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All Systems #GO (26) 17 + 27

48 Cardinals
John & Browning
John #MOSES Browning
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Robert Barrett Browning

Robert F Kennedy
John F Kennedy Jr #GEORGE

#BELLA !!!

Queen Elizabeth & all the royals stole my families identities!!

Diana knew !!
Read 19 tweets
The Card, Of All Cards.
The ONLY Card That matters, For All My Children !

So If Trump is playing the role of “Nobody”, acting out who “Nobody” is, with all Trumps Kids representing “Nobodys” kids who aren’t born yet but are here/have been here this whole time—
It was NEVER An actual
“Trump Card”, It’s God & Gods entire Family ! ...


College Ave + HOWell Ave = ZZ & 38

Zebra Zebra !!!
Billy Madison
Right before College = GRANGE

Time for the people to wake up.

‘In Plane View’ on LAYTON AVE
Charlottes WEBB, Caroline !!
.@taylorswift13, Caroline !

Charlotte Flare
The Nature Boy Father Hid his daughter protecting her KNOWING God would be coming for her hand in marriage . .
NOT talking about the actors, IRL Lives.

T & S (A)
S & Mathew 1-2
Read 30 tweets
All these other people claiming to be me, none of them can show what NEEDED to be shown for everyone to know the truth …
I literally risked my life daily NOT CARING showing WHY everything around me was built up the way it has been.. ALL BUILT UP by ones who KNEW 1 individual
Was going to be born, all of it SPECIFICALLY built up because it was known far in advance of how many would try to be me trying to mislead, very few would believe & spit on me ..

Every street name, every business, every street name correlates to what business is on the
Corner, it’s all A way of leaving truth hidden in plain sight & telling A story hidden in plain sight.

The symbol on the sign where I was born, is the same symbol on the neck of the JFK .50 cent pieces.
Every restaurant name, #GEORGE WEBBS, Final APPROACH (Has A plans on the
Read 22 tweets
Shock N Awe …
Cutter ..

-#Scarface / GF III / RAZOR #Scooter
-Step Brothers—Wine Mixer, finding A Happy Medium & playing music PITCH PERFECTly !
-Redeeming Love, Beauty & The Beast are no longer colliding—Same page. . (little m)
-Hancock - Hero Flying around
Saving Grace … #SMITH
- A League Of Their Own—Hanks For Playing …
- 17 Again, No one comes to me until they go through Him …
- Precious—Wings Of A Butterfly, In Bloom …
- The Five Year Engagement—It’sTime100 …
-My Girl—The 🐝BEES!! (BEE MOVIE) Enough Is Enough
The bees just needed A little SMOKE & MIRRORS, that’s it. Story line changes, the twist no one saw coming, Save Ferris/Saving Private Ryann …
- The PUNISHER—The Beginning
- The PUNISHER War Zone—The End

-#HOT FUZZ—From this point down, things get A little interesting ..
Read 11 tweets
#Australia🇦🇺: Thousands of lockdown protesters break police line in Melbourne.
#Australia🇦🇺: Thousands of lockdown protesters break police line in Melbourne.

#Australia🇦🇺: Thousands of lockdown protesters break police line in Melbourne.

Read 16 tweets
What are the commonalities among these three?
1. Marxist theory of surplus-value
2. Freudian theory of Libido, aka Id
3. Lévi-Strauss theory of Structural Anthropology
You must listen and try to decipher the CBC Massey Lectures delivered by #George #Steiner back in 1974 to answer the above tweet.
I have the greatest respect for this polyglot scholar par excellence.
So was Karl #Marx and his #Hegelian Materialistic #Dialectic that explained the economic history of social #evolution using scientific processes, a by-product of #Romanticism that had swept European Intellectual and Literary Circles?
Read 9 tweets
At dinner, I learned more about corruption + racism built into society by our masters. A book we discussed (Zinn) was used as part of this "Left" resource's bibliography. I had to share. [A thread]

@BlackSocialists - thoughts on this resource?
It very simply lays out the case that we are all being controlled. It covers hidden history of the United States including their (and, due to the systems created by our masters, our) racism. 

#racism #systemicracism #history
If you haven't been in school for a while (or are in a terrible school), some of the words might trip you up. and are two good resources to help you.
Read 39 tweets
Why would Kathy RUEMMLER be asked for records for a late September -early October meeting with Steele, Elias in [redacted]’s office?
RUEMMLER is Susan Rice’s lawyer. And George Nader’s. She was Obama’s WH Counsel after Robert Bauer left to go back to *Perkins Coie*. Her hero…Image
She left to go back to Latham & Watkins in July 2014. Taking many secrets with her. Image
Read 53 tweets

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