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Sep 25th 2022
It's Monday and I hope it's the start of a good week for you.

This is the daily thread number 215 with all the news from #Russia's war on #Ukraine

Now anyone who gives over £200 will receive a personal message of thanks from🇺🇦 soldiers on the frontline.…
Just to clarify, if you have already made a pledge, you are still eligible. So if you gave £100, we need £101 more, or if you donated £200, just an extra £1 will do it, but feel free to give more if you can afford it.

Help #Ukraine defend itself and defend democracy!
If you missed anything on Sunday, here's the start of yesterday's thread.

I was on the road most of yesterday and posted a lot in the evening.

#StopRussia #StandWithUkraine

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