Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #NBA

Most recents (24)

El GOAT 🐐 #MichaelJordan compró el equipo de la #NBA @hornets en el 2010 por $175 millones.
El equipo nunca ganó nada y solo clasificó 2 veces a los play off donde los eliminaron. Lo acaba de vender en $3.000 millones.🤑

Perdiendo también se gana. 💰

[Hilo] 🧶


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Según la revista @Forbes, el equipo de los @hornets estaba valorado en $1.700 millones, pero Jordan lo ha vendido en $3 mil millones según @ESPNDeportes, y aunque todavía permanecerá como accionista minoritario se embolsillará 17 veces lo que pagó en el 2010 (1600%). 😬

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Ni siquiera en sus contratos y asociaciones multimillonarias de casi 40 años con @Nike logró ganar tanto dinero como lo que se ganará en la venta de los @hornets. Actualmente Nike le paga el 5% de todas las ganancias hechas por la venta de productos de su marca Air Jordan.

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ΝΒΑ finals sets thread - 3 games so far.
Part 2: Miami Heat
1. Slice pitch back shuffle
#basketball #NBA #NBAFinals #MiamiHeat #HEATCulture #coach #Video #playbook
2. Horns stack, get & corner cut
3. 5 out away re-screen & corner cut
Read 15 tweets
What do these 3 guys have in common?

- They each scored 15 points in Game 1
- None of them were drafted Image
Jimmy Butler was a PROBLEM, but these 3 were the difference.

- They also each made exactly 3 threes
Lowry also had 15… Image
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🧵En el hilo de hoy, vamos a tratar de ver como Los Lakers trataron de defender al extraterreste Curry, y como los Warriors se adaptaron a esta defensa para anotar puntos fáciles

#NBA #NBAPlayoffs @NBAspain Image
Para poner un poco en contexto la actuación de Curry de esta noche, el 30 de los Warriors ha repartido 12, asistencias que es su récord de la temporada, y a tan solo 3 del récord de su carrera. Es decir, sabía que hoy no era el día de anotar el y ha alimentado a sus compañeros
Los Warriors eliminan a Looney de la fórmula, y juegan con Dray como bloqueador para sacar a AD de la zona. Curry juega el Pick & Roll, y ve como AD ha salido al triple a defenderle, por lo que da un pase en el short roll de Green, para que este finalice sin problemas
Read 11 tweets
La contestation de la réforme des retraites se poursuit sur le front politique : le Conseil constitutionnel doit se prononcer aujourd'hui sur une deuxième demande de référendum faite par la gauche #AFP 1/5 ImageImage
Journalistes harcelés, emprisonnés ou tués à travers le monde : organisations internationales et médias se sont alarmés des menaces contre la liberté de la presse en ce 30e anniversaire de la #JournéeDeLaLibertéDeLaPresse #AFP 2/5 Image
Un groupe de parlementaires américains a demandé au gendarme de Wall Street d'exiger une enquête indépendante sur les accusations de travail forcé des Ouïghours à l'encontre de plusieurs groupes d'habillement #AFP 3/5 ImageImageImage
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La ley del #SoloSiesSi” ha divido tanto al congreso español como a manifestantes en #España. El partido #Podemos, es el principal crítico de esta reciente reforma de ley que ha causado rebajas de penas y excarcelaciones a acusados de delitos sexuales
En #Irán se registraron cientos de casos de posible envenenamiento por gas en al menos 52 colegios de niñas y adolescentes en diferentes regiones del país
La @ONU_es presentó las bases para proteger el 30% de mares y océanos en el 2030. El acuerdo inicial ahora pasa a manos de la asamblea general para ser aprobado y ratificado
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Hoy es un día HISTÓRICO: #GraciasPau 🇪🇸❤️

Así que os entregamos una invitación.

🌟¿Os apetece recorrer con nosotros de nuevo el largo camino de @PauGasol hasta llegar al presente?

Sed bienvenidos: Pau x #Gigantes 🧵🏀⬇️
Hace más de dos décadas, un grupo de chavales comenzaron a llamar la atención de todo un país.

🌟Un grupo, sin duda, muy especial.

Aquellos jóvenes eran buenos, muy buenos, pero también amigos, muy amigos. Dentro y fuera de la cancha.

📸Hay fotografías que son ya para la historia.

Read 36 tweets

⚔️Les matchs ups⚔️
🟢Watchlist de joueurs pour la GW🟢

Un petit ❤️ et le 🔁 ça fait toujours plaisir !

#SorareNBA #Sorare #GW36 #NBA
🟢1 équipe à 3 matchs lors de cette GW :

🔔Phila 76 ers

🔴7 équipes à 1 match :

🦅 Atlanta Hawks
🏇 Cleveland Cavs
🍗 Denver Nuggets
🐺 Minnesota TWolves
☀️ Phoenix Suns
👑 Sacramento Kings
🎵 Utah Jazz

Les 22 autres équipes ont 2 matchs
✈️Les équipes en B2B✈️

⚫️ Nets : H/A
🐂 Bulls : A/A
🦌 Bucks : A/H
🔔 76ers : A/A
🚀 Rockets : H/H
🟣 Lakers : A/A
🐻 Grizzlies : H/A
🌪️ Thunder : H/H
🔴 Blazers : A/H
Read 19 tweets
#NBA (ligue de basket 🇺🇸) ou #NFL (ligue de football 🇺🇸) ❓

- 36 accusés de violence conjugale
- 7 arrêtés pour fraude
- 19 accusés d'émettre des chèques sans provision
- 117 ont mis en faillite au moins 2 entreprises
- 3 ont été emprisonnés pour agression
- 71 ont un défaut de solvabilité et ne peuvent pas obtenir de carte de crédit
- 14 ont été arrêtés pour des accusations liées à la drogue
- 8 ont été arrêtés pour vol à l'étalage
- 21 sont poursuivis en justice
- 84 ont été arrêtés pour conduite en état d'ivresse
Photos #NBA : Lebron James, #NFL : Ray Lewis

D'après vous ces actes délictueux ont été commis par des membres..
.Les 2, mêmes stats !
.Ni l'un ni l'autre

Read 5 tweets
Es 17 de febrero. Cumple 60 años #MichaelJordan. No será el máximo anotador de la historia de la NBA, para algunos no será el mejor, pero nadie puede negar que es el más icónico. Homenaje con 60 datos y curiosidades en estos #MJ60
1. El 1 de abril de 1985 Nike (marca con la que MJ no quería firmar) sacaba al mercado un calzado blanco, rojo y negro que ya es historia del deporte. Las Jordan 1 (modelo que no le gustaba al 23) salieron con un precio de venta al público de 65 dólares.
2. El 15 de diciembre de 2002, Michael Jordan demostró que era humano en un partido frente a los Toronto Raptors. Aquella noche, anotó 2 puntos (1 de 9 en tiros de campo) en 40 minutos, siendo anulado por Morris Peterson. Eso sí, los Wizards se llevaron la victoria de Canadá.
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1. Superbowl Thread - Super Bowl LVII: February 12, 2023, State Farm Stadium, Glendale, Arizona
Kansas City Chiefs v Philadelphia Eagles, featuring Rihanna #Rihanna #RihannaSuperBowl #CardiB #SuperBowl #SuperBowlLVII #chiefs #eagles #Illuminati
2. State Farm Stadium looks less like an eye than many, but apparently the roof does not retract. Stadiums are often sited on important leyline sites, as they are energy extraction sites used in rituals like the half time performances #SuperBowlLVII
3. Other stadia look more like the all seeing eye... #SuperBowl #SuperBowl2023
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𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝗚𝗮𝗺𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 (a thread) Image
Gambling has traditionally been considered a “vice,” along with prostitution, illegal drugs, and pornography. In law enforcement, the term “vice” is often considered an inherently immoral activity, often accompanied by depraved, harmful behavior (John Stemberger).
Asmodeus is the name of the demon behind betting. He is the prince of demons in hell. Asmodeus represents lusts. (Terrezo2002 on Nairaland). He incites gambling, and is the overseer of all the gambling houses in the court of Hell.
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Here's a complete look at my 2022/23 Earned Edition project -- much love and appreciation to everyone who has followed along and offered feedback along the way!

#NBA #NBATwitter #NBATwitterLive #Nike #Basketball #NikeBasketball

cc: @WorldWideWob
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Analyse du matchup OKC - Nuggets #NBA

Les cotes sont quasi à l'égalité avec un OKC à 1.95, Denver à 1.89.

Pas d'absence notable côté Thunder.
Jokic, Porter et Murray sont en GameTime Decision, on va partir du principe qu'ils seront sur le parquet dans cette analyse.
Bilan général :
Les Nuggets sont 7ème à l'Ouest avec 10W / 7L. OKC est 12ème, à 7W/10L.

Les Nuggets ont le 10ème ImpactPerformance de la ligue (235), OKC a le 12ème (232).

Denver a la 8ème attaque, 27ème défense, OKC a la 16ème attaque 21ème défense.
Analyse du profil offensif de Denver:

Les Nuggets ont le 6ème TS% de la ligue (59%), mais n'ont que le 21ème plus gros volume de shot / match et le 25ème volume de FT. Leur adresse aux lancers est mauvaise (75%) et leur ratio FT / FG est l'un des plus faible de la Ligue (21%).
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⚠️STRANGER DANGER ⚠️ = #CTG Do they have something on @cthagod for him to put more faith in the words of WS, than @kanyewest? TAP BELOW ⬇️ ❌❌RETWEET❌❌ @DillardVicki
@cthagod is dangerous, not simply because a woman has a right to choose, but because he’ll 🤥 for the enemy!
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Habemus Numbers!!!
During #WBD’s Q3 2022 Earnings Report (JUL-SEP), it’s unveiled 2.8M boost in global DTC subscriptions, citing #HouseOfTheDragon as the main catalyst, but coming below #WallStreet’s 3.3M estimates, reaching 94.9M total #HBOMax+#HBO+#DiscoveryPlus subscribers
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According to #WBD, total subscriptions in the US grew 500k, to 53.5M subscribers, and an ARPU of $10.66, a +1.1% increase
Meanwhile overseas markets were the main driver in subscriptions growth, adding 2.3M on Q3 2022, for a 41.4M international total,with an ARPU of just $3.68
Streaming and subscriptions alone were responsible for 2.3B in revenue, -6% compared to Q3 2021.
Ads revenue more than doubled to $106M, as #HBOMax Ad-tier keeps growing in subscribers.
Even so, overall streaming Costs increased +22% to almost 3B, putting DTC -634M in the red.
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Just finished reading a 17-page story of Xi. Here are some interesting facts about him. 🧵

At 15, #XiJinping left Beijing for a village called Liangjiahe, spending 7 years in the countryside, working and living alongside farmers. Image
He carried with him a small sewing bag embroidered with Chinese characters "mom's heart" by his mother Qi Xin.

Xi recalled his earnest wish then was "to make it possible for the villagers to have meat and have it often." Image
In the late 1970s, after graduating from @Tsinghua_Uni, Xi served as a secretary to the minister of defense.

Xi is the first Chinese president to swear allegiance before the country's Constitution. Image
Read 12 tweets
[THREAD] How To Launch A Profitable Betting Tips Business in 23 Steps? 👇

#bettingtips #bettingpicks #makemoneyonline #Telegram #recurring #sports #tipsters #Patreon #Sublaunch #Bookmaker #WorldCup2022 Image

Choose ONLY 1 sport, the one you are passionate about. ⚽️🎾🏓🏉🥊🏒🎮

#bettingtips #bettingpicks #makemoneyonline #Telegram #recurring #sports #tipsters #Patreon #Sublaunch #Bookmaker #WorldCup2022 #Tennis #Predictions #football #NBA #CSGO #basketball Image

Create an IG and Tiktok account. Create a brand. Don’t overthink! Just do it!

Name + Logo + Main color

#DontOverThink #Act

#bettingtips #bettingpicks #makemoneyonline #Telegram #recurring #sports #tipsters #Patreon #Sublaunch #Bookmaker #WorldCup2022 #Tennis Image
Read 24 tweets
🏀How many games will the #lakers win this season?
Russell Westbrook, who suffered a hamstring injury in the team’s final preseason game Friday, started the regular-season opener against the #Warriors.…
For the @Lakers to succeed, they must stay healthy.

Knee and foot injuries took a toll on Anthony Davis last season. That led to TNT analyst Charles Barkley dubbing him ‘Street Clothes.’

“He’s been hurt more than he has played,” Barkley told @BA_Turner.…
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Hoy comienza una nueva temporada de la #NBA y me gustaría compartir un recopilado de, PARA MI, los mejores momentos de la temporada pasada.

Luego de eternas horas de búsqueda y ediciones pude finalizarlo.

Espero que les guste, se agradece RT 🤘🏼 Image


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#OTD Charles "Chuck" Cooper (Sept 29, 1926 -  Feb 5, 1984). A 4-year starter for Duquesne University, he was was the 1st Black to participate in a college basketball game south of the Mason–Dixon line & 1st Black player drafted in the NBA.
#History #NBA ImageImageImageImage
#OTD Charles "Chuck" Cooper (Sept 29, 1926 -  Feb 5, 1984). A 4-year starter for Duquesne University, he was was the 1st Black to participate in a college basketball game south of the Mason–Dixon line & 1st Black player drafted in the NBA.
#History #NBA
#OTD Charles "Chuck" Cooper (Sept 29, 1926 -  Feb 5, 1984). A 4-year starter for Duquesne University, he was was the 1st Black to participate in a college basketball game south of the Mason–Dixon line & 1st Black player drafted in the NBA.

Chuck Cooper III
#History #NBA
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Many #ados Black Americans are politically quiet because they don’t grasp what this chart and this quote by economist Piketty mean for their life prospects and familial relationships. And what it says about the likely limited prospects for their children.
It means none of this matters because of your life’s immediate needs. And should beg the question why is it even on your twitter or in your conversation given the moment?
#memphisgrizzlies on Christmas 
🤫👀🤷🏿‍♂️ #ados This should be the main discussion in mature Black homes with full families to support. It is literally nonexistent as a talking point. With most everyone never even seeing the HUGE issue until watching this video.
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#NFT ticketing has all the ingredients necessary to create an overnight boom for mainstream NFT adoption.

Here’s how 🧵👇
In business, there are two types of services:

💊 Vitamins - Add benefits to a customer’s life

💉 Pain Killers - Remove a problem that the customer cannot stand dealing with

The best services, companies or technology use cases do both.

🧵 (1/17)
☠️ Let’s start with the PAIN: Fake Tickets ☠️

To illustrate the scale of this problem, let’s look at a near #riot that broke out as a result of fake tickets just 2 months ago.

🧵 (2/17)
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