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1. I don't know what happened to the #IvanKhurs but I know a couple of things. First, it was attacked by at least three drone ships in an area off the entrance to the #Bosporus. Second, early reports claimed to show it with the name on the side. Third, I knew that was likely Image
2. false because I happened to take a photo of the ship in October and the name had been painted over. So because I witnessed the Russian lies over the Slava Battle Cruiser Moskva, I tend to not believe Russian reporting when it is about one of their ships that was attacked. Image
3. I concluded that there is a better than 50% possibility that #IvanKurs was damaged or sunk and if damaged it is being towed by the ##Commander back to #Sevastopol. Before the AIS reporting was stopped I made the Commander as making less than 1 knot. Based on a speed of 1 knot
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Somalis are affronted by the abhorrent agenda of #Amhara agitators who are attempting to rewrite our ancestors’ #history. As an ardent #PanSomalist whose adamantly against any agenda of #Abyssinians I’d like to address revisionism of our history by Amharas with amble evidence-1/9
From 1529 to 1543 #Somali ruler from #Adal empire named Ahmed #Gurey aka Ahmed #Gran annihilated #Amhara army after many assaults. Ahmed also roamed freely across #Abyssinia for almost two decades and pillaged at will. Ashamedly #Amhara emperor Lebna Dengel run away as coward-2/9
As anticipated emperor #Dengel asked military aid from his #Portuguese ally as he wasn’t able to face Somalis alone. This will become a familiar theme for #Amharas who are actually accustomed to begging military aid from foreign allies against Somalis for almost six centuries-3/9
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Let me present to you some #DataIsBeautiful that shows how WotC is prioritizing phasing out (no pun intended) monocolored EDH deck designs for command zones for the sake of command zone designs that facilitate multicolored decks. I'll go into detail for each of these 4 charts. 🧵 ImageImageImageImage
First, let's start out by talking the raw numbers of what Commanders are printed each year. As @SaffronOlive tweeted based on the entire @MTGGoldfish Commander Crew's end of the year podcast, designing commanders is currently in an unprecedented spike, but is it all the same? No. Image
To add more context, here's what the cumulative totals of raw commanders look like. It took us 25 years to have more than 750 commanders (1993-2018), and only THREE more years to get past 1500 commanders (2019-2022). Image
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1. Historians have put together our #history in only 200 years while they never told us there was a #king who had #women #commander in the army and who with the help of his #giant #boats #powerful #navy across the Southeast #Ash Capture on the Iya Had taken it
2. #Raja_Rajendra_Chol_Pratham (1012-1044) -- A great ruler of our history who was presented by the conspiracies of leftist historians
#Raja_Rajendra_Chol, was the greatest ruler of #Chol_Dynasty. He had expanded the Chol empire with his victories to make him the most powerful
3. empire of South India. Rajendra Chol was the only king who not only waved his victory flag at other places but also spread the amazing system of architecture and administration at the places where he ruled.
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Today's Commander announcment video is out #MTG #Commander #EDH

Commander 2020 will be coming out with Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths (which releases April 24, 2020) and will have 5 commander decks. #MTG #MTGC20 Image
The 5 commander decks with have 71 new cards between them, which is more new cards than in any previous Commander release. #MTG #MTGC20
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