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Aug 7th 2022
Bond reduced for suspects in death of Akron teen #EthanLIMING:

#JonSinn (attorney for the defendants)
#MichelleBaeppler (currently Attorney for Northern Ohio)
#Ohio (∋#Akron)
Relevant context:
"men who are facing charges connected to..death of Akron teen Ethan #LIMING made their first court appearance in the case [2022-06-13] where a judge ordered bond at $1 million each.
[#EthanLiming] was found dead near..#PromiseSchool"…
"A #SummitCounty grand jury indicted..three the..Court of Common Pleas:

#DeshawnStafford, age 20:..involuntary manslaughter, aggravated assault, and assault
#TylerStafford,..19: Involuntary manslaughter and assault
#DonovonJones,..21: .assault"
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