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Jun 29th 2020
1-A lot of people sometimes contact me – for what is perhaps unique to #India!

They call it #HoroscopeMatching.

And it is undertaken mostly just before the marriage season commences – around the end of #October. (1/29)

2-Over the years I have gathered a certain little understanding about this beautiful aspect of #Vedic #Astrology

And today, we shall dwell a little on it (2/29)

3-Though, our #Scriptures have a very clear and definitive commentary on this aspect,

..I have found the works of Hart De Fouw particularly helpful for a #Learner.

Here is a #simplified version of the understanding. (3/29)

Read 29 tweets
Apr 22nd 2020
A small thread on #death from the view of #Jyotisha
But to set the tone of the discussion, let me first start with my old blog “A Rudraksha in London”…
#Death is not something most people see or experience too often in their lifetime.
#Death changes people, mostly temporarily, sometimes permanently.

Most people as a generalisation aren’t aware what death is... and therefore their experience of what life “should” be is limited.
In #Jyotisha the 8th house, traditionally considered a #Dusthana rules #Death.
In my first book on Jyotish, written 20 years ago, published 15 years back, I wrote that typically the 8th house is not good except for certain people.. doctors being one category.
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