... where we are as Americans.

Since I was a kid, I've been a 'news junkie'. Read both local newspapers every day, all the newsmagazines, and watched every local & national newscast. I even wrote & voiced a national financial news broadcast for several years.

1/ Even after I left broadcasting, I continued to consume all the news within reach. Religiously watching all the Sunday shows, writing letters to the editor, and plowing into Social Media- when it first started! I even watched all the late-nite comics for their witty snark.

Dec 27, 2020 12 tweets 9 min read
Sure, @dananessel, YOU make it personal, YOU hide behind false (old, tired) misogyny smears as @realDonaldTrump criticizes your PROFESSIONAL (mis)behavior.

You've ignored the law, constitution & people of #Michigan in pursuing an overtly partisan, aggressively political agenda. #Michigan AG @dananessel is doing the bidding of the Governor, the Democrat Party, & George Soros (who helped elect her)- instead of defending the PEOPLE of Michigan's interest. She flouts laws, ignores the Constitution & abuses the power of her office.
Nov 11, 2020 13 tweets 4 min read
A thread on what may be...

Amidst all this chaos, uncertainty & bitter partisanship, my fear is that the votes in several states will be screwed up so bad that no winner can be determined in several states.

A reading of American history doesn't provide much comfort...

1/ In the election of 1876, the election produced no winner. Worse, there was no guidance in the Constitution as to exactly what to do. Neither Republican Rutherford B. Hayes or Democrat Samuel Tilden reached a majority of Electoral votes.

Aug 30, 2020 11 tweets 5 min read
Imagine the 'peaceful demonstrations' that DNC ANTIFA/BLM/Brownshirts have in mind for election day. I could see them torching ballot boxes & burning down polling places- or at least harassing & intimidating voters at targeted precincts in coordinated #ElectionInterference.

1/ All to put the final vote count in doubt. Dems would 'appeal' the results to the MSM, the UN & every other Marxist-controlled organization that hates America.

Leftist Orgs like MMFA, OFA & sites like Daily Kos are already gearing up for a fight.


Aug 19, 2020 12 tweets 5 min read

Seeing TONS of paid ads (many not marked as such) on @Facebook like this one by the @amprog (Center for American Progress) that are pushing HARD on mask mandates and endless lockdowns.


actionsprout.io/6B492A CAP Is founded & run by #JohnPodesta, and it's principal funders are Apple Inc., Embassy of United Arab Emirates, Google, Microsoft Corporation, National Education Association, George Soros' Open Society Foundations and  the Rockefeller Foundation.


Aug 10, 2020 16 tweets 7 min read
One of the biggest problems we've seen with #COVID19 is Media trying to tie EVERYTHING to the virus in order to keep the 'Fear & Smear' machine going. The curve has flattened, but NOW we need to 'be very afraid' of... hair loss?


foxtv.com/news/65-of-cov… @FOX2News: are you aware this 'study's WASN'T scientific- instead relying on anecdotal 'evidence' gathered from responses to a FACEBOOK SURVEY?

They were FISHING for things to scare people with!

C'mon, Man!!

Aug 9, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
A thread on Mail-in voting...

I only voted one time Absentee since 1979, because I was out of the country. I've been a poll-watcher and independent verifyer of election results.

1/ Notice how Democrats and the #CorruptNews corporate MSM #JournOlist hacks (diff?) are ALL conflating 'Absentee Ballots' with 'Mail-in voting? Absentee requires an affirmative action by an individual voter to obtain a ballot. Please don't 'GOOGLE' it- their spin is dizzying.

Jul 30, 2020 22 tweets 9 min read
For all of those simply parroting the coordinated #CorruptNews corporate MSM false and vicious smears of Dr. Immanuel, read this.


uncoverdc.com/2020/07/30/the… Strange, NONE of those slagging Dr. Immanuel are able to counter the FACTS she & the other 10 AMERICAN doctors presented- they only mouth vile personal insults issued by MSM mouthpieces by those seeking to suppress her voice & ANY voice threatening their political narrative.

Jul 6, 2020 20 tweets 8 min read
Hey, does EVERY state now have 'News Sources' that are just thinly-veiled propaganda mills run by Democrats, Open-Society Progressives, and other paid political shills- like this?

A thread...

gandernewsroom.com/2020/06/23/tru… 'The Gander' is targeting #Michigan residents with exclusively pro-government, pro-Guv'nah Whitmer propaganda- with some lifestyle stories thrown in to not make it obvious. So who are they? Their owner is ACRONYM...


Jul 1, 2020 22 tweets 8 min read
Found this on FB while looking at Cat Pictures.

Cuts to the❤of the #Covid19 #MaskFetish. #Masks are for specific purposes- and not the one MOST people are using them for!

1) Just facts no emotion or fear mongering.

For all you mask wearers (especially those of you who think wearing it outside is NOT stupid 🤦🏼‍♀️). I know I’m about to burst your “google doctor degree” bubble, but here goes nothing.

Jun 25, 2020 12 tweets 9 min read
If #BlackLivesMatter, why aren't ALL CRIMES crimes that massively and disproportionately African-Americans front and center?

Or does BLM/DNC/MSM (diff?) only care about 'Black Lives' they can exploit for political and financial gain?


thevoiceofblackcincinnati.com/african-americ… "FEDERAL HUMAN TRAFFICKING PROSECUTIONS INCREASED MORE THAN 40 PERCENT FROM 2011 TO 2015"

This is HUGE- but almost totally ignored or downplayed by MSM. If prosecutions for Police Violence increased 40%- would MSM ignore THAT?

Something stinks in MSM.

Apr 26, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
@amandadonnell14 Qataris funnel💵to Tlaib, Omar, AOC & American politicians sympathetic to the radical fundamentalist Sunni Qataris regime. Qatar uses it's💵in a powerhouse of influence & propaganda for some of the worst elements of Islamofascism. Funding groups like Hamas overseas & in the US. @amandadonnell14 The Qatari mastery of infiltrating the the American business, media, political and academic systems is truly impressive. It's been going on for quite some time.

Apr 15, 2020 22 tweets 9 min read
Ever wonder why CDC, WHO, NIH, NIAID, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative and similar entities are pushing for an unproven vaccine that will come a year late and be only partially effective- while not concentrating as hard on treating the sick? "What great news for Bill Gates who just announced his foundation is going to spend billions of dollars to help build factories for 7 possible coronavirus vaccine makers. “Spend” is probably the wrong word here. Invest is more like it."


Apr 13, 2020 12 tweets 5 min read
Every #COVID19 death is a tragedy for the individual and their family. But there are tens of thousands of tragedies of all kinds every day. People die. It's an uncomfortable, cold, hard fact. What is disturbing is the MSM & Politicians fetishizing only ONE kind of death.

The over-emotionalizing & over-the-top fear-mongering of #COVID19 are not justified by the actual numbers. Instead, those numbers- tragic as they are- are but a fraction of the projections from academic 'models' that MSM & politicians cite as if they were fact. They are not.

Apr 11, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
Athread on the #michiganlockdown

Do we as free citizens of the State of #Michigan have the right to decide for ourselves what is 'essential' in our own lives- or was there a(n unconstitutional) law passed that turns our sovereign rights as citizens...

...over to a unitary executive that can take away our First Amendment and other rights with the stroke of a pen?

Who in the #CorruptNews corporate Media- national &local- is willing to stand up to a sweeping & overreaching power-grab by politicians & unelected bureaucrats.

Apr 5, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
Deep Thoughts.
●Reopen the country before the economic damage is worse than the #COVID2019 damage.
●Sequester & Quarantine all susceptible to the virus- the Elderly & immunocompromised, esp those with covalent conditions.

...protect those that are vulnerable, but free up those who are not susceptible of are already immune.
●Designate Hospitals in all 'hot spots' for those suffering from from acute #COVID19 infections, so resources can be pooled and used most efficiently and effectively.

Mar 15, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
A thread on #COVID19

Just a question on the Coronavirus: How can we know the accurate death rate if until about a week ago there was no accurate test (or ANY tests)? Also, there is still no accurate means of determining the number of people ACTUALLY infected...
...as virologists and health experts tell us that most of the people infected with #nCoV2019 show few or no symptoms whatsoever.

Doesn't this mean that the 'death rate' percentage cited by a breathless media is based on a woefully incomplete dataset, and...

Mar 14, 2020 18 tweets 6 min read
Who supplied those bats to the #Wuhan 'Wet Market'? Was it the researcher at the Wuhan L4 Bioweapons Lab that was arrested for selling infected test animals to... the 'Wet Market'? This appears to be a common (though illegal) practice.

Jan 22, 2020 5 tweets 4 min read
@STUinSD "Listen you idiots, and you shall hear- of the midnight #impeachment by 'Nancy Revere'.
In January, of Twenty-Ought,
Democrats sought impeachment, with evidence- naught.

She said to her cronies: "If the President stays, it'll mean the end of our thieving days."
@STUinSD Grabbing a pen, in the Capital Tower, She and her minions constructed lies by the hour. One phony Article written, they added another- even more vague and ludicrous- but full of more busy bother.
