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May 10th 2023
THREAD- US 1/Florida’s Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) subpoenaed the
@AmerAcadPeds, @wpath, @TheEndoSociety
& others to turn over docs that spell out their standards of care, what studies they used to support “gender-affirming care,” any considerations they cited of……
@AmerAcadPeds @wpath @TheEndoSociety "AHCA argued, 'Casting themselves in the underlying case as the standard bearers of the prevailing scientific view regarding gender dysphoria treatment … the non-parties now seek to shield their perspective from any scrutiny.'”
"The non-parties refuse to answer whether their perspective is the result of careful study and debate among their memberships or the result of a handful of people dictating a result.”
"Meanwhile, those same groups argue that the state should not be allowed to introduce testimony……
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Apr 29th 2023
Last talk of the @genspect conference by @LisaMarchiano 1/ #GenspectBiggerPicture
Difference between young people going to war, or getting a tattoo is that we never tell people that this will solve their problems. Detransitioners blame themselves, but @LisaMarchiano tells detransitioners that adults told them this would solve their problems. 2/
Talks about a woman who helped her daughter transition and then started to get dizzy and disorientated when out for walks - the result of her falsification of reality, says @LisaMarchiano 3/ #GenspectBiggerPicture
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Apr 29th 2023
Here's @elizamondegreen: Have to thank @EuropeanPATH because they closed out their conference by blasting the song "Don't stop believin'" lol - she says it would have been a great title for her talk. 1/ #GenspectBiggerPicture
Eliza will be talking about the internet (*the cause of, and solution to, all of our problems, to paraphrase Homer Simpson). 2/
She trawled and analysed Reddit communities set up for "trans" girls/women. She says there is a lot of helping to prep for the medical visits to make sure they get what they want. Doubt is not welcome. Same at @EuropeanPATH. 3/
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Apr 29th 2023
The @genspect talk on autogynephilia by @jburgo55 1/ #GenspectBiggerPicture
Recounts the story of "David" who grew up with alcoholic/hoarder parents. He grew up in madness. He was full of anxiety about fires, collapse, monsters. He was constantly alert. Spent his entire life trying to ward off disaster. He's full of what @jburgo55 calls "core shame" 2/
David felt repulsive and ugly, a dumpster kid. Was able to fit in with others by observing them closely. When he first started watching porn, he found that degradation attracted him most. Couldn't identify with the men in the videos. 3/
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Apr 29th 2023
The Lost Boys panel at @genspect moderated by @BenjaminABoyce. Corrina from @heterodorx asks the audience to shout out his pronouns. A chorus of HE/HIM and laughs. He talks about lack of male role models and the role it probs played in is transition 1/
He said he was lost. He wanted a way out. @marcuse99903226 says boys without fathers often can't find themselves, there is nobody to help mediate the relationship between him and his mother. @jburgo55 says messaging makes men out to be toxic. They feel bad about themselves. 2/
Escaping into a female identity is a way to escape shame about being predatory or other male tropes, @jburgo55 adds. I often point out to boys the ways that are masculine but who don't recognise as masculine. Vocation (work) helps, says Alasdair Gunn 3/
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Apr 29th 2023
Education: we have to resist the indoctrination of a generation, says @anliathluachra on the next @genspect panel. 1/
@iseult: let's not ban books! All parents should have the option to opt out of the national curriculum. @ColetteColfer, who teaches at university level, got an all-staff email presenting the uni's new progress pride badges that staff can wear to show how open they are (!) 2/
Yes, says @ColetteColfer, let's teach *about* gender identity - but not that everyone HAS a gender identity. Same with flat earth, creationism, says Estelle Birdy. I'm worried about morality-based teaching, and I have concerns about sex education 3/
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Apr 29th 2023
Here's @ColetteColfer who will demonstrate how gender ideology is like a religion. "Gender identity is real for people whether it exists or not." 1/#GenspectBiggerPicture
She talks about an article that she pitched to the Irish Times and it was accepted - but mysteriously never got published. She read a book by a man called A James Gregor on political religions in the 20th century - which are secular but have religious characteristics. 2/
Gregor says if claims are falsiifed, it won't lead to abandonment of the claims among adherents. Colfer lists all parallels between religions and trans ideology and all the main boxes are ticked. 3/ #GenspectBiggerPicture
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Apr 29th 2023
Laoise de Brun is talking about @TheCountessIE' strategy for challenging gender identity ideology which is deeply embedded in Irish institutions and culture. @genspect #GenspectBiggerPicture 1/
There are two court cases that started Ireland's journey to becoming one of the most captured "little countries" in this saga. Lydia Foy and Goodwin v UK. Back then it was all about names and markers on documents. Nothing to do with female-only spaces. 2/
It's very typically Irish: do nothing and then over-correct, says Laoise. New legislation was needed after the legal cases. An advisory group was set up and they advised going with the medical model (you can be trans if you've had your sex "reassigned".) 3/
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Apr 29th 2023
MC Sarah Holmes gets up to introduce next speaker @JuliaMasonMD1, and uses the opportunity to ask people watching the @genspect livestream to speak up. Say something. Don't wait any longer, she says. 1/#GenspectBiggerPicture
Julia Mason is one of the founders of @segm_ebm, the Society of medicine-based evidence. They are concerned that the current answer to gender distress is surgery and hormones. They have difficulty getting published, so they share directly with other professionals. 2/
A paediatrician, @JuliaMasonMD1 is here to talk about the broken chain of trust in medicine. "You have to trust that some has done the research," she says. But there's no evidence to back up the treatments currently doled out to gender distressed kids. 3/
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Apr 29th 2023
Panel discussion about how parents are being excluded from medical decisions about their children at @genspect, with @stellaomalley3 @drgypsy and @jburgo55. Very topical discussion considering what's going on in the US. #GenspectBiggerPicture 1/
Joe Burgo was treated with contempt by the medical profession with regards to his trans-identifying child. "We have handed it over to the children and the world at large to decide what's true." This feels very new to him, he says. 2/
The theme of the separation of parent from their child is happening via the medical professional driving a wedge between them, says @drgypsy. In her parents' support groups, they talk about how they can win back that right to parent our children. 3/ #GenspectBiggerPicture
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Apr 29th 2023
Heather Brunskell-Evans (@brunskellevans) is here to talk about "the transgender child" on @genspect day 3. She was in the academy in the 90s when queer theory emerged as dominant. Intersectional feminists called her a "biologicial essentialist", the "TERF" of its day 1/
I was first introduced to the transgender child in 2015 in a personal context, she says, when a friend's daughter who came out as a boy. The woman was petrified and ready to support her child in the lie, (because suicide) #GenspectBiggerPicture 2/
@brunskellevans wondered about the clinical-sounding gender dysphoria - I wasn't convinced that the transgender child had any real verifiable existence - rather that @wpath and GIDS and the activists were helping to shape and construct the child. 3/
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Apr 28th 2023
Lisa Littman is talking about her paper, that came out 5 years ago, in which she proposed ROGD. @genspect #GenspectBiggerPicture 1/
@LisaLittman1 got emails from therapists thanking her for her research, telling her they had witnessed ROGD in their own practice. But the research, she said, "touched a nerve." Knowing laughs break out in the room. 2/
There are different transition pathways, and this "bigger picture" is lost in conversations about gender dysphoria, says @LisaLittman1 3/
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Apr 28th 2023
Conversion therapy bans: @stellaomalley3 is going to talk about @genspect's reaction to a report on conversion therapy carried out by @tcddublin. These bans are very badly worded, she says - is it cluelessness or something else? 1/ #GenspectBiggerPicture
"My criticism of the conversion therapy bans is that they are useless. It doesn't happen." I know from my own research that this is the same in Belgium and France, too. 2/
She talks about post-modern conversion therapy. "They have changed the definition of conversion therapy to include gender identity and gender expression. They are conflating 3 things." 2/
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Apr 28th 2023
@genspect Alasdair Gunn takes the stage. Talks about how he met a bunch of parents of trans boys, about whom not much had been written at all, published about it in @Quillette. 1/
Alasdair was groomed online as a kid, which turned him into a paedophile hunter (a couple of men went to prison.) He started to wonder if "trans" boys were being groomed too. "Now," he says "they can just say 'gender'" #GenspectBiggerPicture 2/
He talks about his experience as a cancer patient. He goes to see his doctor, she asks about exercise, diet, friends. "She doesn't do that because she thinks I'm interesting - it's because she's treating me." 3/
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Apr 28th 2023
Panel with @cwknews @sueevansprotect and @stellaomalley3. A woman from the States asks Davies-Arai about book bans in her country. There is an instinct to ban the books - but getting rid of the books will not make these beliefs disappear. 1/
@cwknews: I think the answer is education because you won't put this genie back in the bottle. Provide alternatives, like @RooneyRachel's My Body Is Me. We need more books that challenge the idea you have to change your body. @Transgendertrd has another one in the pipeline. 2/
I'm glad nobody tried to take my pain away from me when I was growing up, says Davies-Arai. Clinical psychologist gets up and says yes, we need alternatives. But the UK institutions will just see alternatives as transphobic. 3/
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Apr 28th 2023
Here's @sueevansprotect at the @genspect event. "Listening yesterday reminded me about how complex we all are - we shouldn't apply definitive statements in this area." 1/

Starts talking about minds, babies and Freud stuff. Some people deal better with trauma, but we all have to learn that we don't always come first, to separate from our carers, and deal with it. That makes healthy minds. 2/
She said the kids coming to GIDS (Tavistock) reminded her of the adolescents she saw who had anorexia, other mental health disorders. Some of them had "cut themselves off", like "something has been gotten rid of." There was a deadness about them - monosyllabic answers. 3/
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Apr 28th 2023
Stephanie Davies-Arai (@cwknews) next up at @genspect conference. She wants to talk about the concept of "trans kids". Shows an old pic of two tomboys dressed in typical boy clothes. What happened to these 2 girls? 1/
The picture was her and her sister. She struggled against puberty and womanhood - or more precisely, she was struggling against what society told her a woman was in a sexist 70s culture.

"I want to know what has changed." 2/
The cultural landscape for girls has gotten so intense - Instagram, with its impossible standards, violent and degrading porn on smartphones... and gender identity is being taught in schools as fact. 3/
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Apr 28th 2023
Yikes. "Do you think puberty blockers should ever be used in children?" This is the question for the panel made up of Michael Biggs, @TwisterFilm @ZUCKERKJ @stellaomalley3 1/
Michael Bigss mentions the cowboys of @GenderGP who are selling these drugs online anyway. He calls for proper randomised controlled clinical trials. 2/
Zucker mentions some obscure journal from aeons ago that says psychotherapeutic interventions are useless in the face of transsexualism - which is why drugs were considered. The kids Zucker saw in his Toronto clinic - he says hormones were the best they could do. 3/
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Apr 28th 2023
New thread for @ZUCKERKJ at @genspect #GenspectBiggerPicture. Really starting to feel like a medical congress now. 1/
Zucker talking about why and how gender identity disorder got into the DSM-3. 2/
Key reasons why kids were turning up at his Toronto clinic back in the day:
Feelings of dysphoria
Social ostracism
Mental health probs
Family dynamics
Parents worried about kid being gay 3/
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Apr 28th 2023
Welcome to @genspect conference Day 2. Michael Biggs, (@stellaomalley3’s “personal hero”) is up first. He’s well known for revealing to the world the shoddy research upon which paediatric gender medicine is based. 1/
He will be followed by @ZUCKERKJ @cwknews and @sueevansprotect. It’s going to be an intense, expert-y morning. Everyone is in fine form. Me and @anliathluachra couldn’t find a corkscrew in our AirBnb last night so we went to bed early. Feeling very happy about that right now! 2/
Michael Biggs starts with an anecdote from the US trans medicine wars: someone said forcing a gender-non conforming child to go through a natural puberty is "a form of torture", says "trans kids" is a recent phenomenon - "not to say we don't have cross-gender behaviour 3/
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Apr 27th 2023
Detransitioners at @genspect conference w/ Jet London @funkgodartist Michelle Alleva @TullipR, Camille Kiefel, @helenakerschner, moderated by @BenjaminABoyce. The panellists start by taking us through the timeline of diagnoses, hormones, and surgeries 1/
@TullipR talks about getting lovebombed as a detransitioner. He worries about trans-identifying people who want to detransition - he talks about going public being a really bad way to deal with the trauma he's been through. 2/
Detrans is more psychological, emotional and even spiritual than it is physical, says @funkgodartist. "Transition is a maladaptive coping mechanism. She agrees "detransition" is not an ideal word - thinks of herself more of a medical trauma survivor. 3/
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Apr 27th 2023
Panel: what if they're gay and not trans? at @genspect conference in Killarney

Featuring @iseult @TullipR Alasdair Gunn Jet London @TwisterFilm and @BenjaminABoyce 1/
There is a lot of aggressiveness and discrimination towards butch lesbians, says @iseult. @TwisterFilm says as was a camp little boy, he would have been "fast-tracked" to gender transition if he grew up now.2/
There is bullying going on now, but it's bonkers organisations that go into schools, and they "trap" gender non-conforming kids into gender ideology, says @TwisterFilm. @AllianceLGB counters this. 3/
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Apr 27th 2023
LIVE TWEETING THREAD- Genspect's Bigger Picture conference, Killarney Ireland, DAY 1- Thurs, April 27, 2023. #GenspectBiggerPicture. #BeyondWPATH #TimesUpWPATH… Image
The fabulous Alasdair Gunn (aka "Angus") welcomes the crowd & introduces his best friend- our brilliant Director, @stellaomalley3
. @stellaomalley3 describes the critical need to lift the voices of families & individuals being harmed by "gender-affirming care" & gender ideology---& the poor evidence behind @wpath's "standards of care". We're here to promote civil, honest discussion, disagreement & debate in……
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Apr 27th 2023
Welcome to @genspect's pretty ground-breaking gathering of experts, activists and some of the transgender cult's most well-known casualties. Not far from here, @wpath, the public relations body of the cult, is holding its own gathering. 1/
#GenspectBiggerPicture Image
@wpath, in their latest guidelines, not only removed the section on ethics - they also added a section on eunuchs. It is not a respectable organisation. 2/
Alisdair Gunn talks about how Genspect's rival conference in this lost corner of Ireland came about: over a chat in a cafe with @stellaomalley3. It seemed unlikely to be a success, but the reaction (and the crowd) says otherwise. 3/
Read 30 tweets

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