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Jan 31st 2023
Thousands of years ago, Chinese civilization already had this debate: “individualism vs society.” 🧵

There’s something relevant here, in these conversations from 300 BC, for understanding both 1) East Asia, and 2) America’s failed path.
Do we even destroy our human relationships, and cannibalize our nation state, all for the sake of individualistic profit?

Or, do we strengthen human relationships, with applied moral philosophy, and then profit as a whole civilization down the road?

Two ways, 二道! /2
Yang Zhu was essentially Milton Friedman “the only moral responsibility (of business) is profits for ourselves.” But how did that work? That philosophy of selfishness was that of the Warring States, which was a time of war and chaos lasting hundreds of years. /3
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Jun 11th 2022
Mr Justice Swift's judgement in which he gives his personal/official approval to sending vulnerable people fleeing for their lives to a nation as far as can be from their families, friends, connections, cultures, possibilities of medical, psychological, social support
all of which they desperately need, means, that the British government has, provided it is in total control of it, legitimised people-trafficking,
Read 8 tweets
Apr 14th 2019
THREAD. With the restart of #GoT imminent, here’s a swift Marxist analysis of the situation. I will do updates during the Season. 1/ The White Walkers represent #Barbarism – what Marx called "the mutual ruin of the contending classes" …
2/ In #GoTMarxistAnalysis the mode of production on Westeros is feudalism. The surplus is extracted through peasants obligation to give their produce to the lord, who is obliged to perform military service to the King…
3/ Under feudalism the main form of entrepreneurship is to take someone else’s land (and their peasants’ allegiance) but there is also trade/plunder as with the House Greyjoy (aka the Vikings but with castles) …
Read 11 tweets

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