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Jun 3rd 2022
30 years ago today the Rio #EarthSummit started on 3 June 1992. 154 nations pledged there to stabilise greenhouse gas concentrations to prevent a dangerous climate change, in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. A thread🧵.…
The 12-year-old Severn Cullis-Suzuki brought tears to the eyes of delegates with her 8-minute speech. She can be seen as the @GretaThunberg of the 1990s, when time wasn't ripe yet for a big youth movement. Watch it!
I remember watching the news of the UNFCCC signing very well. I thought: *finally* they are doing something to stop #GlobalWarming, a looming crisis we have known about since at least the first official government report of 1965!…
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Nov 5th 2020
Previously, I linked #BuildBackBetter & the #GreatReset to the #MauriceStrong network (mid-1970s but kicking off with the 1992 UN #EarthSummit in Rio). I also linked Strong to the #Rockefeller clan. We may have to go a bit further back in time.

Thread 👇
In 1972, The #ClubofRome published its '#LimitsToGrowth', using simulations to describe the impact of resource depletion on #economic growth. The Club was founded in 1968 by David #Rockefeller, the industrialist Aurelio Peccei & Alexander King.
Its computer-generated models of #doom were designed to impress but were based on simplistic ideas & dubious assumptions. The report, nonetheless, remains influential & illustrates the #Rockefeller obsession with population growth & #resource control
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