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Apr 26th 2023
Check out Apar Industries Ltd, a Mumbai-based diversified company that specializes in conductors, transformers, and specialty oils. With strong financials and a wide range of products, they're poised for continued success in multiple industries. #AparIndustries
1/ Apar Industries Ltd is a Mumbai-based diversified company that manufactures conductors, transformers, and specialty oils. Its conductors business offers various types of conductors, including aluminum, alloy, and specialty conductors.
2/ The transformers business provides a range of transformers for power transmission and distribution, railways, and other applications. The specialty oils business offers transformer oils, white oils, and other specialty oils for various industries.
Read 41 tweets
Aug 31st 2022
My first thread on twitter on any business till now. There is no better occasion than #GaneshChaturthi to start something new.

Trying to cover #AparIndustries

Apar Industries is founded in 1958 by Mr. Dharmsinha D Desai. Third generation of founder is running the business.
Company started with conductor business 6 decades back and now it is mainly into 3 segments: Speciality oil and lubricants, Conductors and Cables.

Company claims it is the only company to have all these three divisions at such a large scale.
Company is focused on in-house R&D and have stated that it will continue to do so to remain ahead of the competition.

Read 22 tweets
Aug 27th 2020
#Apar Industries is one among the best established companies in India, operating in the diverse fields of #electrical and #metallurgical #engineering.
@Raunak_Bits @Sachsharma12 @srslysaurabh @Agarwal_Ishu @Random_Gyan @drprashantmish6
Raw materials:
Crude #oil & #Steel
There are 3 segments: #Conductors, Transformer and speciality #oils & Power/Telecom #Cable. The revenue breakup is in the screenshot attached
Domestic revenues decline 52% YoY with lockdown in April, lower scale of operations in May-June; #Exports up 11% YoY. Management focus is on improving revenue generation from high value products. Long time consolidation in financial parameters
Read 15 tweets

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