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Mar 6th 2023
NEW from me @TheSpectator:

With all the attention on #NY03's @Santos4Congress, you'd think he's the only politician to have lied his way into office

Read this thread, you're about to learn a lot about Dems from the state house to the White House…

Everywhere liberal journalists look, they see @Santos4Congress. They see him in fellow freshman Republicans Anna Paulina Luna and Andy Ogles, both of whom have recently been accused of fabricating details about the past in newspaper hit pieces.…

With the coverage of @Santos4Congress's brief tenure, you’d be forgiven if you thought the new House GOP majority was filled with liars and résumé embellishers — that’s clearly the big picture that Dems and their allies in the press paint.…

Read 71 tweets
Nov 6th 2022
We watched 135+ debates so you didn’t have to — and Democrats said some crazy things.

Here are some of the most insane debate moments from Democrats this cycle.

Minnesota Democrat Rep. Angie Craig: “I will never stop standing up for Big Pharma and standing against my constituents!” #MN02
Oregon Democrat Tina Kotek called for "meth stabilization center[s]" in Portland — "in addition to making [full drug decriminalization] work." #ORGov

Read 18 tweets
Aug 24th 2022
Who is responsible for fact checking the liberal media & @kendixonct? They are doing everything they can to protect Biden & Blumenthal’s failed agenda!

🧵 In case you’re curious, here are the REAL facts on Washington Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act!
According to the Joint Committee on Taxation, in 2023, taxes will increase by $16.7 billion on American taxpayers earning less than $200,000—a nearly $17 billion tax targeted solidly at low- and middle-income earners.…
Blumenthal voted AGAINST an amendment protecting middle class taxpayers from being audited by the 87k new IRS agents!
Read 6 tweets
Aug 10th 2022
After a solid string of predictions, we did take a couple Ls @SplitTicket_ tonight by missing the #VTSen (Likely Nolan) and #CTSen (Lean Klarides) GOP primary calls. Sorry, guys -- low-salience primaries with limited polling are just hard to predict. I'll do better for next time.
@SplitTicket_ For Vermont, my internal logic was that the Scott and McConnell endorsements indicated serious establishment backing for Nolan, which I thought would carry her over the line in a state GOP that was probably more moderate than most. Can't say I saw that loss coming.
For Connecticut, I thought Klarides was only slightly favored and stressed that a Levy win wouldn't be a shock at all because she was endorsed by Trump a week ago -- I felt, however, that Klarides had enough cash and name ID to carry her and that Trump's endorsement was late.
Read 5 tweets

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