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May 3rd 2021
➊ 🍁 If TODAY you live in #Ontario or #Alberta and have NOT asked for #DougFord nor #JasonKenney to step down as Premier of your province
🅐 Why not?
🅑 What are you waiting for?
➋ 🍁 #IfNotNowWhen?
They need to step down, for the good of their province, this nightmare can't go on
#onpoli #abpoli
🍁 #Alberta #Ontario Tweeps, what are you waiting for ?
Because I'm waiting for YOU
Read 5 tweets
Mar 15th 2020
17 new cases of COVID-19 in Alberta. We're up above 50. Four in Edmonton and 13 in Calgary. We're showing indications of community spread @jkenney tells presser just now.
Sorry, Just 3 in Edmonton and 14 in Calgary.

Premier recommending against all "non-essential" travel.

"No good reason" to be travelling for leisure right now. #covid19alberta #ableg
Kenney says he is concerned about reports of inadequate screening of travellers returning to Canada.

There have been many tweets about that today. #covid19alberta
Read 12 tweets

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