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Sep 29th 2022
This time around, The People will start to #TRUST & do whatever it takes to make it all stop …

The people have the power to make all of it stop this second & eventually mostly everyone will start publicly saying what could have been said A long time ago which makes it all stop.
Until that day comes where the words are spoken that makes it all stop, continue to Pray for those affected by these Storms—May they find their way to the light house, Shelter & Property awaits …
There’s enough Gold waiting to be given to every single family in the world, ALL are going to be given back what has been stolen from them & their ancestors, enough to prosper BILLIONS of lives all around the world for many generations to come.

None of this has ever been about
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Aug 10th 2021
Mini Thread...
My chores at work are done until the things I have to do after 7am need to be done. I found myself unable to wait until I got to the shop, so grabbed my guitar out of the car and sat down to reunite myself with an old friend. Sobbed uncontrollably!
It feels like a hole in my heart has been healed. ❤️🥰😍
The kind man who did this amazing thing for me would not take payment. He asked only 1 thing, that I play a couple of hymns at his funeral with a couple of musician friends of his, because he's played that guitar...
since he bought it from me, until he played it one last time yesterday when he played for me.

Oh boy! I'm an emotional mess. It will be an honor to play for him. I have much work to do, don't know how much longer he has, and I am beyond rusty in my skills.

Read 4 tweets
Nov 9th 2020
Update 11/8: I think it is safe to say that what we're doing in #Utah isn't working to slow the #covid #pandemic. We saw 2,300 more cases today. Sunday is a slower day for new cases and Thursdays are typically 70% greater = ~4000 cases this Thursday. Charts to follow:
#COVID19 cases by age range/100K population shows 15-24 have the highest rate and 85+ experiencing an worrisome increase. #UTPOL @UtahCoronavirus @UtahDepOfHealth
Positive cases/100 tests is now above 20%. That's 1/5 tests completed have a positive result. #wearamask #physicaldistance #WashYourHands @DrAngelaCDunn
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