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Jul 15th 2020
REPORT: #BlackRock is part of a group of financiers keeping EU’s #coal industry on life support, investing €12 B directly, & €9.8 B in loans & underwriting, in under 18 months.
#BLKBigProblem #ClimateCrisis #BeyondCoal #ClimateAction
#BlackRock is the biggest shareholder of the world’s most significant lignite coal miner, Europe’s biggest CO2 emitter, #RWE ⛏️

AND #BLK is a critical funder of dirty coal in EU.

Report →…

#BLKBigProblem #Climate #BeyondCoal
#BLK's 2020 #coal policy doesn't address these gaps - when will they get serious about #ClimateCrisis?

The @UNFCCC & @IPCC_CH have warned for years that we have to get out of coal, fast, but #BlackRock just keeps pumping $$ into it.

#BLKBigProblem #BeyondCoal #ClimateCrisis
Read 6 tweets
Aug 20th 2019
The attacks on the Amazon are an international tragedy.

What can we do?

1. Support the courageous resistance of the indigenous peoples of the Amazon.

2. Make clear to the agribusiness & financiers involved in the destruction that we won’t buy their products.
If you sign this pledge of solidarity on our site, we'll keep you informed of actions you can take.

The Amazon needs all of us!…
To all who care about the Amazon:

We just launched an action calling on BlackRock to use its power as a big shareholder in agribusiness companies operating in the Brazilian Amazon to help stop the rainforest destruction.

Will you help? 🙏… #BLKBigProblem
Read 3 tweets

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