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Nov 10th 2022
The climate is getting colder, not warmer

Since about 4000 - 3000 BC the climate on earth has gradually become noticeably colder. Ever since the beginning of the postglacial climatic optimum around 7000 BC.

#climatehistory #climatechange
Successive changes in the tilt of the earth's axis have led to the northern hemisphere receiving less and less solar energy during the summer months. The change has been greatest in northern areas.
Various feedback mechanisms in the climate system have caused not only the summers to become colder in the northern hemisphere, but also the other seasons.

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Nov 9th 2022
Europe had a richer nature during the warm postglacial climatic optimum than today.

The landscape of northern Europe, including Scandinavia, looked very different during the postglacial climatic optimum.

The nature in southern and central Scandinavia did not look like what we are now used to. Both the climate and nature instead reminded of present-day northern and central France.
All the way up in Norrland dominated forests with elm, ash, oak, linden and hazel mixed with pine and birch. The fir had not yet come further than the far north.
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