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Jun 5th 2023
Dear City Officials,

I would like to express my concern regarding the adoption of Ranked Choice Voting system. While it may seem like an appealing option at first, I strongly believe that it is not the best choice for our city.

First and foremost, Ranked Choice Voting can often……
Read 5 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
1/ Photo’d a rally and protest outside Border Patrol headquarters in #ChulaVista. Activists gathered to protest the construction of a thirty-foot wall that would severely limit the use of Friendship Park, a site for thousands of family reunifications per year.
2/ Border Patrol has stated “access to the Park will be coordinated with USBP through a gate in the secondary barrier, during designated periods of time, once it is operationally safe to do so.”
Activists say that a 30-foot wall is not necessary—the park already has an 18 ft wall
3/ ... , and has been closed for just over three years. Further, to the knowledge of speakers, there have been no injuries at the park throughout its history.
Activists delivered valentines addressed to BP agent Aaron Heitke, the current Chief Patrol Agent for San Diego Sector.
Read 9 tweets
Jul 14th 2020
@LorenaSGonzalez @LorenaAD80 #UPDATE: #Free #Food Opportunities #SanDiego County:

#School #Summer #Meal Services by School District
#Pandemic-#EBT (#PEBT) - Deadline to APPLY, July 15
Food Resources During Coronavirus Crisis
School Summer Meal Services Listed by School District:
#ChulaVista #Elementary #School District -

#Meal #distribution will continue through #summer. #Drivethru meal distribution of #breakfast and #lunch takes place daily at the sites below, beginning at 10 a.m. and ending when all #bags are distributed.
#Bags will be placed into #automobile trunks; they will NOT be handed through #vehicle #windows unless absolutely necessary. #Meals are intended for our neediest #children between the ages of 1 to 18 years, & #students should be present when receiving meals.
Read 23 tweets

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