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Nov 23rd 2022
I haven't looked at the replies yet but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it's full of "look at his throwing technique, wind up, stance, and overall appearance. That's not a straight dude." Not even close. And my #Gaydar is usually broken but it's blaring right now.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 17th 2021
Hmm. Knowing a little about newspapers, it's quite possible David himself didn't write the headline and blurb - though the thrust of his review is clear, the direct reference to sex as a "social construct" is Joyce's quote: Image
I'm not so sure that isn't a #StrawMan; an extreme position being characterised as if it were the nub of the debate. I don't know, but can't imagine many would vehemently disagree with these commonly held definitions:

(Though I expect there are nuances.)
I first encountered grassroots #trans groups in the '00s when campaigning against @ukhomeoffice #IDcards & the #NationalIdentityRegister.

They were generous, tolerant & open - explaining to someone with no knowledge the many challenges of #transition, including living with an...
Read 10 tweets

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