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Oct 5th 2020
We will be kicking off the panel on #Yemen with Non-Resident Fellow @maysaashujaa and Senior Researcher @AbdulGhani1959, moderated by @uOttawaCIPS Associate Prof @thomasjuneau in 5 minutes.

Watch this space as we will be live tweeting the event here.
.@thomasjuneau: Welcome everybody. This is third event on Yemen organized by @uOttawaCIPS in three years. This year, we have @maysaashujaa as a speaker and @AbdulGhani1959 a senior researcher at the Sana'a Center with over 30 years of experience on #Yemen.
The format for today is each speaker will present 10-15 minutes, then we will open the floor for a Q&A presented by @thomasjuneau.
Read 53 tweets
Sep 25th 2019
27. Holocaust in Yemen caused by US, France, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAEmirates, Israel, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Sudan, Qatar, Morocco, Canada, Australia, Germany
#Yemen #CrimesAgainstHumanity #WarCrime #Holocaust #YemenCantWait #YemenHolocaust #WorldHypocrisy
1-20. Holocaust in Yemen caused by US, France, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAEmirates, Israel, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Sudan, Qatar, Morocco, Canada, Australia, Germany 🤨👇🏼…
21. Holocaust in Yemen caused by US, France, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAEmirates, Israel, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Sudan, Qatar, Morocco, Canada, Australia, Germany 🤨👇🏼…
Read 224 tweets
Aug 6th 2019
1. While many foreign observers praised @Rob_Malley's op-ed in @nytimes, anyone who KNOWS Yemen will find it one-sided. The op-ed does a gross disservice to #Yemen despite good intentions.

At times I thought the op-ed was either naive or deliberately misleading. Here's why:
2. @Rob_Malley gives a narrow view of #Yemen's conflict and re-hashes #Houthis' narrative when he limits the conflict as "#KSA vs. Houthi". He is not inaccurate per se but deliberately selective, ignoring Houthis' overthrow of UN-backed government as a root cause of conflict.
3. For a Conflict group to overlook the root cause of the conflict is to ignore the ABC of policy analysis. #Houthis wanted a monopoly of power in #Yemen and chose violence to do it, committing war crimes during the five past years. Mr.Malley doesn't show opposition against them.
Read 22 tweets

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