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Day 464 of #Russia's illegal war in #Ukraine starts with another horrendous wait to see if air defence can protect them as cruise missiles head towards them as I type.

This is THE daily thread with all the news of the brutal war in one place, updated all day (and night!)
So much happened yesterday - here's the link to the start of Thursday's thread.

Deaths from #Russia's missiles because shelters were locked
#Crimea bridge falling down?
Big explosions in #Belgorod + #Kursk regions and the rebel Russian units attack again

Almost all of #Ukraine is under threat right now. Sirens sound across the country except for a handful of western regions.

#Cherkasy, just south of #Kyiv is initially thought to be in the firing line of the missiles launched by #Russia from bombers over the Caspian Sea. Image
Read 66 tweets
The start of meteorological summer. It's also the start of the 17th month which has seen war in #Ukraine.
It's Day 463 of #Russia's illegal war and Thursday is another day which has started with murder in #Kyiv.

All the important news and analysis in one thread, starts here:
First, a quick reminder that you can access all yesterday's developments in #Ukraine in this link to the start of Wednesday's thread⬇️

Thanks to all my followers, boosters, story suggesters and financial supporters (see my profile for the link)

1/ Attack on #Kyiv

The first day of summer is Children's Day in #Ukraine. Yesterday schools closed for the summer.
In the first few hours of this special day, an 11 year old child was killed, murdered by #Russia's missiles, along with two adults in their 30s.

#StopRussia ImageImage
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Another small milestone in Europe's war.

Today is Day 450 of #Russia's unprovoked and illegal invasion of its neighbour.

This is the start of Friday's daily thread. Already another day of missile attacks.

For Thursday's news, click and scroll here:
The night attack by #Russia started with drones and ended with more cruise missiles.

Only 3 of the 6 missiles fired from the Black Sea were intercepted according to #Ukraine and there were hits in #KryvyiRih

16 more drones were shot down. Image
In #KryvyiRih a 64-year-old woman was seriously injured.

A private business was hit. An administration building and workshops were severely damaged by the blast and subsequent fires.
Another man received slight injuries but did not go to hospital.

#RussiaIsATerroristState ImageImageImageImage
Read 46 tweets
Welcome to Saturday's #UkraineWar thread on Day 444 of #Russia's invasion.

All the news as always throughout the day in one handy thread, but with a fun #Eurovision twist today which I'll explain in the next tweet.

If you want to buy me a coffee there's a link in my bio🙏💙💛
So what's all this about #Eurovision ?

Well to mark #Ukraine's "hosting" of the final in #Liverpool tonight, in my tweets today there will be winning song titles🎶 in some of the posts (not all)

Just for fun. Reply if you spot one, as it will help fight the shadow ban on my a/c
Give yourself bonus points if you know the country and year the song won!

Anyway if you missed anything yesterday, you can review Friday's thread here. A day when we had all kinds of everything going on:

Read 65 tweets
Hello again. It's Friday 12 May + Day 443 of the #UkraineRussiaWar

I'm back again. Another daily thread for all the news that matters in one place.

Two big developments y'day - #Ukraine's counter offensive prep + long range weapons arrive! Catch up here:
First a strange tale from the far east of #Russia where a private helicopter cut through power lines during a "hard landing"

The Mi-2's landing cut off power to the Transneft station in Primorsky Krai.
It's so remote it took 2 days to find the chopper & the pilot's disappeared! ImageImageImageImage
A big increase in #Russia's manpower losses in the last 24 hours. Still a lot of equipment being hit by #Ukraine too.

#RussiansGoHome Image
Read 45 tweets
Welcome to the #UkraineRussiaWar news thread for Day 442 of the full invasion.

All the news in one handy place, updated throughout the day, sprinkled with my analysis.

Busy yesterday? Catch up with a click and scroll of Wednesday's news, here⬇️

Fairly quiet again overnight. But a couple of stories inside #Russia's borders to highlight

In #Kursk region there were power cuts after reports of shelling in the village of #Tyotkino

Local officials say 5 rockets from #Ukraine hit the electricity substation in the settlement.
Earlier, #Russia claimed a council building was attacked by drones in #Bryansk region.

The Governor said "a UAV of the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired at an administrative building in the town of #Starodub."
There were no casualties.

Read 43 tweets
Wednesday 10 May
Day 441 of this terrible war.
At least #Ukraine has woken relatively peacefully today in contrast to most recent days.

All the news on #Russia's invasion, all day in one thread. If you want to buy me a coffee please see my bio for the link💙💛
So y'day was another violent & busy day as #Russia celebrated Victory Day but with zero victory to salute in its illegal invasion of #Ukraine

More deaths by fire, setbacks in #Bakhmut and #Wagner being labelled terrorists by more countries. Catch up here:
#Russia's losses in the last 24 hours show a marked decrease in he amount of equipment destroyed compared to the recent trend.

However, #Ukraine is killing more and more soldiers as Russians continue kamikaze tactics in #Donetsk with the one resource they have plenty of: people. Image
Read 34 tweets
Welcome along to the daily thread for Day 440 of the war in #Ukraine

More deadly missile attacks launched in the early hours this morning by #Russia on what is supposed to be one of the sacred days in the calendar, 9 May.
#Russia has no victory to celebrate.

All the news here⬇️
It was another busy day yesterday, a lot of news from the battlefields of #Ukraine and beyond too.

For a catch up on anything you missed on Monday, click and scroll down from this link:

So during the night #Russia launched no fewer than 25 Cruise missiles - but #Ukraine's air defences managed to shoot down 23 of them.

In the first wave 8 Kalibrs were fired from Black Sea ships. Then at 4am 17 Kh-101/555s were fired by ships over the Caspian Sea. Image
Read 41 tweets
Day 439 of the war. #Russia's war on its peaceful neighbour.

That neighbour, #Ukraine, continues to be under attack as Monday 8 May begins.

Here's another daily thread with all you need to know about what's happening.
Catch up on yesterday's news here⬇️
#Kyiv - at the end of yesterday's thread, just before midnight UK time, I showed video of a car on fire after drone wreckage fell on it after being shot down.

Now Mayor of the capital, @Vitaliy_Klychko has confirmed there are injuries, four in total in two different incidents. Image
Two of the injured in #Kyiv have been hospitalised.

Another explosion is reported in the capital now too.

#StopRussia #UkraineUnderAttack
Read 31 tweets
Zaporizhya Nuclear Power Plant, located in southeastern Ukraine, is one of Europe's largest nuclear power plants and is critical to Ukraine's energy security. #UW_InfoWatch #AgainstRussianLies
However, almost since the #Russian full-scale invasion, the plant has been under illegal occupation by Russian-backed forces. This occupation poses a significant threat to the safety of the plant's workers and the region's security and stability. #RussiaIsATerroristState
The potential for an accident or sabotage at the plant could lead to catastrophic consequences not only for Ukraine and the world. 🇷🇺 propaganda media in advance, write about the attempts of 🇺🇦 troops to seize the ZNPP, forgetting that the plant is located on Ukrainian territory. Image
Read 6 tweets
Sunday is Day 438 of #Russia's catastrophic full invasion of #Ukraine

Each day you've been able to find all the news of Europe's war in one place with these daily threads.

It's all free, but if you can support what I do with a coffee I'd be very grateful
I forgot this yesterday (thanks Dave for remembering!) so let's do this straightaway!

As I post so much, people couldn't find the start of the previous day's thread, which they found handy to review what they missed. So here's the start of Saturday's feed
#Ukraine was attacked last night. Here's a summary:

#Dnipropetrovsk region - again huge artillery fire on #Nikopol with one dead and 3 injured.
#Mykolaiv region - a ballistic missile hit "an industrial enterprise"
#Kyiv - a reconnaissance drone was shot down in the region.
Read 52 tweets
🇬🇧Welcome to Day 437 of #Russia's war on #Ukraine

If you are citizen of the Commonwealth, Happy Coronation Day, or if you're a Republican, just enjoy the weekend😅

This is the daily thread for Saturday with all the news in one thread, updated throughout the day.
Let's start in occupied #Crimea, where chat sites make pleasant reading this morning:

08:04 "A loud bang was heard in the #Krasnogvardeyskoye district"
08:05 "a good roar sounded. Dzhankoy-Krasnogvardeyskoye"
08:05 "strong 'cotton' in Krasnogvardeyskoye."

Here's what was seen
#Russia's Occupiers on #Crimea insist air defence worked in the north of Crimea "there were no casualties or destruction"

Oh but then the Kerch Bridge was unexpectedly closed. Guards told these people "threat of an attack" but later authorities say it's "for technical reasons"🤡
Read 43 tweets
Another weekend beckons, but every day is the same on the frontline in #Ukraine.

Welcome to Daily thread number 436 of #Russia's illegal invasion.

If you like these threads please consider buying me ☕️ see my bio for the link. It's been a really tough slog this week.
A quieter start to the day than the last couple, which have been crazy to be honest and back to the bad old days of a year ago in #Ukraine.

If you missed something yesterday, click and scroll through yesterday's thread right here:

The UK's daily intel report inspects the rails of #Russia after the spate of sabotage attacks recently. These attacks far more believable than the pantomime drone strike on the Kremlin.

#StopRussia Image
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Hello again and thanks for reading, this is Thursday's #RussiaUkraineWar thread.

It's Day 435 since #Russia launched its full invasion.

I am still recovering from yesterday - what a day. Relive it here:
Some breaking news, we are learning about repeated explosions in #Zaporizhzhia this morning.

S-300 anti aircraft missiles again being used by #Russia to attack civilians, but monitoring groups say one exploded just after launch, before it crossed the frontline.

It's noisy.
The weather has improved in #Ukraine. But though the ground may be drying out a little on the frontline, conditions are still incredibly tough.

Here's the only viable route for #Ukraine to/from #Khromove (then beyond to #ChasivYar)

Read 62 tweets
Ihr habt mit Sicherheit schon mitbekommen. Putin hat jetzt offiziell anerkannt, dass 🇷🇺🗑️Invasoren 2014 in die Ukraine einmarschiert sind.
Die ausführlichste Quelle dazu übersetzt als Thread für euch!!

Russischer „Söldner“ erhält staatliche
staatliche Auszeichnung von Putin für Kampf im Donbas

Halya Coynash

Einer von 26 Panzerfahrern der sogenannten privaten Militärfirma Wagner (PMC) wurde 2014 mit einer russischen Staatsauszeichnung "Für Tapferkeit" geehrt. In Russland ist es illegal, ein Söldner zu
sein, aber das ist nur einer von vielen Gründen, um Moskaus Behauptung zu widerlegen, es habe nichts mit der Wagner PMC zu tun, die sowohl in der Ukraine als auch in Syrien eingesetzt wurde. Einer von 26 Panzerfahrern der sogenannten Wagner Private Military Company [PMC] wurde
Read 35 tweets
The Russians fired on #Kostyantynivka (near Bakhmut) with MLRS and cluster munitions; there are victims.

As reported in Donetsk Regional Military Administration, multi-apartment houses were damaged. At the moment, it is known about three dead and six wounded.🤬
#RussianWarCrimes ImageImageImageImage
Paramedic showed the consequences of the terrorist attack on #Kostyantynivka

He &other paramedics were nearby, so they provided first aid to the surviving woman,but unfortunately they couldn’t save the other people, they were already dead.
So far 6 civilians killed and 8 injured ImageImageImage
21+ ‼️


Terrifying video footage of the consequences of the shelling of #Kostyantynivka. The woman died just in her kitchen.

So far 6 people killed and 8 injured.

#RussiaIsATerroristNaziState #RussiaIsATerroristState #StopRussiaNow #ArmUkraineNow…
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After the beginning of the full-scale #RussiaUkraineWar, 🇷🇺 authorities took orphans or children left without parental care from the occupied regions of 🇺🇦 to 🇷🇺, without the consent of the Ukrainian authorities or relatives of such children. 1/6 #UW_InfoWatch #AgainstRussianLies
In addition, it was reported that in the occupied Crimea and several regions of Russia, children who went there with the consent of their parents are kept in children's camps, but now the parents cannot take them back. 2/6
In May 2022, Putin signed a decree simplifying the granting of Russian citizenship to Ukrainian children, which opens the way for their adoption in Russia. 3/6 #RussianWarCrimes #RussiaIsATerroristState
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Never forget who the russian fascists are.

Terrorists, occupiers, murderers, liars.
Read 12 tweets
I absolutely hate predicting things, yet here we go again. #Moldovan coup d'etat planned by #Moscow: I have been warning in November 2022. This is extremely dangerous to the EU and the whole world. 🧵 #StopRussiaNow
Below are two articles with interviews and reports from #Moldova, answering all possible whys and hows.…
Read 9 tweets
A milestone in the #RussiaUkraine war.
Tuesday 20 December is Day 300 of the unprovoked conflict.

Welcome along to another daily thread with all the important news and analysis, updated in real time throughout the day.

Here's yesterday's thread ICYMI
The NAFO Fellas down under asked me to let you know about this festive initiative:

#StandWIthUkraine #StopRussia

The @UN stands accused of "yielding to #Russia's threats" for not investigating #Iran's role in the drone attacks which are causing the civilian population unimaginable suffering

Many allies believe Iran's supply of weapons violates a 2015 UNSC resolution…
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zunächst einmal die englische Version: I have disability und work in a workshop for people with disabilities. But also i recognize clearly and distinct, what kind of barbarian war criminal the russian dictator Wladimir Putin is.
These man is worthy of no honor, esteem or respect
2/1 and he clearly belongs in the trash bin of russian history. An international arrest warrant should also be issued against him for his war of aggression against Ukraine, which violates international law, and that should be done as quickly as possible, because this war criminal
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And what, there will be no annual 🇷🇺President’s speech? #AgainstRussianLies #InfoWatch
For the last 10 years, the head of the Kremlin has annually held a meeting at the end of the year, “a meeting best of the best”. Last year, a big press conference occurred on December 23rd, where Vladimir Putin talked for almost 4 hours, responding to 55 questions. #StopRussiaNOW Image
However, this tradition continued until #Russia started “a special military operation” in #Ukraine, and this year, the annual big press conference of Russia’s President Vladimir Putin won’t occur. #RussiainvadedUkraine Image
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❗❗ Dec 16 massive strike on #Ukraine:
#Kyiv emergency blackouts, metro stopped, no water;
#Zhytomyr region - an infrastructure facility hit;
#KryvyiRih a residential building hit; at least two killed; #Dnipro a hit
#Zaporizhzhia: - 15 missiles fired, problems w/heat
#Kharkiv region - 10 missiles fired, 3 hits at infrastructure facilities; no electricity, communication problems;
#Poltava #Mykolaiv #Vinnytsia #Khmelnytsky #Ternopil #Kirovohrad regions - air defense work. Some areas without power
Emergency blackouts throughout the country (2/3)
Red: missile hits
Green: missiles downed by Ukrainian air defense.

The heating system is targeted today. #Kholodomor: Death by Cold.

The air raid in #Odesa has been going on for 4.5 hours at this moment.

A missile or/and drone attack expected

#StopRussiaNow #StopRussia
Read 4 tweets
All for them, for our children.

Their lives. Freedom. Of The Future.

#Ukraine #RussiaIsATerroristState #StopRussianAggression #RussiaIsANaziState
Bogdan from Bakhmut.

Russian fascists killed his father, his pregnant mother. No one could collect their bodies for several days because of the shelling, so the boy ran away to do it himself - the police saved the child, and the police dog Rem helped bring him back from shock.…
We will never forget all the suffering and tears of our children by the Russian fascist.

#RussiaIsATerroristState #russiaisateroriststate #RussiaIsANaziState #StopRussiaNOW
Read 14 tweets

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