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Oct 18th 2022
A great 📸 report about yesterday's release of women POW'S.

Photo Tetyana Golovatyuk.
Military doctor Viktoria Obidina
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Oct 13th 2022
Ukraine issued an ultimatum to the Red Cross, which showed criminal inaction and irresponsibility regarding our prisoners from "#Azovstal".
They are required to go to Olenivka within three days and check the conditions in which our boys and girls are kept.
The fact is that the International Committee of the Red Cross did not fulfill its obligations and violated its own guarantees, under which the evacuation of #Azovstaldefenders from #Mariupol was carried out.
Absolute responsibility for control over the conditions of detention, physical and psychological condition of the prisoners rested precisely on the representatives of the Red Cross. They also promised to compile accurate lists of all extracted defenders of "#Azovstal"
Read 8 tweets
Oct 7th 2022
#Kharkiv #Izium #Izyum #Iziummasscre: My coverage (articles and videos). @Heidi_Cuda 1/5

Ep.2 EBTNews; interviews:

European ambassadors
Kharkiv chief of police
a priest
@Izium @massgraves.

2/5 #Kharkiv #Izium #RussiaIsATerroristState #WarCrimes

Why do Russians torture people in occupied areas?

I got an answer. I found it speaking to the victims.

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Sep 22nd 2022
We are very happy and grateful @RTErdogan for the returning of #Azovstaldefenders home.
The list of all 215 defenders of 🇺🇦 who returned home. (1/8)
Read 9 tweets
Jul 30th 2022
Speaking with a partner of an Azovstal defender live:…
The recording is now premiering:
Read 4 tweets
May 15th 2022
Russia has refused every peaceful solution to let them out -even mediated by a third part
It wants these soldiers dead (maybe captured & tortured first) because that’s the only “victory” it can claim -and that’s the only way to erase the evidence Azovstal fighters are not Nazis
Standing for your invaded country is not a crime, but an act of courage
The wounded have a right to be evacuated and treated
But Putin does not want #AzovstalDefenders to be treated humanely
He wants them dehumanised, “nazified” to feed his propaganda
Corpses don’t talk, they don’t give interview showing they are not the evil he claims to fight
He sees their death as the only victory he can get
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