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'Is there a chance of compromise?': Gujarat High Court orally remarks in the plea filed by the father of a Rape Survivor Minor seeking termination of her 29-week pregnancy.

HC directs for the production of the POCSO accused from the Jail to explore 'possibilities'.

#GujaratHC… Image
When the counsel for the State pointed out that the last time something was said by the Court (#Manusmriti remark) in good faith was taken otherwise.

Justice Samir J. Dave: Judge must be like 'sthita prajña' as per Bhagavad Gita. Praise or criticism should be ignored.…
Justice Samir J. Dave: "If the accused is behind the bar, let me call and ask him. Let me ascertain from him. As of now, I am not disclosing what is there in my mind. There are many government schemes."

Read 6 tweets
#GujaratHighCourt beings hearing the criminal revision plea filed by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi (@RahulGandhi) seeking a stay on his conviction in the defamation case over his remark “why all thieves share the Modi surname” made during a political campaign in 2019. Image
Senior Advocate Nirupam Nanavaty appears for Complainant-Purnesh Modi before the bench of Justice Hemant M. Prachchhak. #GujaratHighCourt #DefamationCase #RahulGandhi #Defamation #ModiSurname…
In the earlier hearing of the case, Senior Advocate Abhishek Singhvi (@DrAMSinghvi) appeared on behalf of Rahul Gandhi.

The details of his arguments could be read here:

#DefamationCase #GujaratHighCourt #DefamationCase #RahulGandhi #ModiSurname……
Read 44 tweets
Gujarat High Court begins hearing the plea of Congress Rahul Gandhi seeking stay on his conviction and jail term imposed on him by a Surat Court for his "All thieves have Modi surname" remark.


#RahulGandhi #GujaratHighCourt #DefamationCase #ModiSurname Image
Justice Hemant Prachchhak orders trial court to place before him the original "Record and Proceedings" of the case.
"I will conclude the hearings today or mostly day after tomorrow. Then, I will not be available here in India as I have to go out on May 4," Justice Prachchhak.……
Senior Advocate Nirupam Nanavati for complainant Purnesh Modi makes submissions.

Modi: The Court has to consider the seriousness of the offence and what is its impact on the victim and the society at large.
One who is convicted and ordered to suffer sentence of 2 years or……
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#GujaratHighCourt to shortly hear plea moved by Congress leader #RahulGandhi challenging the decision of the Sessions Court rejecting his plea for stay on his conviction in #DefamationCase over his #ModiSurname remark Image
Justice Hemant Prachchhak presiding the bench.
#RahulGandhi #DefamationCase #GujaratHighCourt
Hearing begins.

Justice Prachchhak: Before passing any order, I will go through the original records of the matter also. I will not be available here in India as I have to go out on May 4. I will be unable to pass any orders before that. After hearing all the parties, I will……
Read 36 tweets
Gujarat High Court beings hearing the criminal revision plea filed by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi (@RahulGandhi) seeking a stay on his conviction in the defamation case over his remark “why all thieves share the Modi surname” made during a political campaign in 2019. Image
Senior Advocate Abhishek Singhvi (@DrAMSinghvi) appears for Rahul Gandhi before the bench of Justice Hemant M. Prachchhak.

Senior Advocate Abhishek Singhvi (@DrAMSinghvi): The alleged offence is neither serious nor involves moral turpitude and hence, the conviction should be suspended.

#GujaratHighCourt #DefamationCase #RahulGandhi
Read 77 tweets
The Gujarat High Court would shortly begin hearing the criminal revision application filed by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi seeking to suspend his conviction and two years jail term imposed on him by a Surat Court for his "All thieves have Modi surname" remark.… Image
Single-judge Justice Hemant Prachchhak to hear the matter shortly.
It is listed as item 7.

#RahulGandhi #GujaratHighCourt #defamationcase #modisurname
Senior Advocate Abhishek Manu Singhvi appears for Rahul Gandhi.

Singhvi: The offence is neither of serious nature nor of moral turpitude, which are two tests for denying, in a relevant case, to suspend conviction.

#RahulGandhi #defamationcase #GujaratHighCourt #modisurname
Read 57 tweets
Justice Gita Gopi of the Gujarat High Court voices concern over how advocates treat poor litigants in the State and especially in Ahmedabad.

J Gopi: I am happy that now foreign lawyers are coming to India. At least they will treat litigants better.

J Gopi: I have seen this practice especially in Ahmedabad... poor litigants come from far off places but they aren't treated well by advocates. Forget tea, coffee they aren't even called inside the chambers of the lawyers. But now situation will change.

J Gopi: With lawyers from other countries coming to India, now there will be a huge competition for you all (Indian Advocates). Then I am sure, you will call litigants to your offices, offer not only tea but even food. You will do much more things due to the competitions……
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Justice Gita Gopi: Here, the lawyers don't even call litigants to their chambers. Now, Foreign lawyers are going to come to India, and you all (referring to advocates present in courts) are going to get tough competition.
"Let's see how do treat litigants after that...The foreign lawyers will at least serve tea, and coffee to the litigants, and at least corporate culture will be there...I want to see what you do then (laughs)": Justice Gita Gopi

"Remember, one who is a farmer, his clothes look dirty. The cloth of the garage worker looks stained with oil...Never judge a person by the clothes he wears": Justice Gita Gopi

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Gujarat High Court reserves orders in a petition by Gujarat University challenging direction to furnish copies of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's degree certificate to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal

#NarendraModi @PMOIndia @ArvindKejriwal #GujaratHighCourt
Solicitor General Tushar Mehta for the University argued before bench of Justice Biren Vaishnav.

SG: There is nothing to hide as the degree is there in public domain, on social media etc. But we cannot be compelled to disclose the information.

SG: We cannot be asked to furnish the information to satisfy someone's childish and irresponsible curiousity. Also, it should be noted that the info sought has nothing to do with his (Narendra Modi's) role as a public figure.
@PMOIndia @ArvindKejriwal

Read 18 tweets
Gujarat High Court questions Surat Municipal Corporation for its "efficiency" since till Monday the civic body had sealed only 63 shops selling meat without proper licence and in unhygienic conditions. But today, the number has rose to 570 plus shops.

Bench led by Chief Justice Aravind Kumar asks the civic body "how it became so much efficient overnight?"

CJ: How is it possible? We will ask District Legal Service Authority to visit the shops and cross check the data.

Ordered accordingly.

Bench has asked State to clarify if it has constituted District Slaughter House Committees to oversee if slaughtering of animals is being done as per law across Gujarat.

Meanwhile, Sr Adv Percy Kavina for some licenced shop owners urge the bench to make them a party to the PIL.
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Gujarat High Court pulls up State government for "slow peddling" against the illegal meat shops in various cities, especially Ahmedabad and Surat.

Bench of Chief Justice Ashutosh Kumar and Justice Ashutosh J Shastri expressed displeasure over State's "action taken" report.
Bench is not satisfied with the manner in which action is taken in Ahmedabad. It notes that of 29 shops running without licences, only 15 have been sealed.

CJ: What about the rest? Are you not serious about this issue? Do you know the consequences?

CJ: We are concerned even if a single shop is running without licence. Food poisoning would take place at any shops. Do you know the consequences of this? Large number of people can fall ill. Who shall be made responsible?

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Gujarat High Court is hearing a suo motu PIL pertaining to the tragic incident of the collapse of Julto Pul (Morbi bridge) in which over 135 people lost their lives.

Advocate General Kamal Trivedi for State has furnished an affidavit.

AG: In all 63 bridges in the State need minor and major repairs. Over 27 bridges have been repaired and some 36 plus bridges are yet to be repaired.

Amicus is asked to make submissions.

Amicus: There was a query by this court as to how the private contractor allowed to use the bridge despite there being no approval by the General Board, Morbi Nagar Palika. Till now no proper answer is given.

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Gujarat High Court is hearing a PIL seeking to stop supply of poultry birds to meat shops because they are being slaughtered in the meat shops itself and aren't being sent to slaughter houses.

#GujaratHighCourt Image
CJ Aravind Kumar: Birds need not be sent to slaughter house.

Adv refers to Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act and says it provisions define 'What is an animal'

CJ: Is Hen an animal? In the matter of chicken, how do you distinguish, which is a good chicken and which one is bad? Please tell us.

Adv: In poultry farm, broiler is specifically bifurcated for slaughtering to be consumed as meat.

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Gujarat High Court expresses displeasure over an "ejectment suit" pending before a civil court in Rajkot for nearly 30 years.

"This isn't how an ejectment suit can be kept pending. People will lose confidence in courts," Chief Justice Aravind Kumar remarked.

#GujaratHighCourt Image
Adv Moon Shah appearing in the matter informs the Bench that several matters are pending before various civil courts for 30 years and beyond.

Shah: The problem is with the system.

CJ: Not the system. It is with the person, who manages the system. Suppose in a case... adv seeks adjournment fir cross-examination the judge can give time but if adv seeks adjournment on 10 occassions, the judge here must impose heavy costs.

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Gujarat High Court is hearing suo motu PIL taken up over the sudden collapse of 'Julto Pul' alias Morbi Bridge, which took place on October 30.
Over 135 citizens have died in the incident and 100s were left injured.

#MorbiTragedy Image
Additional Solicitor General Devang Vyas appears for Morbi Nagarpalika.

Advocate General Kamal Trivedi and Senior Adv Manisha Lavkumar represents the State.

ASG Devang Vyas submitted some affidavit filed as per previous orders. He is reading out the report.

AG Kamal Trivedi is reading out from the State's affidavit.

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Gujarat High Court to shortly hear suo motu PIL pertaining the tragic incident of Morbi bridge collapse, in which over 135 people died.

Bench of Chief Justice Aravind Kumar and Justice Ashutosh J Shastri had last week ordered the State govt to place on record the entire agreement between Morbi Nagar Palika and private contractor for upkeep of the bridge.

In the previous hearing, the bench had sought to know how the private contractor was allowed to operate the bridge without renewing the agreement.

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Gujarat High Court is hearing a PIL seeking implementation of the nod given by the Governor for making Gujarati, an additional language of the Court Proceedings.

Bench of Chief Justice Aravind Kumar and Justice Ashutosh J Shastri is hearing the matter.

Senior Adv Asim Pandya for the petitioner points out that the State Assembly had passed a resolution to this effect, which was forwarded to the Governor through thr Council of Ministers.

Pandya: It is basically the will of Indians through their chosen representatives. Ours is a democratic country and in this matter, when the Governor has passed orders, there is no role to be played by the Supreme Court or thr High Court even on administrative side.
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Effect of Gujarat High Court Advocates' Association's decision to abstain from work to protest Justice Nikhil Kariel's proposed transfer could be seen in Gujarat High Court today, with most courtrooms wearing a deserted look
Chief Justice's court hall is empty

#GujaratHighCourt Image
Justice Niral Mehta's courtroom, which is usually jam-packed, has no attendees today.

#LawyersOnStrike Image
Justice Vaibhavi Nanavati's court hall also remains empty

#LawyersOnStrike Image
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Just hours after our report on transfer of Justice Nikhil Kariel to Patna High Court, hundreds of advocates opposing the move, gather in the court hall of Chief Justice Aravind Kumar, Gujarat High Court.

CJ Kumar: Why has the bar gathered in this court hall?

A Senior Adv: With transfer of J Kariel, there has been a death of independence of judiciary. We are here to observe two minutes silence for the same.

#GujaratHighCourt #JudgeTransfer
CJ Kumar: Where did you get the notification?

Sr Adv: We saw it on Bar & Bench. So, we are here.

CJ Kumar seeks a copy of the same.

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Gujarat High Court to shortly hear suo motu PIL with regards to Morbi bridge collapse. It will hear Morbi Municipal Corporation today as the civic body did not appear before the court on Tuesday, when the matter was heard.

#MorbiBridgeTragedy Image
A bench of Chief Justice Aravind Kumar and Justice Ashutosh J Shastri had posed certain questions to the Gujarat government on Tuesday.

Matter called out.
Counsel for Morbi civic body informs that notice was served to it on November 9 but the civic body is being looked after the deputy collector, who is also on election duty. He couldn't decide which advocate should appear.

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Gujarat High Court bench of Chief Justice Aravind Kumar and Justice Ashutosh J Shastri is hearing a PIL pertaining to stray cattle menace in major cities and towns in the State. Image
Pursuant to orders passed on Monday, the DGP, Commissioner of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation and other officials are present in court.
State represented by Advocate General Kamal Trivedi and Government Pleader Manisha Lavkumar Shah.

Bench hands over copy of a newspaper, which has photographs of stray cattle across major cities in the State.

CJ: Mr AG, we are very very disturbed to see all this.

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Gujarat High Court hears a contempt petition filed by a practicing advocate who claims to have been illegally detained for almost 21 hours due to a previous grudge held by a police officer.

Chief Justice to State: We want that Station House Diary of that day to be handed over to the jurisdictional magistrate within one hour.

Chief Justice: This is something serious, we want to examine.

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Gujarat High Court to hear the demerger and amalgamation of Adani Enterprises concerning Adani Ports, Adani Transmission and other companies.

Bench headed by CJ Aravind Kumar and Justices Shastri and Nisha Thakore.
@gautam_adani @AdaniOnline #AdaniPower Image
Senior Advocate Mihir Joshi begins his arguments for Adani.

CJ: In Gujarat, there is no practice of hearing special matters on Saturday? Full bench is sitting and i want to finish these hearings.

MJ: No, I dont want to be the first to volunteer!

This matter to be heard in detail on March 21st.

Mihir Joshi begins to brief the court on facts.

#GujaratHighCourt @AdaniOnline @gautam_adani
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Gujarat High Court:

Do you want the Court to monitor whether pipe is laid, dambar is put etc?

Gujarat High Court hears a matter on compliance of the High Court order on roads in Ahmedabad.

Senior Advocate Mihir Joshi appears for Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation.

Amit Panchal for Petitioners.

#GujaratHighCourt had given directions on roads maintenance, procedure for utilities for digging up roads and covering up.
Gujarat High Court - there is compliance, but there is no effective compliance on the roads maintenance.

Joshi - there are 26,000 potholes. We continue to fix.

HC: Is there a policy, choose a pothole, take a picture and send it to a number

#GujaratHighCourt #Ahmedabadroads
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