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Jul 18th 2022
India’s richest woman #SavitriJindal’s net worth ballooned by $12 billion in just two years…

By @VaamanaaSethi
Matriarch of #JindalSteel, who took over her husband’s throne after his death in a helicopter crash in 2005, has seen her fortune rise by at least $12 billion in two years.

As of July 18, her net worth stands at $10.5 billion, as per Bloomberg Billionaire index.

#SavitriJindal Image
#SavitriJindal's net worth has more than tripled to $17.7 billion in 2022, from $4.8 billion in 2020. However, 2019 and 2020 weren’t good, as her net worth declined by almost 50% from $8.8 billion in 2018 to $5.9 billion in 2019 to $4.8 billion in 2020. Image
Read 7 tweets
Apr 21st 2022
Bench is hearing a matter of Jindal Steel vs CBI

Counsel: Office report says ... (Not clear) notice not issued to other respondents.
Counsel: These were proforma respondents

Counsel for respondents: They are entitled to, they have no objection

Counsel: No reason for other matter even be here.
Bench: Connected to the other matter or not?

Counsel: Charges framed in item 18. In this, May 2017, CBI framed certain aspects which were already enquired into and nothing was found. Magistrate interpreted your order saying no bar on further charges/investigations.
Read 7 tweets
Nov 27th 2020
Approves for 10 sectors On Nov 11
Pharma,Auto,Auto components Telecom,Advanced chemistry cell battery,textile,food products,solar modules,white goods,speciality steel

Aim - make India mfts globally competitive,enhance scale,increase exports,attract investment
Pli scheme aimed to reduce dependence on China,give incentive on products mftd in India, increase employment by focusing on labor intensive industries like mobile equipment,#pharma,medical devices
In March #goi made 53 drugs eligible for pli worth 6940cr ,benefit 136 mftg units
14000 cr package incentivise #API production & medical devices mfg
3240 cr to promote medical devices mft
Pli for electronics & mobiles,incentives of 4-6% to mft mobiles & other electrical components such as transistors,diodes,resistors etc
#Telecom #mobile #Nifty #sensex
Read 10 tweets
Sep 14th 2020
Stocks for 15/09/20 Intraday


Based on NR7, Volume and Volatility concepts
Results of the Day : 4/10 Stocks gave tradeable moves

1/4 : #LUPIN : PROFIT : +1.6R

Price was consolidating below resistance. It broke in the first 5 mins with Volume and strong Closing. I took the trade this early because of these reasons ImageImage

Price was below HTF resistance and had been rejected by it before multiple times. The day started with good volumes and strong candles. However, it once again got rejected by same resistance zone Image
Read 5 tweets

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