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Dec 11th 2020
1/ $AXXA Although the #Tweet front is #quiet, $AXXA has been working on yet another #NewDeal for several months which would expand our range of #TechnologyPlatforms.

#BigPicture: #Platforms are key to $AXXA ‘s #RevenueGrowth and #AssetDiversification #strategies.
2/ $AXXA ‘s management team seeks to acquire technologies that can be #repurposed in order to generate new revenue streams. Repurposed #technology may not even be used in the same #sector or #market it was originally developed for.
3/ #AXXAInvest was one example:…

$AXXA combined its #CurrencyExchange, #AI, and #Blockchain technologies, into one new #SoftwarePlatform $AXXA
Read 8 tweets
May 15th 2020
On 5/13, #SBA provided some relief for #smallbiz concerned with possible SBA audits, particularly related to “economic need” certifications and the “good faith” safe harbor. But, #PPP loan recipients did not receive a full reprieve from all challenges.…
Despite the grace for “economic need” certifications, #SBA audits and post-hoc reviews still present significant risks for borrowers and even lenders, regardless of the #PPP loan amount.
Borrowers of less than $2 million should still prepare for potential #SBA audits and post-hoc reviews, particularly if they apply for #PPP loan #forgiveness. These reviews will likely require borrowers to substaniate size, #affiliations, #NAICS code, and even #creditworthiness.
Read 5 tweets

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