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Mar 19th 2021
1/4 #CliffNotes-#PlsRetweet
Suggested Cheat Sheet/Voting Guide4 #Austinites who WANT to #SAVEAUSTIN NOW!
#AustinCityCouncil ordered special elections & agreed on ballot language for eight propositions. #Elections will take place May 1, 2021. Choices: either For/Against.#share/#RT
Time act is NOW to #SaveAustin...pls #share/#RT in all platforms.
#GODBlessAustin #AustinStrong
Read 9 tweets
Mar 4th 2021
NEW survey from @NavigatorSurvey

The American Rescue Plan (+51)
Support: 71%
Oppose: 20%

The American Rescue Plan Among Independents (+51)
Support: 67%
Oppose: 16%

The American Rescue Plan Among Republicans (+8)
Support: 48%
Oppose: 40%… Image
@NavigatorSurvey .@NavigatorSurvey continued.

Americans trust Biden/Dems over the GOP

Combating the coronavirus pandemic
Biden/Dems: 56%
GOP: 30%

Improving health care
Biden/Dems: 53%
GOP: 31%

Reopen schools
Biden/Dems: 47%
GOP: 32%

More --> Image
@NavigatorSurvey Survey from @NavigatorSurvey (cont.)

Approval of Vaccine Rollout

Approve: 55%
***Was 39% on Feb 1

Disapprove: 34%
***Was 50% on Feb 1

#ElectionsHaveConsequences Image
Read 5 tweets
Aug 13th 2020

Now that the Democratic President-Vice President ticket is set, and Vice President Biden with Senator Harris are going to be the Democratic ticket on the November ballot, I figured now is a good time to remind everyone that:
1. You're not just voting for President.

2. You're voting to prevent a 7-2 dangerous conservative SCOTUS majority. Note: 87 year old Justice RBG is single-handedly fighting off all 10 plagues until we get rid of 45. This alone should be enough for historic turnout!
3. You're voting for the next Secretary of Education, Housing Secretary and Attorney General.

4. You are voting for the "down" ballot, as keep the House and to gain majority of the Senate in Congress.

5. You're voting for federal judges.
Read 13 tweets
Aug 13th 2020


Now that the Democratic President-Vice President ticket is set, and Vice President Biden with Senator Harris are going to be the Democratic ticket on the November ballot, I figured now is a good time to remind everyone that...+
1. You're not just voting for President.

2. You're voting to prevent a 7-2 dangerous conservative majority on the @Scotus. Note: 87 year old Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is fighting off all 10 plagues so she can hang on until we get rid of #45. This alone should be enough...+
3. You're voting for the next Secretary of Education, Housing Secretary and Attorney General. ALL OF THEM GOTTA GO!

4. You are voting for the "down" ballot, as keep the House and to gain majority of the Senate in Congress.

5. You're voting for federal judges...+
Read 14 tweets
Feb 5th 2019
THREAD: Trump has no regard for truth, & no sense of honor. To prepare for his inevitable gaslighting, deflection & BS at the #SOTU, it’s important to remember all the lies & empty promises. (Graphics from @amprog.)

1. Remember how Trump didn’t have anything to do with Russia?
2. Trump said he was headed to Washington to drain the swamp. Instead, he had overseen the single most corrupt administration in American history.
3. It’s laughable in retrospect that people fell for Trump’s promises that he would help the middle and working class. Trump has always sought wealth and power, and the #GOPTaxScam was a dream come true for him, his friends and his family.
Read 19 tweets
Dec 14th 2018
Giuliani:"Nobody was killed,Nobody was robbed." Tell Heather Heyer's Mom,Khashoggi's family,parent's of dead children at OUR Border & thousands dead in Yemen your lame excuse #ElectionsHaveConsequences #IncompetenceHasConsequences #ConspiracyAgainstTheUnitedStatesHasConsequences
Giuliani: "Nobody got killed, Nobody got robbed." Tell the families of Staff Sgt. Bryan C. Black, Staff Sgt. Dustin M. Wright, Staff Sgt. Jeremiah W. Johnson and Sgt. La David Johnson. Tell the father of Navy SEAL William "Ryan" Owens. #CorruptionKills #CorruptElectionsKill
Giuliani: "Nobody got killed, nobody got robbed." Tell the kids & families of #Parkland, LasVegas & #HomelandTerrorists victims. Tell AMERICANS in Puerto Rico whose loved ones died from Administration Incompetence, LACK of AVAILABLE water & medications. #ElectionsHaveConsequences
Read 11 tweets

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