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Heute wird dieses Interview von #Gassen durch die Medien getrieben werden. Ordnen wir es doch mal ein - was die @noz_de selbst leider unterlässt. #FreedomDay
🧵zu den unsäglichen Äußerungen:
In der ersten Frage wird die #Warnung der #Intensivmediziner von #Gassen in ein merkwürdiges Licht gerückt „Vielleicht Plateau wg. Reiserückkehrer, vielleicht Anstieg in kalter Jahreszeit. Entscheidend #Impfung.“
Öähm, wieso vielleicht? Köln war schon jetzt überfüllt.
Als nächstes heißt es „eine Impfquote von 70% sei gut und hinreichend“.
1.Mehr würden wir nicht schaffen können wg. der Kinder. (Ähm 9Mio≈11%, bleiben 89% mit Zulassung)
2. Mehr würden wir aber auch nicht brauchen (Soso, R0 ist also nur 3,3?? Auch bei #Delta?? Wär mir neu)
Read 36 tweets
1/7 This tweet thread describes the authoritative USA county-level *daily count* COVID-19 data that is hosted on my server and which can be used by anyone for any non-commercial purpose. #COVID19 #COVID #CovidData Image
2/7 #JohnsHopkinsUniversity is widely regarded as one of the primary sources for authoritative COVID-19 data. Hopkins curates this data from various sources and hosts it on GitHub at…
3/7 The #JohnsHopkins “timeseries” data is a *cumulative count* of cases and deaths. My code automatically runs each night and converts those cumulative counts into *daily counts*. I am hosting this daily count data in separate csv files per month.
Read 8 tweets
1/7 Each day #JohnsHopkins publishes *cumulative* counts of #COVID19 cases for each county in the USA. As a public service I wrote code to convert that cumulative count data into *daily* counts for all USA counties. #CovidData #Covid19Data
2/7 This daily count data is in one csv file per month. There is one set of files with daily *case* counts and another set of files with daily *death* counts. Anyone can download and use this data. The only limitation is no commercial use.
3/7 These files include a latitude longitude centroid for each county and will be easy to import into spreadsheet or #GIS software. Each night the count of new #COVID cases for the prior day is added to the current monthly csv file.
Read 7 tweets
1/5 Here are links to csv files with *daily* counts of new #COVID19 cases and deaths for all USA counties. These daily counts begin March 24 and are updated each night just after midnight Pacific time with the counts for the prior day. #CovidData Image
2/5 Each day #JohnsHopkins publishes updated timeseries *cumulative* counts of new cases and deaths for all USA counties. As a public service I wrote code to convert that cumulative count data into *daily* counts. Non-commercial use only.
3/5 The daily count data is in one csv file per month for cases and one csv file per month for deaths. These files include a latitude longitude centroid for each county and will be easy to import into spreadsheet or #GIS software.
Read 5 tweets

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