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so ist das also, Herr #Schwarz #Rothschild verbreitet falsche Informationen. Der #Trump #Britannia #Connection #Deal ist ihm wohl zu Kopf gestiegen. Da reden Leute oberschlau "Ja, wenn man sein ganzes #geld nur ausgibt und nichts verdient"
Haben Sie den Leuten von den #Firmen 1) Image
2) im #Handelsrecht erzählt? Nein? #1871 haben Sie bereits die #USA in eine #Firma umgewandelt. #1913 mit der #Gründung der #Federal #Reserve die Grundlage fur alle #Staaten als #Firmen gelegt. Sie verschweigen, dass #BRD eine #Firma ist & der ganze Gerichtsapparat 3) Image
3) dank Ihnen & Ihrer Familie korrupt ist. Dass alle Banken, vor allem Ihr ehemaliges Mutterhaus #Barclaycard #Wucherzinsen nimmt. Wucherzinsen, die ich übrigens elf #Jahre an Ihre #bank bezahlte. Genau wie Ihre #Universitäten dank Freundschaft m. #Rockefeller korrupt sind Image
Read 4 tweets
A thread 🧵 #29 of funny memes Image
Doctor: don’t touch your shoulder Image
Doc: I have your results
You: Did I pass?
Doc: You will soon 😂 Image
Read 42 tweets
India 🇮🇳 has developed its own train tech, is far ahead than 🇪🇺🇺🇲 digitally.

When forecast for population shows India will cross China, Swiss decided to draw two cartoons for 🇩🇪Der Spiegel and 🇨🇭NZZ Sonntag, showing Indians as poor & sex-obsessed.
Jealous parasites. ImageImage
Don't worry, they won't be around for long. The cartoonist is Swiss and Swiss men have sperm counts which are among lowest in Europe.

And Germany has been having empty baby beds in their maternity wards for almost two decades now.

Nasl hi khatm.

Their bad karma.
The Harvard researchers have this widely cited paper and other research that has led to “apocalyptic claims” about a dramatic and imminent human #PopulationDecline. 50-60% decline among men unselected by fertility from North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.
Read 8 tweets
@iltalehti_fi @heljasalonen '#Terveystoimittaja': Toisen rokotteen voimaa.
#Hus:in diagnostiikkajohtaja #LasseLehtonen rohkeni lähteä #Venäjä-Pietariin katsomaan jalkapallon EM-ottelua.
Lehtosella oli jo se toinen ja hän katsoi, että hänellä oli lupa lähteä.… Image
@iltalehti_fi @heljasalonen #Mediapooli. Tuottamukselliset terveyden ja hengen vaarantamiset, #rokotekuolemat.
#Korruptio -rahaa vastaan, 2 vuotta valehdelleen "#toimittaja'n" asema #Nuremberg'n lavalla, kun #SpandauBallet -biisi alkaa.
- #Tuonela noutaa... ikuiseen tanssiin...… ImageImage
Read 16 tweets
Silahli isgal yerine
Ekonomik olarak isgal edilirler

T.C.'nin kurulus aşamasinda
Rockefeller'in Eko-isgali
KOC Ailesi ile baslatildi


Karşi hamle olarak
SABANCI Ailesi kuruldu

KOC'lari degil de
SABANCI'lari hedef aldi acaba..#Jewish
Finans merkezi #ABD'dir

#Manhattan önemli bir merkezdir

Chase Bank
Yahudi sermayesidir

#ElKaide gibi
Radikal TERÖR ÖRGÜTLERİni finanse eden sermayedir

Kolay kolay
Ölmek istemeyen
Dangalak Sapkinlardir
#Bilderberg üyesidir

Akliniza gelebilecek
Her türlü
Sapkinlik ve sapikligi

Kacirilan cocuklari/kizlari
Özel Adalar'da bulunan
Yer altindaki
Tapinma yerlerine gotururler

Elleri-ayaklari baglanir
Gozleri acik tutulur..
Read 16 tweets
Siyonist Bill Gates ve eşi Melinda Gates'in yaptıkları zulüm
2009'da Hindistan'da okuma yazması olmayan ailelerin parmak izlerini kullanarak yaklaşık 16 bin 9-15 yaş arası kızlara henüz test aşamasına olan HPV aşısı (Rahim ağzı kanserine karşı aşı) uygulanmıştır.
Bir yıl içinde bu çocuklardan yedisi ölmüş 120 kız çocuğunda ise
şiddetli kanama şiddetli mide ağrıları veya ruhsa bozukluklar baş göstermiştir.
2012 yılında Çad'ın küçük bir köyünde 500 tane çocuğa henüz test aşamasında olan ve Lisansı olmayan bir aşı uygulanıyor.
Aşıdan birkaç saat sonra 156 çocukta baş ağrısı, kusma, şiddetli ve kontrol edilemeyen kasılmalar ve
felç görülmeye başlanıyor.
Bu olay sadece küçük bir yerel gazetede konu edilirken olayı örtbas etmek için çocukların ailelerine
1000'er Euro para veriliyor..
Read 9 tweets
Johan Witteven
Hendrikus Johannes "Johan" Witteveen
E' stato due volte ministro delle finanze, vice primo ministro dei Paesi Bassi, ministro degli affari economici e il quinto amministratore delegato dell'#FMI #IMF . 1/ Image
Dopo il suo mandato, al Fondo monetario internazionale è stato fino al 1985 il primo presidente del " #G30 ", un think tank con sede a Washington, e che la Fondazione #Rockefeller aveva appena lanciato.
Mario #Draghi membro del Group of Thirty 2/… Image
E' stato attivo anche presso il Tinbergen Institute , Institute of International Relations Clingendael , Society for Statistics and Operations Research e Helen Dowling Institute 3/ Image
Read 8 tweets
How is the WHO related to governments?

Where are the countries in this if the #Rockefeller Foundation continues to get financing for the WHO under the leadership of Rajiv Shah (along with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and GAVI as partners)?
Who exactly are the lawyers running the Rockefeller Foundation who choose how much money ($6.3 billion in assets) gets donated to WHO each year?

Since the Rockefeller Foundation was one of the vaccination bonds' pioneers, it should come as no surprise that Rajiv Shah, the
president of the Rockefeller Foundation, is a strong proponent of Covid variants (see action plan).

Over 70 years of cooperation are being honoured.

When the WHO's charter was ratified and the organisation became the first specialised agency of the United Nations in June 1946,
Read 5 tweets
The U.N. is a happy organization?

This happynwo site is now the forwarding address for: (which was a blank site in 2020 with only "Ⓒ Copyright New World Order Project 2020" at the bottom.)

Hmm.🤔 #NewWorldOrder Image
Ha! Found it. Image
Read 72 tweets
THREAD: #Virology: Unmasking a 100+ Year Old Lie

Everything You Think You Know About Disease Is Likely Wrong.

#vaccinegenocide #vaccines #vaccinedeath #PfizerLiedPeopleDied #thread…
We Need To Base Our Understanding of Reality Upon Reality, Not Manipulation.

Everything You Think You Know About Disease Is Likely Wrong....
In order to understand the world around us as the truth about it is emerging from a 100+ year slumber, it’s going to be important to challenge ideas that have absolutely zero basis in reality.

I will start off by saying that we have been duped - ALL OF US.
Read 266 tweets
Multiplexed barcoding of cells:
Fluorescence Polarization Spectroscopy…
I fucking knew it. That's just wonderful. 😑
Read 64 tweets
1/20) This is so shocking, I have to start this little thread fresh to add on to it:
1969: DoD asks congress for $10 million to develop a disease for which there is no immunity
1970: funding granted
2/20) 1970: The same yr congress granted the DoD $10 mill to make a bioweapon, Fauci was transferred from the 👉NAIAD👈 to working with patients at a
👉NEW YORK👈 Hospital
(odd job transfer? Keep reading...)
3/20) 1975: The Maryland Bio War Research Centers name is changed to " National Cancer Institute"🤔. Here a retrovirus, for which there is no cure, is developed by the Navy.
Read 20 tweets
Vladimir Soloviev created the Russian theological concept of 'Sophiology' and Florensky and Bulgakov spread it. Russian Orthodox goal was to spread its beliefs, concepts, and mysticism into world dominance.…

#RussianOrthodox #ThirdRome #Shekinah #Mysticism
'sobornost' was the beginnings of the Russian ecumenical movement in the ROC.
St. Sergius Theological Institute in Paris partnered with the YMCA for financing. Additional money came via John D. Rockefeller which was used to spread Russian charities for support of academy worldwide. (pp. 225-238)

#RussianOrthodox #Rockefeller #YMCA
Read 5 tweets
@BrianLenzkes @FatEmperor I’d studied the #SpanishFlu in-depth + knew early on that they were doing the things with #covid that they’d realized were the opposite of effective a century earlier (hence, never being done again until 2020).
The best study on #NPI outcomes ::… Image
@BrianLenzkes @FatEmperor Another interesting study ~ 1958

Military personnel (human 💉 guinea pigs) were hit the hardest by far.

1 out of every 4 US soldiers caught it, 1 out of every 67 died.

And experiments couldn’t prove transmissibility = no contagion detected.… Image
@BrianLenzkes @FatEmperor The so-called #SpanishFlu started in my home state Kansas + the WuFlu started at #FortDetrick.
There were so many 💉 administered BEFORE it was a pandemic, they couldn't keep track of who had what.

It was injection carnage + overdose of aspirin.…
Read 10 tweets
"The Illuminati Jewish central bankers who control our economic, political, cultural and spiritual institutions... represents an occult imperial power at war with us... our institutions have been subverted." - NWO, Communism & the Kahal by Henry Makow, 2017 Image
Pornographer Al Goldstein (Jew) said before he died: "I give my very [explitive] best... What makes Al Goldstein? Al Goldstein’s a [explitive] legend. How many people legalized pornography? I mean [explitive] Fishbein is coasting, and Ron Jeremy is coasting. I changed the law." Image
Jacinta of Fatima: "The sins which cause the most souls to go to Hell are the sins of the flesh."…
Read 42 tweets
@ew_france Des documents révèlent que la « grippe espagnole » pourrait avoir été une expérience vaccinale militaire qui a mal tourné.
La pandémie n’était par grippale.
95% des décès ont été causés par une pneumonie bactérienne, et non par un virus de la grippe.
@ew_france Du 21 janvier au 4 juin 1918, un vaccin expérimental contre la méningite bactérienne cultivé sur des chevaux par l’Institut #Rockefeller a été injecté aux soldats à Fort Riley.
@ew_france Pendant le reste de l’année 1918, alors que ces soldats — vivant et voyageant souvent dans de mauvaises conditions sanitaires — étaient envoyés en Europe pour combattre, ils ont répandu la bactérie à chaque arrêt entre le Kansas et les tranchées de la ligne de front en France.
Read 7 tweets
@lladany @ClareCraigPath #ClimateChange = a corrupt & dangerous political agenda.

It was quite easy to trace the history + figure out the hidden agendas.

#ClubOfRome #EcoFascist #Malthusian #DepopulationCabal

Not friends of humanity.…
@lladany @ClareCraigPath This is what these #EcoFascist #Malthusian #Technocratic ideologists believe ::

The Earth can only support max one billion people under totalitarian control.

But their ‘modeling’ has also been proven wrong, over and over and over.

#ClubOfRome #ClimateChange
@lladany @ClareCraigPath #TedTurner is another one of these #EcoFascist #Malthusian #Globalist ideologists + part of #TheGoodClub = billionaires with bad intentions.

He’s repeatedly on-record wanting a global population of less than one billion people + #Monkeypox = #NTI.…
Read 10 tweets
L'Entità è diventata operativa grazie ad un partito fabiano al servizio della finanza speculativa circondato da media/propaganda e da una giustizia politicizzata compiacente, che permise l'eliminazione dei nostri Magistrati
Read 66 tweets
La Storia poteva andare diversamente se non avessero scelto di demonizzare la pianta più sacra. #ClimateEmergency
1. Un ettaro di canapa produce tanto ossigeno quanto 25 ettari di foresta.
2. Ripeto, un ettaro di canapa può produrre tanta carta quanto 4 ettari di bosco.>>
3. Mentre la canapa può essere trasformata in carta 8 volte, il legno può essere trasformato in carta 3 volte.
4. La canapa cresce in 4 mesi, l'albero in 20-50 anni.
5. Il fiore di canapa è una vera trappola per radiazioni. >>
6. La canapa può essere coltivata ovunque nel mondo e richiede pochissima acqua. Inoltre, poiché è in grado di difendersi dagli insetti, non necessita di pesticidi.
7. Se i tessuti di canapa si diffondessero, l'industria dei pesticidi potrebbe scomparire completamente.
Read 11 tweets
They double down, deny, obfuscate, demean and attack when they're wrong. They avoid any responsibility or accountability.

The #WHO Pandemic Treaty is the most dangerous threat to humanity because it will ensure there can be no responsibility or accountability.
Read 10 tweets
🦉: 👌 SPIRIT #Cooking 👇:

🦉: ¿Quieres aprender a preparar un ritual satánico como mi amiga Marina #Abramovic?. ¿Has oído algo sobre #spiritcooking?. Hoy voy a hablaros sobre el maravilloso Arte de una de mis Altas Sacerdotisas predilectas: la polémica #MarinaAbramovic 1⃣/2⃣5⃣.
🦉: 👌 SPIRIT #Cooking 👇:

🦉: El Arte culinario de Marina Abramović nos sumerge en una experiencia culinaria excepcional. Cada menú esta diseñado con una performance ritual única, cuidando hasta el más mínimo detalle de la presentación y la calidad del "producto". 👇2⃣/2⃣5⃣.
🦉: 👌 SPIRIT #Cooking 👇:

🦉: Marina Abramović propone un menú degustación compartido para grupos de mínimo tres comensales. Apuesta por "dejar hablar" al producto, y, evita el uso de cualquier tipo de especia, que adultere el sabor original de la "carne". 👇3⃣/2⃣5⃣.
Read 25 tweets
@FrontlineFree It’s vital to study #DARPA’s #neuroweapons + how they pioneered RNA vaccine technology + the 🦠 along with the CIA (#USAID) & EcoHealth Alliance.

Their stated 21st Century Battlefield = 🧠

#GeneTherapy as a weapon

@FrontlineFree Here’s a clip from the History Channel about #DARPA + their mind-control / gene editing tech.

And here’s the entire six minute clip ::

#TheFutureIsNow 🧠

@FrontlineFree It’s not sci-fi.

High-tech websites, studies, etc show they’ve been developing all this for decades for the #FourthIndustrialRevolution #4IR.

They’re serious about #HackingHumans with #nanotech #nanobots for many purposes, including the #InternetOfBodies #IoB + #neuroweapons.
Read 17 tweets
#NikolaTesla el nuevo ídolo de las masas ensalzado por Hollywood y el mainstream.
Si se quiere tener una perspectiva correcta y entender los porque del #NuevoOrdenMundial instaurado a partir del 2020 es obligado tener en cuenta la doctrina #Eugenesica desde #Malthus en adelante. Image
Tras la muerte de #CharlesDarwin en 1883, su primo Sir Francis #Galton denominó #EUGENESIA (del griego “buen origen” o “buen linaje”) a la disciplina encargada de la mejora biológica de la especie humana. Image
De esta manera irrumpe con fuerza el #eugenismo, movimiento político e ideológico que predica una mejora cualitativa y biológica de la población, frente a una posible mejora moral o cultural. Image
Read 13 tweets
Thread of short conspiracy theorist videos.

Starting with Rockefeller (pt 1)

Rockefeller (pt 2)
Rockefeller’s Club of Rome - Limits to Growth Co-author - Dennis Meadows

H/t: @jjcouey
Read 37 tweets

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