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May 14th 2021
Since India Open unfortunately had to be cancelled, I decided to spend 133 minutes in the company of #Saina, #Kashyap, #Rajan 🥴 and #Carla #Martinez 😳 😳 on Amazon Prime. Image
2./… well I’m not a big connoisseur of Indian movies - this is my first - but I found it strange that the honourable mentions started the movie 😁 0:00 - 3:30. I got the feeling that maybe the director didn’t believe I’d make it to the end, and decided to slide it in early 😂😂
3./…. Apart from that, I was entertained, curious to see how the story would unfold. I was also very aware that it was in fact a movie with a (world no. 1) storyline. Obviously the badminton parts were not so strong, when you’re used to being in that environment.
Read 3 tweets
Dec 1st 2020
#Thread (2/3) on what Francois Bernier (1620-1688 CE), French physician, who was in service of Dara Shikoh & Aurangzeb, writes about the foundation of Kashmir as per Nilamat Purana, about its enchanting beauty & his visit to a temple dedicated to Sun God in Kashmir :-
According to Francois Bernier, like any other visitor earlier,

“Kashmir surpasses in beauty all that my warm imagination had anticipated.”
Read 46 tweets
Nov 30th 2020
#Thread (1/2) on what different foreign travelers, monks, missionaries etc recorded about Kashmir, the paradise on Earth since ancient times.
#History #KashyapkaKashmir #India #Bharat #Kashmir #Kaseer #Kashyap
1a)Hieun Tsiang (Yuan Chwang), (602-664 CE), the Chinese traveller, says the following about the natural produces from Kashmir :-
“....The flowers and plants, the fruits and trees are of different kinds, and have distinct names. It would be difficult to enumerate all the kinds of fruit…
Read 38 tweets

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