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May 30th 2023
#JimCrow was #SlaveryByAnotherName.Black People were Enslaved Well into the 1960s.#USHistory-#Slavery should be mandatory to stop the spread of #AntiADOS,#AntiBlack ignorant rhetoric.#ADOS(American Descendants Of Slavery) is OWE a Federal Debt-#Reparations. ImageImageImageImage
Jim Crow laws created ‘slavery by another name’
After the Civil War, the U.S. passed laws to protect the rights of formerly enslaved people. Jim Crow was designed to flout them.…
Slavery by Another Name: The Re-Enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to World War II by Douglas A. Blackmon…
Read 21 tweets
Mar 23rd 2023
1/ I loved yesterday’s panel talk on #Sanism with @viscidula @liminal67 @climateshlock et al. We finished by discussing internalised Sanism & how this impacts each of us as individuals & as activists. Nothing hurts like fellow activists tearing you down or bullying you. Part of >
2/ the discussion included #AntiBlack & #Intersectional #Sanism. Why don’t we see people of colour in mainstream MH activism? Because if you don’t feel welcome & you have enough on your plate, why come back to services where you were treated badly? What about if your >
3/ experience is different to other ppl? If the generic pale skinned ‘articulate’ activists savage each other when their positions & perspectives are different, what the hell happens to the most marginalised groups? You don’t see them for dust. They’re marginalised, not stupid >
Read 11 tweets
Feb 12th 2021
1/11 Human Rights Annual Report 2018 - 2020 to be presented @tdsb PSSC Wednesday, Feb 17 now posted - first of its kind...… #NoRoomForHate
2/11 In June, 2019, @tdsb Trustees unanimously voted on a Motion – Dealing With Incidents of Racism and Hate. As a result, the TDSB developed the Reporting and Responding to Racism and Hate Incidents Involving or Impacting Students in Schools (PR728)…
3/11 PR728 sets clear expectations about the processes to be followed and @tdsb’s responsibilities in situations where there are acts of racism and hate. The procedure supports the Board’s Human Rights Policy (P031)…
Read 12 tweets
Sep 27th 2020
1/ BREAKING: Sean Goode (@WhyICHOOSE180) resigns from @MayorJenny's "task force" before it starts:

"The role...was not to bake the cake [or] identify the ingredients the community would like to be included but to merely put the icing on so it would be palatable to my people."
2/ "FIRST, any investment that does not align with a corresponding divestment in policing does not actually create the change we need.

Imagine Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center funding both cancer research and the spread of the disease. Sounds ridiculous, right?" #Right
3/ "Yet @MayorJenny plans to spend $100 million to resource BIPOC communities while continuing to spend several times as much on [policing systems] the very thing that perpetuates inequity throughout BIPOC communities."

Read 18 tweets
Sep 23rd 2020
Today, we and @DecrimSeattle are encouraged to see the @SeattleCouncil—emboldened by the support of tens of thousands of BIPOC community members (that's y'all!)—resist @MayorJenny ’s bullying tactics and anti-Black obstructionism.
Specifically, @SeattleCouncil upheld their decision to divest from the SPD by 3 million dollars—less than 1% of SPD’s annual budget—and invest modestly in Black communities.
As we head into the 2021 budget cycle, we expect @SeattleCouncil to maintain their conviction, elevate Black lives and uphold their public commitments to divest from policing and reinvest in Black communities.
Read 10 tweets

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