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Mar 13th 2023
NEW from me @TheSpectator:

Almost everyone wants to ban @tiktok_us at this point, but what does that mean?

This will be bad news for TikTok influencers like #MIGOV @gretchenwhitmer, @livvydunne, @katiesigmondd, and more--but what does it mean?…

“Whoever controls big data technologies will control the resources for development and have the upper hand,” Xi Jinping declared shortly after assuming control of China.…

In the years since, the Chinese surveillance state has exploded at home and abroad, thanks to espionage-adjacent apps such as WeChat, but none has raised as much ire as TikTok.…

Read 24 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
Yesterday's action by the minority in the Michigan Senate to adjourn the body early seems to be at least 3 things:

(1) anti-constitutional;
(2) anti-majoritarian; and
(3) counter-productive.

#MIGov #mileg

The People of Michigan, through their constitution, vested authority to preside over the Michigan Senate in a single officer:

the Lieutenant Governor (who is the president of the Senate).

This constitutional directive has been explicitly recognized in Senate Rule 1.101.

The Senate (by majority vote) may adopt rules governing its procedure, but those rules must not be inconsistent with the constitution and are subject to constitutional limitations.

Senate Rule 1.101 provides that:

(1) the Lt. Gov is the Senate president; and

Read 21 tweets
Jan 4th 2023
When it comes to oversight and transparency, #miched #education #charterschools are the worst in the country.

It’s not just that they’re almost all for-profit. They are but #OhioEd has for-profit charters for example and much greater 🔎.
#mileg #mipol #migov @Network4pubEd
For-profit #charterschools run on small profit margins for students—as far as we can tell. So it gives charters like those in MI every incentive to cut corners. That’s one problem. #mipol #migov #mileg

But here’s something I’m guessing MI charters really don’t want #mileg members or #miched journalists looking into: property holdings.

The real profit is in various property bought and maintained with tax support. @NPEaction

Read 5 tweets
Dec 23rd 2022
There’s a #schoolvouchers link to the #January6thReport. It centers around attorney Cleta Mitchell who led Trump’s GA pressure efforts after the vote. #BigLie

Mitchell is all over the final report:
Mitchell is also Board Secretary for the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, a huge #schoolvouchers backer out of Wisconsin that’s given $millions to voucher research and advocacy.

2/… ImageImage
The Bradley Foundation is also financially the “extraordinary force” behind #BigLie efforts, per @JaneMayerNYer reporting @NewYorker.

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Dec 19th 2022
A🧵 on why the #KYed ruling last week against #schoolvouchers tax credit scheme matters @NPEaction @Network4pubEd @PV4PS @BadassTeachersA @edvoters

First: a win’s a win. It’s good to see #schoolvouchers stopped anywhere. The push to privatize is so relentless, so well-funded by such a narrow swath of backers, it can feel like swinging in the dark against it.

But more concretely: the KY Court found that #schoolvouchers tax credit shell game was a budget commitment even though it’s not a direct appropriation. Reducing revenue by $10 is the same as spending $10.

Read 21 tweets
Nov 19th 2022
🧵 for #MIpol reporters: all fall I called Ducey MVP of #schoolvouchers and here he’s getting that actual award from Jeb Bush’s ExcelInEd

That group damage to #miched is huge. They’re behind 3rd Grade Fail modeled on #FloridaEd. Snyder gave them literal seat at the table

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ExcelInEd will lead the fight against repeal of 3rd Grade Retention in the new #mileg. @PaulaMEAPres @mrobmused

Expect bogus “inside” stories like this one, which got started pre-Whitmer #migov and then released early in her term to keep foot on gas

ExcelInEd *seems* safe because they’re moderate relative to crazy Dixon-type book ban howls today and have impressive array of moderate funders you’d expect from a Bush-led org.

And as an org in many ways they are. I’d take them over @BetsyDeVos any day.

Read 6 tweets
Nov 13th 2022
For non-MI folks:

A Sunday thread 🧵 on the history of Let MI Kids Learn, the pre-packaged name for @BetsyDeVos #schoolvouchers in #miched

@DianeRavitch @saribethrose @vicpasquantonio @Network4pubEd

Among the dozens of #schoolvouchers plans I’ve seen, this was the worst in terms of transparency—alongside #azed and #floridaed.

In particular no failsafe against Chatfield-style allegedly abusive schools.

Whitmer actually vetoed the plan originally a year ago. And as early as then, the state GOP didn’t expect to win the #migov (save for a more recent post-primary fever dream) in #Election2022

Read 19 tweets
Nov 11th 2022
Thread 🧵

You know what? I like to have fun, so I'm actually going to defend @TudorDixon some here. The core Q driving this memo is where the burden sits for ensuring favorable outcomes for Michigan Rs. Given the facts of this cycle in particular, it always rested with @MIGOP.
Now, I'll give Paul this: Dixon was a weak candidate. But you know who else would have been "untested," suffering from "low name ID," advancing past the primary with "no statewide operations," and angling to earn Trump's favor?

Every other goddamned R that launched a bid.
Even happy-to-light-their-$$$-on-fire @KevinRinke and @PJQualityGuru would've run into the same infrastructural issues, as they also would have been forced to "start from scratch."

Now, Dixon committed the grave error of going dark in Aug. Not even tweets! That's on her.
Read 16 tweets
Nov 6th 2022
We watched 135+ debates so you didn’t have to — and Democrats said some crazy things.

Here are some of the most insane debate moments from Democrats this cycle.

Minnesota Democrat Rep. Angie Craig: “I will never stop standing up for Big Pharma and standing against my constituents!” #MN02
Oregon Democrat Tina Kotek called for "meth stabilization center[s]" in Portland — "in addition to making [full drug decriminalization] work." #ORGov

Read 18 tweets
Oct 26th 2022
I've said previously who you think "won" a debate usually says more about which candidate you support than how that candidate performed. I still think that. I'm not even sure how you define "win." Most truthful? Most articulate? Most engaging? ... #MIGov
But after the last #MIGov debate, I noticed conservatives flooding twitter with declarations that Dixon won -- I guess because she had some good lines and looked like she belonged on the stage. Not how I saw it. ...
So in case that happens again, following #MIGov debate 2, I'd just like to note that Whitmer -- to my eyes and ears -- was sharper, seemed more engaged, and had a lot more to say about what she's actually done and what she wants to keep doing ...
Read 6 tweets
Aug 27th 2022
“My top-level, expert legal analysis of the [Trump Mar-a-Lago FBI search] affidavit is: Why ain’t this dude in jail? What does this man have to do to go to jail?”

@ElieNYC @DrJasonJohnson @CrossConnection
#TrumpStoleClassifiedDocuments #TrumpESPIONAGE
“Just the classification markings referred to in this [redacted Mar-a-Lago search warrant] affidavit — made the hair on the back of my neck stand up… Literally human lives can be at stake.” @FrankFigliuzzi1

@NicolleDWallace #TrumpStoleClassifiedDocuments
“There is a feeling here that [if] Merrick Garland decides not to prosecute Trump, how do you hold anyone else accountable for violating classification rules going forward in the U.S. government?”@JaxAlemany

@NicolleDWallace #TrumpStoleClassifiedDocuments
Read 200 tweets
Aug 18th 2022
“This was not just extreme carelessness with classified material, which is still totally disqualifying. This is calculated, deliberate, premeditated misconduct — a cover-up [with] false statements and lies to Congress and the American people.” #LockTrumpUp
“Trump’s attorney, Alina Habba, says that Trump wants the Department of Justice to release the names of the witnesses who helped secure the search warrant for Mar-a-Lago.”@therecount

#TrumpIsANationalSecurityRisk #TrumpCrimeSyndicate
CPAC 2022: “We are all domestic terrorists.”

Read 180 tweets
Aug 17th 2022
#EspionageAct [doesn’t] mention classification at all. It talks about a specific type of information: national defense… The real question is, why would Trump WANT to declassify secrets that could harm the U.S.?”
.@AshaRangappa_ @TiffanyDCross @thereidout
“Trump has still not said a word of explanation as to why he took the documents, why he did not return them all, and what he was doing with them for over 18 months.” @AWeissmann_

🎶: #stilloneblackmansopinion…
“[Donald Trump] has betrayed our national security, and he will do so again… You will not change him. You cannot constrain him. He is who he is. Truth matters little to him. What’s right matters even less, and decency matters not at all.” Adam Schiff

Read 177 tweets
Aug 3rd 2022
NO side leads in Kansas 66-34 with 45% of AP's estimated vote in. Much of populous Johnson County; no side up 72-28 with 70% reporting there; Laura Kelly got 55% there in 2018.
The AP has called #MIGOV GOP primary for Tudor Dixon. The conservative commentator was an also-ran until 5 opponents thrown off ballot, now GOP's nominee in huge race against Dem Gretchen Whitmer.
Latest votes were bad for Kobach. With 34% of estimated vote in, state Sen. Kellie Warren leads him 40-37 in GOP #KSAG primary.
Read 25 tweets
Aug 3rd 2022
Polls have closed in Missouri and most of Kansas and Michigan for a huge election night. We'll be liveblogging the results and tweeting here…
While we wait for our first results, check out our preview of what to watch here…
We've also put together our cheat-sheet of the night's big races, which we'll be updating as contests are called…
Read 26 tweets
Jul 8th 2022
“WE COULDN’T BELIEVE there were enough people to walk alongside them. One morning we woke up from an uneasy sleep and there was no more laughter…It mustn’t happen again. We can’t let it. We simply can’t let it happen again.”
Twilight Zone 1963 #NeverAgain
“California [will] make our own insulin at a cheaper price, close to at cost, and to make it available to all…
Because in California, we know people should not go into debt to receive life-saving medication.”
@GavinNewsom @CAgovernor #Insulin4all #Insulin
“Freedom is under attack in [Florida]… In California [we] still believe in #freedom. Freedom of speech. Freedom to choose. Freedom from hate. And the freedom to love. Don’t let them take your freedom.”
Newsom DeSantis ad #IndependenceDay2022

Read 209 tweets
Jul 6th 2022
Republican candidates aren't hiding that they tried to overthrow our government on #Jan6.

#MIGOV candidate (and coup attendee) Ryan Kelley said it explicitly at tonight's #MIGOV debate: Yes, I was in DC on January 6th. Yes, the FBI did raid my house.
But it's not just Kelley. Every single candidate in the #MIGov GOP primary debate tonight said that they believe the Big Lie conspiracy theory that the 2020 election was fraudulent.
Here's #MIGov GOP candidate @GarrettForMI saying that the 2020 election was "stolen" and that "they" turned Michigan into California overnight:
Read 6 tweets
Jun 3rd 2022
If you live in the blue area of this map, we need you to vote in the Democratic Primary on August 2nd.

We need you to skip the statewide offices, our governor, SOS, and AG candidates are locked in anyway.

We need you to write in JOSEPH ALFONSO for US Congressional District 4. Image
If we fail to get 3,250 voters to do this, there will only be a Republican available on the 4th house district ballot, covering cities like #Kalamazoo, #BattleCreek, #BentonHarbor, #Holland, #Portage, #Saugatuck, #StJoseph, and #SouthHaven. That Republican is absolutely terrible.
Bill Huizenga represents the area of the district in the red square. His old gerrymandered district is in green. He's a no-name candidate in most of the district. He needs an opponent, especially one like Joseph Alfonso who is a Marine #veteran on the state plumbing board. ImageImage
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Jun 2nd 2022
The host from the Detroit Regional Chamber kicks off the #MIGOP #Debate by thanking the candidates for taking time away from their busy schedule of grifting and griping.
The hosts of today's debate are @rickpluta and @RickAlbinWoodTV, both of whom I had conversations with at the Republican nominating convention in Grand Rapids a couple months ago. @DistillSocial was there too. 😇
Kevin Rinke, just made up total nonsense claim about "abortions" that happen 28 days ✨after✨ a baby is born.

This is illegal, and it is murder. 🤦🏽‍♂️
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May 23rd 2022
🚨 Michigan Board of State Canvassers recommends that Republican gubernatorial candidates James Craig, the current frontrunner in the primary, and Perry Johnson NOT appear on the August ballot because they did not file enough valid petition signatures. #MIGov #Election2022
The Board of State Canvassers also recommends that Michael Markey, Michael Brown, and Donna Brandenburg NOT appear on the Republican primary ballot — which would halve the field.

Tudor Dixon, who the DeVos family endorsed today, DID file enough signatures. #MIGov #Election2022
These are just recommendations — for now. The final decision will be made at a Board of State Canvassers meeting later this week.

The suggestions would halve the size of the Republican primary field and eliminate the two top polling candidates. #MIGov #Election2022
Read 4 tweets
Sep 22nd 2020
--> @GovWhitmer and two of her top advisers, @DrKhaldun and @MarkTottenMI, recorded a video talking about their decision-making for executive orders responding to the #coronavirus pandemic and when the state of emergency may end. #COVID19 #MIGov #MiLeg ImageImageImage
--> @MarkTottenMI, the governor's chief legal counsel, reiterated what @GovWhitmer has said that the state of emergency won't go on forever. "It's a matter of months. It is important, right now, that the protections continue to stay in place because we face a very real enemy." Image
"What's been so important in this recovery is the emergency measures, the orders, that the governor has put in place to try to limit the spread of COVID-19," gov attorney @MarkTottenMI says.

Axing 1945 law would remove "the heart ... what we know has saved thousands of lives." Image
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Sep 18th 2020
Inspired by @mamamorinny to take 50 election actions in 50 days for @MomsDemand Gun Sense Candidates! This is my accountability thread. Backtracking to 50 Days to #ElectionDay (9/14)- stuffing envelopes for my state Senator @LaurenArthurMO! #MomsAreEverywhere #moleg Image
49 Days ‘til #ElectionDay - almost bedtime and my eyes are tired, but training to send texts for Team Biden-Harris! @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @TeamJoe #MomsAreEverywhere Image
48 Days ‘til #ElectionDay - Phone banking with other Missouri @MomsDemand volunteers to help elect @nicolergalloway as Missouri’s first female Governor - Winning Wednesdays! #MomsAreEverywhere #mogov Image
Read 61 tweets
Nov 18th 2018
Now that Dems won big in Michigan, it's worth taking a look at how Mike Pence is actually one of the state's biggest losers this election cycle.

He made himself a constant presence, visiting his neighbor state almost once a month starting in March of 2018 #MIGov
Every visit, Pence stayed on-script, touted tax cuts & got 2-3 rounds of news coverage. He also visited multiple times in 2017, gave a commencement at Hillsdale, and supported Bill Schuette nearly 10 months before the GOP primary.
As one example of how it didn't work, @gretchenwhitmer flipped Kent County red to blue -- even though Pence brought his fake resolve & Trump's tax-cuts-are-great act to Grand Rapids in August, Sept, and then again in Oct a week before Election Day #MIGov
Read 6 tweets

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