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Jun 19th 2023
According to @jphackworth42, the revenue of #JIT #MEV on #UniV3 has reached $7.3M as of Jun 8.….
The newly released spec of #UniV4 brings novel development to the field. Do you think JIT will become more frequent or less seen?
#UniV3's concentrated liquidity created Just-In-Time MEV bots that extract fees from LPs, with risks for passive providers. JIT involves 3 more txs, it's hard to read the detail steps inside these txs. Let's dissect on of these JIT πŸ€– and find out what's going on inside.
3️⃣ key transactions involved in a JIT trade: add liquidity, swap, and remove liquidity.
Let's take a look at the adding liquidity tx first.
Steps 0-1: The LP provider added $7.8M $USDC and 98 $WBTC as liquidity to a #UniV3 pool.
Read 25 tweets
Jun 19th 2023
πŸŽ₯ NEW VIDEO ALERT! We break down the intricate process of #DeFi #Liquidation in light of the recent market liquidation topping $163 million due to USDT short-time depeg.
Dive deep into the #crypto world with #EigenTx: 🌐 #Blockchain

πŸ”— Collateral and borrowing play a crucial role in liquidation. In the video, we illustrate this by borrowing TUSD against vBUSD collateral via #Venus.
Understanding this exchange is crucial to navigating the volatile crypto market: #Cryptocurrency

🎬 And this is just the tip of the iceberg!
Read 6 tweets

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