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Sep 7th 2022
Sept. 7, 2022: Awesome to the Frax 🌚🏋️
Fraxlend launches as #Frax Base[d]Pool Flippens #3CRV…
Frax is sprinting into the Merge, with a flurry of activity in the final week.

Frax debuted its much anticipated Fraxlend (…), bringing a robust DeFi ecosystem under one roof.

Fraxlend launches with WBTC and WETH, the other two assets described by @samkazemian as "trillion dollar narratives":

They have plans to onboard far more assets, including Curve LP positions.

Read 8 tweets
Jun 15th 2022
Don’t fade Michael Egorov and the Curve Devs. They have been building non stop for a few years now. They are the first DEX to have Curve v1 #StableCoin and like asset swaps. Redefining #DeFi with its veTokenomics and its Gauge Weight Voting.
Giving DAOs the ability to raise liquidity with the Curve Gauges. It is becoming the most decentralized governance in all of DeFi. They gave the ability to make Curve v1 v2 LPs with its Token Factory. They turned on fee burners for us to get paid in #3CRV fees.
They planted $CRV flags on many EVMs, L2s, and side chains. Giving the ability to vote, boost, and earn #3CRV fees from those chains. My point is that Curve DEVs have delivered the goods time and time again. Building in a Bear, Bull, and Crab Market.
Read 5 tweets
Jan 16th 2022
[#Thread] Comment générer environ 35% d'intérêt avec ses #stablecoins sur la #blockchain @harmonyprotocol.

Une stratégie possible grâce au programme d'incentive de 3M de dollars en $ONE de @StakeDAOHQ (@bneiluj).

Une stratégie terriblement simple (même pour mamy) ⬇️
Disclaimer : Ceci n'est pas un conseil en investissement.

Ce genre de méthode comporte des risques liés aux cryptomonnaies, #stablecoins, #smartcontract, perte de peg, faille et hack.

Faites vos propres recherches (#DYOR) et n’investissez que de l’argent que vous pouvez perdre.
Cette stratégie de #YieldFarming utilise principalement les protocoles #DeFi @CurveFinance et @StakeDAOHQ.

Les risques par rapport à la stratégie précédente sur @avalancheavax sont donc légèrement réduits.

NĂ©anmoins, le risque 0 n'existe pas.

Read 16 tweets

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