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Mar 2nd 2023
#Bitcoin is your retirement. 👇

Here's your guide to retire early and live stress free.

🧵 A thread.
1/ Some basic principles first:

1️⃣ #FIRE = Financial Independence / Retire Early

2️⃣ #FatFIRE = over $150k/year in income

3️⃣ The 4% rule = how much you can withdraw without running out of cash during retirement

But that's TradFI talk & we can do better. 🔥

Hello #Bitcoin 👇
2/ That 4% rule is smart, but you are smarter.

By the time you retire, one #BTC will be worth over $1 mil.

Buying it now, AT ANY PRICE, gives you a huge positive risk/reward.

It's 1 to 40. You can make 40x by investing $25k today.

Here's the secret - YOU NEVER SELL IT! 👇
Read 18 tweets
Dec 9th 2022
1/ If you’re a $GLP RealYieldooor & you’re not using a delta neutral strategy

Your gains are at risk. Unnecessarily.

Protocols now offer automated strategies to offset GLP’s inherent risks & the APRs are just as remunerative.

A 🧵 on how to earn risk-minimized #RealYield
2/ First, a recap of how $GLP works and why delta neutrality is a big deal.
3/ $GLP is @GMX_IO’s liquidity token. It is a basket of assets comprising 50% volatile assets ($BTC / $ETH / $LINK / $UNI) and 50% stablecoins. It acts as a counterparty to traders on #GMX.

If traders lose, $GLP stakers win. And vice versa.
Read 29 tweets
Nov 27th 2022
Hey #Arbinauts (💙,🧡) here comes part

2⃣ from our #ArbitrumAutumn 🍂 series: @GMDprotocol is a single asset yield optimizing and aggregating platform for USDC, ETH, BTC built on top of @GMX_IO $GLP

Protocol token $GMD is a potential lowcap 💎 (NFA, DYOR)
Project overview:

🕵️ Team is anon, builders: @gmdSaul, @GMD_Crimson

🪙 native token $GMD - MCAP ≈$5MM, FDV ≈$6.5MM…

🧐 Audited by @SolidityFinance 👇…

📈 Stats dashboard 👇 by courtesy of @defi_mochi…
TL;DR: How to earn yield with #GMD protocol?

✅ single asset vaults for USDC, ETH, BTC (live)
✅ single staking protocol native token $GMD (live)
⏱️ DAI vault on top of @GainsNetwork_io (upcoming)
⏱️ syntetic asset crosschain arbitrage strategies (upcoming)
Read 8 tweets
Jun 12th 2019
Le ministère de l’Intérieur commande en masse des munitions pour fusils d’assaut et des grenades de désencerclement. Qu’importe les mutilations à vie et blessures graves dont elles sont responsables ! Enquête sur ces étranges appels d’offres. Par @manhack…
La place Beauvau vient d’acheter 40 000 nouvelles #GMD à effet assourdissant, et de lancer un appel d’offres visant à acquérir, sur les 4 prochaines années, 25 millions de... cartouches de fusil d’assaut pour une valeur estimée à 11 millions d’euros.…
Cette banalisation des fusils d’assaut n’est pas sans poser problème. En juillet 2017, une note de l’Inspection générale de la police nationale (IGPN) faisait état de sa « réelle inquiétude » : « Les agents sont mal à l’aise avec ces armes. »…
Read 12 tweets

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