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Jun 19th 2023
All #Americansabroad should listen to Steve Hayes of @FairTaxOfficial where he explains the #FAIRTax. Whether you agree or disagree he makes important points and many observations about the role taxation plays in America. Join movement 4 @FairTaxAbroad!
@FairTaxOfficial @FairTaxAbroad Current tax system is complex, incomprehensible, used to punish some and reward others and has expensive compliance and penalty costs. People don't and can't know how much tax they pay. Compliance costs are a "tax on tax". Here is a poster from the Washington, DC Metro (subway). Image
The #FairTax is a simple consumption based tax. Some describe it as a 30% tax on the purchase price. Others describe it as 23% of the total expenditure. If you spend $100 to purchase an item $77 would be the price and $23 tax. Or see it as $77 + 30% of $77 which totals $100.
Read 12 tweets
Jun 16th 2023
Lunch with Jim Bennett (@jbennettatty) of @FairTaxOfficial fame and his wife Christine in Toronto. Jim's visit sparked hope for #Fairtax(ation) in Canada AND USA. @FairTaxAbroad would completely end the US tax nightmare for #Americansabroad. Learn more at Image
Great podcasts with Jim Bennett (@jbennettatty) of @FairTaxOfficial. Learn how the #FairTax helps ALL Americans and expecially #Americansabroad in an #FBAR and #FATCA world!…
@jbennettatty @FairTaxOfficial To learn why the #FAIRTax if particularly helpful #Americansabroad see the following discussion…
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Oct 21st 2022
This morning’s rant will be about Prop 121, how important it is that #workingfamilies understand our role in #taxpolicy and fighting for #fairtax to reach #economicsecurity

CO’s flat income tax rate means the wealthy always pay less in taxes than me & probs you #copolitics
First of all, this is a great ballot guide if you care about economic security and recovery. @BellPolicy nerds out on this stud so we don’t have to. They have produced tons of data throughout the years to show us what it means to thrive or struggle in Denver, & CO.
First, it is a #VOTE NO on prop 121 ya’ll, let’s get into it:

This prop would lower income taxes across the board. But it isn’t what you think it is. We can’t afford to lower taxes, we have to make #fairtax possible by finding ways to make them #equitable
Read 12 tweets
Oct 27th 2020
finally got our votes in, Chicago. @trinattrill & i put it off, but it felt nice to hit YES on fair tax & NO on retaining Toomin (& more - see our guide below).

vote ASAP - the covid positivity rate here is steady rising past 7%, & once we get to 8%, more closures are imminent ImageImage
We are not hype about this election but we #votedanyway to #TossToomin & vote yes on a #FairTax

have you voted yet? In Chicago you can vote early at any location & vote at the same time. Need help deciding how to vote?

We made a cheat sheet to make it a little easier for ya! ImageImage
We did research, utilized @injusticewatch, @GoGoGadgetHoe, @BallotReady, & the Girl I Guess guide for Judges. It was TOUGH because there‘s not much public data! You know we’re #tosstoomin but here are a few others.

Some ppl are voting no on all judges which we also endorse. ImageImageImage
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Jul 5th 2019
Today I’m at the Fair Tax conference at @amnesty - all about getting more transparency in companies’ financial reporting, and ensuring businesses pay their fair share for public services they benefit from. I’ll share notes during day in this thread...
#FairTaxWeek @FairTaxMark
These are some of the businesses accredited for the @FairTaxMark - and I was very proud to see the @weareconvivio bench on this screen alongside Richer Sounds, Timpson, Lush, Coop and more...
The brilliantly plain-speaking CEO of the Fair Tax Mark, Paul Monaghan, is opening the conference. He says that the tax take is going up as a result of clampdowns in recent years, but approx £7bn of tax is still being lost to global companies shifting profits out of the UK...
Read 33 tweets
May 22nd 2019
Today I'm tweeting/publishing my social impact report as it relates to #GlobalGoal9: industry/innovation/infrastructure - watch out for the #AAimpact19 hashtag to see how I'm supporting the #GlobalGoals
last year, 49% of all my business travel was by public transport, bicycle, or foot - #AAimpact19
for the tax year 2018/9, 16% of all of my turnover as a business was paid in taxes - #AAimpact19 #FAIRtax #SDGs
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