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Jul 12th 2021
Thiruvannamalai (Annamaliayar) Kovil was built before 1100 years & architecture of the Kovil has its contribution from various KINGDOM from Cholas, Pandias, Sambuvarayars Posalas, Vijayanagara, Nayaks, Nagarathargal, Cheftains & Zamindars. The Mandir
possesses more than 1000 statues & 450 stone inscriptions. The mandir has more than 100 sannidhis. Various moorthies, bronze vigrahas, paintings, 1000 pillar mahal & gopurams are the specialties of the mandir. Mandir is very enormous with an area covers around 25 acres &
East Gopuram built by King Krishnadevaraya with a height of 217 ft (11 storeys) is one of the largest Gopuram in India. Mandir also consists of Vallala Maharaja Gopuram, Kili (means parrot) Gopuram. The main deity of Mandir is Annamalaiyar & Unnamalai Devi.
Read 13 tweets
Feb 26th 2021
#Thread #Thiruvannamalai (Annamaliayar) #Temple was built before 1100 years & #architecture of the temple has its contribution frm various #KINGDOM from Cholas, Pandias, Sambuvarayars Posalas, Vijayanagara, Nayaks, Nagarathargal, Cheftains & Zamindars. The Temple
possesses more than 1000 statues & 450 stone inscriptions. The temple has more than 100 sannidhis. Various moorthies, bronze statues, paintings, 1000 pillar mahal & gopurams are the specialties of the temple. Temple is very enormous with an area
@IndiaTales7 @desi_thug1
covers around 25 acres & East #Gopuram built by King Krishnadevaraya with a height of 217 ft (11 storeys) is one of the largest Gopuram in India. Temple also consists of vallala Maharaja Gopuram, kili Gopuram. The main deity of Temple is @harshasherni @Itishree001 @pujari_anup
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Sep 26th 2020
#Thiruvannamalai (Annamaliayar) #Temple was built before 1100 years & #architecture of the temple has its contribution frm various #KINGDOM from Cholas, Pandias, Sambuvarayars Posalas, Vijayanagara, Nayaks, Nagarathargal, Cheftains & Zamindars. The Temple
@sattology Image
2. possesses more than 1000 statues & 450 stone inscriptions. The temple has more than 100 sannidhis. Various idols, bronze statues, paintings, 1000 pillar mahal & gopurams are the specialties of the temple. Temple is very enormous with an area
@IndiaTales7 @Maha_periyava_ Image
3.covers around 25 acres & East #Gopuram built by King Krishnadevaraya with a height of 217 ft (11 storeys) is one of the largest Gopuram in India. Temple also consists of vallala Maharaja Gopuram, kili Gopuram. The main deity of Temple is @harshasherni @Itishree001 @pujari_anup Image
Read 13 tweets

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