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May 1st 2023
Rs 420cr wrongly charged by @atherenergy & @OlaElectric to scooters owners? 📛📛📛

This wild & unethical play has got the Govt up in arms against them!

Here’s all you should know 👇 Image
As per Govt’s Vahan portal, the number of scooters sold by Ola & Ather to date (as per Vahan) stand at 1.72L & 1.25L.

But Vahan portal doesn’t yet include sales from Telangana & Lakshwadeep. Thus, let’s round up the sales to account for some of that:

🔆 Ola: 1.8L
🔆 Ather: 1.3L
But, what really drove those big numbers?

🔆 Govt’s FAME scheme which has been massively subsidising electric scooters

🔆 In layman terms, the scheme says that after subsidy, the ex-showroom of a price of a scooter should be <Rs 1.5L. And this subsidy could go up to Rs 60k!
Read 13 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
#Thread about EV Bikes & why @ather is solid?

The biggest lesson that @OlaElectric taught to all aspirational startups is that if you wanna disrupt the market come with a solid foolproof product rather than dumping the garbage. ⬇️ (1/14)

It was in the year 2017 I read about a passionate product incubated in IIT Madras. A group of engineers trying to build a world-class eScooter naming the company Ather Energy. EVs are not new to South India. (2/14)
*Below image is the first newsletter I received from Ather
↗️Reva 1994 - a pioneer & first functional EV car started in #Bengaluru later sold to @MahindraRise
↗️@ampere_ev bikes started 2007 in #Coimbatore later invested by @RNTata2000 himself & now sold to Greaves.
They're way ahead of their time when India is not ready for EVs (3/14)
Read 16 tweets
Aug 6th 2021
After Rattanindia (Revolt), let's explore another promising listed Electric 2W player, Greaves Cotton. (Read till the end for a comparison of #Ampere scooters with #Ola #Ather Okinawa). @itsTarH @sahil_vi @Investor_Mohit @ishmohit1 @MarathaIn @dmuthuk
1. Business Verticals & Products
1.1 Greaves is a 160+ years old company and has 4 key businesses:
A) Auto: Diesel, Petrol, CNG Engines
B) Non Auto: Farm equipment, Smart Gensets
C) New Mobility: EV 2W (Brand: Ampere), EV 3W (Brand: ele)
D) Aftermarket: Greaves Care Service Center which caters primarily to 3W (incl. Electric 3W) - spare parts, lubricants, batteries etc.

Finance is a non-core business
Read 30 tweets
Jan 4th 2021
1/365 - Starting this thread with one of the first Motorcycles to be built in India. The @royalenfield #Bullet350. A Motorcycle which was initially built for the Indian Army but with time found patronage amongst varying genre of people achieving a cult status over the decades. ImageImageImageImage
2/365 - After selling imported Vespas for a while, Bajaj Auto started manufacturing the #Bajaj150 under license in 1959. This was one of the first Scooters in India and certainly changed the 2-Wheeler scene as it was initially available at a significant premium in the market. ImageImageImageImage
3/365 Automobile Products of India (API) was the 1st Scooter maker in India and manufactured the #Lambretta Li 150 Series 2 under license from Innocenti at Bombay in the 1960's. This scooter was very popular and made appearances in a few famous Bollywood movies too. #BikerLife ImageImageImageImage
Read 73 tweets
Jan 18th 2020
Welcome to #Mumbai @atherenergy!
Finally a test ride after years of wait; yes, following you folks since 2015 :)

Can’t wait for 28th Jan for the #Ather 450X!

Best wishes to everyone for the launch!

I’ve enough to drag me for next 10 days 😃😅
@atherenergy As a EV rider since 2015, here's my take on Ather 450 after today's test ride. My first EV scooter was Hero Electric Photon. And currently own the Ampere Reo.
@atherenergy Photon was victim of deadly rat infestation which damaged its controller and batteries to a point that getting the Reo in exchange was better option.
Read 14 tweets

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