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Jan 16th 2022
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 01/16/2022…
What complexity science says about what makes a winning team | Aeon Essays…

#ComplexityScience, #WinningTeams, #AeonEssay
Our behaviour in bulk is more predictable than we like to imagine | Aeon Essays…

#HumanBehavior, #BehaviorPatterns, #predictability
Read 20 tweets
Jan 1st 2021
Welcome to 2021 and NCAA 14's brand new look! Everything from the in-game scorebug, to menus, fonts, and all 152 logos have been reconstructed and redesigned to match ESPN's 2020 style and give NCAA 14 a MUCH needed face-lift.

#morethanuniforms #ncaa14 #collegefootball #cfbr
We've had a small team working on this expansive project in secret for months and are so excited to make it available for everyone on all three of our supported platforms TODAY. Hopefully this release lived up to the hype for all of you.
We're doing much more than just updating uniforms with this game, and we have lots of cool content coming in the future. So stick around and tell your friends to give CFB Revamped a try. There's no going back to the regular old NCAA game now. Enjoy!
Read 3 tweets
Sep 17th 2020
Oh did you want a long early morning rant #thread? Yes? No? Too late, here it is. Let’s talk about how the insistence on returning to college football not only a reflection of racism & capitalism, but also the deep failures of patriarchal culture. Ready? Let’s go.
Ok so yesterday I talked a bit about racism & capitalism in the organized sport industry particularly football. Here’s that thread. Note: I’m sure there are scholars who have written about this, this is just my Black feminist quick take.
So football relies heavily on the athletic performance of Black men for the entertainment & profit of predominantly white men. In the NFL when players protest, they’re told to shut up & play or that they make enough money so they shouldn’t care (racist capitalist perspective).
Read 27 tweets
Sep 10th 2020
I really can’t get over how disrespectful UGA's plan to put up to 23,000 people in Sanford stadium is to all of the people in Athens who have sacrificed by skipping funerals, weddings, birthdays, etc, in efforts to get local covid numbers under control... *THREAD* #CFB
Which they currently are not...and are getting worse. The positivity rate of symptomatic cases tested at the University Health Center is 50%. The positivity rate of minimal surveillance testing of non-symptomatic UGA community members is over 8%! 2/
#UGA is reporting 1417 new cases in the last week alone. Since students have come back to Athens, Athens now holds the #5 spot of cities NATIONALLY where new cases are increasing fastest. 3/
Read 13 tweets
Aug 10th 2020
Many people have strong opinions on the @bigten decision to cancel football this year. Why would they do it? I think there are several factors involved that fans, coaches, administrators, and players have different perspectives on. Let's review. #CollegeFootball
First, we've had a few outbreaks of the virus so far this summer in college football. Rutgers is just one of the most recent outbreaks.…
Michigan State's team was put under quarantine a few weeks ago after an outbreak. If this happened during the season they would miss two week of play.…
Read 10 tweets
Aug 10th 2020
Kudos to @MACSports for stepping up and postponing #CollegeFootball.

The fact is we still don’t know what the long-term complications of #COVID19 will be, so student athletes cannot yet make an informed choice on the risks and benefits of playing.

We know that if the Big 5 conferences decide to go ahead with football this fall, despite the unknown (but potentially serious!) risks to the athletes, many athletes will have circumstances that, rightly or wrongly, compel them to participate.

No scholarship is worth permanent disability from, say, cardiomyopathy from #COVID19.

@theACC @SEC @Big12Conference @bigten @pac12 ought to follow the lead of @MACSports and postpone football until player safety [from COVID and its long-term complications] can be assured.

Read 4 tweets
Aug 9th 2020
If #CollegeFootball doesn't happen this fall, then I believe you won't see it again until the fall of 2021 -- and that is after a good percentage of FBS athletic departments go under. Let me explain why:
Unless SARS 2 burns itself out magically and disappears as the first SARS did, there's no way on our current epidemiological curve it will be gone by February or so when this spring football season is supposed to start.
Without achieving herd immunity naturally or via a vaccine, the same pattern will repeat itself. Every time you bring people together that haven't been exposed to a highly infectious contagion, there will be a surge in new cases.
Read 18 tweets
Jul 7th 2020
Thread on moving season to the spring.

If no #CollegeFootball this fall, there's going to be mass layoffs without all that revenue. Without that revenue, you can't bring back all the infrastructure it takes to house, train, feed, and educate all those players in the spring.
Many programs, even at the power 5 level, live paycheck to paycheck from a cash flow/outlay situation. Meaning they spend what they take in. They're not sitting on massive revenue reserves.
So where would the revenue come from? Would TV networks pay out in advance, when there's still no guarantee of a vaccine ever happening? We've never had one for a coronavirus, and couldn't develop one for the first SARS in 12 years.
Read 8 tweets
Jul 5th 2020
My now annual thread on some noteworthy #CollegeFootball trends heading into a new season, 55 days from today.
After losing 4 games in a season only once between 1969 and 2001, Nebraska has lost at least 4 games for 16 straight seasons.
Jim Harbaugh is the first coach in Michigan history to start 0-6 against Ohio State.
Read 19 tweets
May 2nd 2020
Today is the start of a new month so all month long I thought I would share a video every day of some of my favorite sports moments in my lifetime. These are in no particular order because that would be impossible to do! Hope you guys enjoy!
Day 1: Howie Kendrick’s go-ahead home run off the right-field foul pole in Game 7 of the 2019 World Series.
#MLB #Nationals
Day 2: Paul Pierce banks in the game winning buzzer beater in game 3 of the 2015 Eastern Conference semifinals.
#Wizards #NBA
Read 16 tweets

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